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Friday Squid Blogging: Cannibal Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Cannibal Squid

The Gonatus squid eats its own kind. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

More Data Changes Decision Making
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Data Changes Decision Making

Good thoughts about who is in control, and how. Will this be solved by more autonomy of the organization to react to changes in data? How the Big Data Explosion...

Professional Networking
From The Noisy Channel

Professional Networking

I’m a strong believer in professional networking, as you may have guessed from my long-term obsession with LinkedIn. Continue reading on »

IBM Releases Dataworks
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Releases Dataworks

And IBM makes a play with linking enterprise data and data science.  Very important, especially for ongoing applications, to have process, data and analytical methods...

SC16 Tutorial to Focus on Node-Level Performance Engineering
From insideHPC

SC16 Tutorial to Focus on Node-Level Performance Engineering

Sure, your code seems fast, but how do you know if you are leaving potential performance on the table? Recognized HPC experts Georg Hager and Gerhard Wellein will...

Microsoft Can Leverage AI and Skill Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Can Leverage AI and Skill Networks

Microsoft continues the move towards more democratized AI.   Certainly from their efforts like Cortana, but don't forget the proposed acquisition of Linkedin and...

Supermicro Rolls Out New Servers with Tesla P100 GPUs
From insideHPC

Supermicro Rolls Out New Servers with Tesla P100 GPUs

"Our high-performance computing solutions enable deep learning, engineering, and scientific fields to scale out their compute clusters to accelerate their mostSupermicro...

American hopes IT switch doesn't snag flights this weekend
From Technology News

American hopes IT switch doesn't snag flights this weekend

American Airlines will make a big technology change this weekend involving planes and pilots, but passengers won't notice a thing if all goes well.

Video: Experiences in eXtreme Scale HPC
From insideHPC

Video: Experiences in eXtreme Scale HPC

In this video from the 2016 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing, Mark Miller from LLNL leads a panel discussion on Experiences in eXtreme ScaleVideo...

Bridges Supercomputer to Power Research at North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
From insideHPC

Bridges Supercomputer to Power Research at North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Today XSEDE announced it has awarded 30,000 core-hours of supercomputing time on the Bridges supercomputer to the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics...

GPUs Power New AWS P2 Instances for Science & Engineering in the Cloud
From insideHPC

GPUs Power New AWS P2 Instances for Science & Engineering in the Cloud

Today Amazon Web Services announced the availability of P2 instances, a new GPU instance type for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud designed for compute-intensive applications...

From Big Data to Human Level AI.
From The Eponymous Pickle

From Big Data to Human Level AI.

From O'Reilly,   Some key unresolved issues of practical AI.From big data to human-level artificial intelligenceWhat explains the gap between what machines do well...

Sentiment Analytics Master Class
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sentiment Analytics Master Class

Quite a lengthy, complete and interesting view I am looking at.  In Linkedin. Sentiment Analytics Triology - A master class on extracting sentiments or aspectsPublished...

Minimum Viable Bureaucracy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Minimum Viable Bureaucracy

Like the bare statement of the idea, not that I understand the implementation.  Detailed below.Minimum Viable Bureaucracy—A Practical Approach to Scaling Agileby...

The Hacking of Yahoo
From Schneier on Security

The Hacking of Yahoo

Last week, Yahoo! announced that it was hacked pretty massively in 2014. Over half a billion usernames and passwords were affected, making this the largest data...

The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit
From Putting People First

The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit

The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit – How Cities Can Turn their Industrial Legacy 
into Infrastructure for Innovation and Growth by Matteo Robiglio Policy Paper, September...

Hololens and Lowes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hololens and Lowes

I was reminded today of Lowes and Hololens via Ignite   A natural use case in the design and evaluation realm. Microsoft HoloLens and Lowe’s, working to redefine...

From Computational Complexity

Give a second order statement true in (R,+) but false in (Q,+) or show there isn't one

Here is a logic question I will ask today and answer next week. Feel free to leave comments with the answer- you may come up with a different proof than me and...

Supercomputing Experts Lend Expertise to Address STEM Gender Gap
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Experts Lend Expertise to Address STEM Gender Gap

Men still outnumber women in STEM training and employment, and engineering leaders are working to bring awareness to that diversity gap and the opportunities it...

Supercomputing Plant Polymers for Biofuels
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Plant Polymers for Biofuels

A huge barrier in converting cellulose polymers to biofuel lies in removing other biomass polymers that subvert this chemical process. To overcome this hurdle,Supercomputing...
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