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Communications of the ACM



RSC Group to Market HPC Solutions in Czech Republic
From insideHPC

RSC Group to Market HPC Solutions in Czech Republic

Today Russia's RSC Group announced a business cooperation agreement with M Computers to market and deploy RSC's HPC solutions in the Czech Republic. "We believe...

Bright Broadens Partnership with Huawei in EMEA
From insideHPC

Bright Broadens Partnership with Huawei in EMEA

Today Bright Computing announced expanded collaboration with Huawei across EMEA. Huawei places win-win collaboration at the heart of our business in Europe," said...

Dell Powers RENCI Supercomputer Tracking Hurricane Matthew
From insideHPC

Dell Powers RENCI Supercomputer Tracking Hurricane Matthew

RENCI’s Dell-powered supercomputer is working overtime to model the storm surge that Hurricane Matthew could bring to communities along the Eastern Seaboard. Named...

Dell Powers RENCI Supercomputer Tracking Hurricane Matthew
From insideHPC

Dell Powers RENCI Supercomputer Tracking Hurricane Matthew

RENCI’s Dell-powered supercomputer is working overtime to model the storm surge that Hurricane Matthew could bring to communities along the Eastern Seaboard. Named...

Allinea Tools Advance Research at VSC in Austria
From insideHPC

Allinea Tools Advance Research at VSC in Austria

"Science problems are becoming increasingly complex in all areas from physics and bioinformatics to engineering," said Siegfried Hoefinger, High Performance Computing...

Nature Reviews the State of AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nature Reviews the State of AI

Nature's good overview of current versus future AI, its emergent history, challenges and where it is going.  Good largely non technical view with cautions.   Rightly...

Samsung Buying Viv
From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Buying Viv

Apparently Samsung's 'Otto' assistant needs more intelligence to compete.   The forces are gathering for consumer AI everywhere.Samsung to buy Viv Labs to challenge...

Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures

This paper wins "best abstract" award: "Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures," by Shalev Ben David and Or Sattath: Abstract: The fisherman caught a quantum fish...

Facing Facts About the Geek Gene
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Facing Facts About the Geek Gene

There are a lot of people who want to believe that computer science ability is some sort of innate talent. That either you have a special brain that can handleresearch...

Machine Learning as Service, Stealing the Model?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning as Service, Stealing the Model?

Interesting thoughts on constructing models. Algorithms for hire?Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIsFlorian Tramèr, Fan Zhang, Ari Juels, Michael...

Executive and Digital
From The Eponymous Pickle

Executive and Digital

Interesting thoughts.  Our own work with executives showed that the good approaches were to give execs direct access to the capabilities that are part of digital...

Leadership and Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Leadership and Behavior

In McKinsey: Leadership and behavior: Mastering the mechanics of reason and emotionA Nobel Prize winner and a leading behavioral economist offer common sense and...

Bill Gropp to Receive Ken Kennedy Award
From insideHPC

Bill Gropp to Receive Ken Kennedy Award

Today ACM and IEEE Computer Society named Bill Gropp from NCSA as the recipient of the 2016 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award for highly influential contributions...

AI & Robotics Front and Center at GTC Japan
From insideHPC

AI & Robotics Front and Center at GTC Japan

Robotics and Deep Learning applications were front and center at GTC Japan this week, where 2600 attendees lined up to hear the latest on GPU technologies. TheAI...

Parallella Tapes Out 1024-core Epiphany-V Chip
From insideHPC

Parallella Tapes Out 1024-core Epiphany-V Chip

Over at the Parallella Blog, Andreas Olafsson from Adapteva writes that the company has reached an important milestone on its next-generation Epiphany-V chip. "Thanks...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Congratulations, Noam

The winner of the 2016 ACM-IEEE Knuth Prize Coursera source Noam Nisan has been one of the leaders in computational complexity and algorithms for many years. He...

Variable-length strings can be expensive
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Variable-length strings can be expensive

Much of our software deals with variable-length strings. For example, my name “Daniel” uses six characters whereas my neighbor’s name (“Philippe”) uses 8 characters...

Your Own Personal Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Own Personal Google

More comments on yesterdays Google assistant announcements, from the Verge:Are you ready for your own personal Google?A Google to hear your prayers, a Google that...

SGI Powers New Cirrus Supercomputer at EPCC
From insideHPC

SGI Powers New Cirrus Supercomputer at EPCC

Businesses could dramatically cut the time taken to bring new products and services to market with help from a new SGI supercomputer at EPCC, the UK's leading supercomputing...

The Open Source Application Development Portal Adds More Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Applications for Download
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Open Source Application Development Portal Adds More Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Applications for Download

The Open Source Application Development Portal (OSADP) is a web-based portal that provides access to and supports the collaboration, development, and use of open...
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