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Communications of the ACM



US and China in Cyberspace
From Schneier on Security

US and China in Cyberspace

This article on US/China cooperation and competition in cyberspace is an interesting lens through which to examine security policy....

Infosys Foundation USA/ACM/CSTA Awards for Teaching Excellence in Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Infosys Foundation USA/ACM/CSTA Awards for Teaching Excellence in Computer Science

On behalf of CSTA, ACM and the Infosys Foundation USA, I wanted to let you know that applications are now open for the inaugural Infosys Foundation USA/ACM/CSTA...

Neural Network Zoo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Network Zoo

From the Asimov Institute.  Reminds me of work we also did with nets, but with far fewer choices of architecture.  Our chosen architectures depended only on inputs...

insideHPC Readers: Weigh in on Why AI is Taking Off Now
From insideHPC

insideHPC Readers: Weigh in on Why AI is Taking Off Now

This may indeed be the year of artificial intelligence, when the technology came into its own for mainstream businesses. "But will other companies understand if...

The Possibilities for Editing the Blockchain
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Possibilities for Editing the Blockchain

This really struck me.  How?  To edit you must be about to syntactically interpret, but the Fortune article explains. Why Accenture's Plan to 'Edit' the Blockchain...

Google is an Adult!
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google is an Adult!

It has only been 18 years, hard to contemplate, imagine the changes that have occurred in our already then information rich world.  Google is 18 and an adult. ...

Your Location Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Location Data

So where does the data gathered go when you opt in to location tracking?   A revealing article in Adage: Location Tracking and the Trouble With 'Opting In'   By...

Cortana Running Your Office?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cortana Running Your Office?

Not in its current form, but I can see their direction.   Have used both Siri and Echo effectively in this space and these hint at the possibilities.  Again I will...

Winning Posters on GPU Programming Send UW Students to SC16
From insideHPC

Winning Posters on GPU Programming Send UW Students to SC16

Two University of Wyoming graduate students earned a trip to the SC16 conference in November by virtue of winning the poster contest at the recent Rocky Mountain...

Giving Amazon Keys to Your Smart Home
From The Eponymous Pickle

Giving Amazon Keys to Your Smart Home

Am a follower of the practicality of the smart home.   Here Amazon is trading practicality and security?   Our smart home tested alternative delivery systems, like...

From The Eponymous Pickle


RetroScope Opens Doors to the Past in Smartphone InvestigationsBy Purdue University NewsAugust 4, 2016Researchers at Purdue University are developing a technique...

Costco not going Omnichannel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Costco not going Omnichannel

Long time follower of Costco.  Studied how the early use of the Internet in-store influenced their sales.  They never paid much attention of omni channel, and this...

OSC Joins CaRC Research Coordination Network
From insideHPC

OSC Joins CaRC Research Coordination Network

The Ohio Supercomputer Center has joined the CaRC Consortium, an NSF-funded research coordination network. The post OSC Joins CaRC Research Coordination Network...

Preview: SC16 Tutorial on How to Buy a Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Preview: SC16 Tutorial on How to Buy a Supercomputer

"This tutorial, part of the SC16 State of the Practice, will guide attendees through the process of purchasing and deploying a HPC system. It will cover the whole...

Mellanox Deploys Standard Linux Operating Systems over Ethernet Switches
From insideHPC

Mellanox Deploys Standard Linux Operating Systems over Ethernet Switches

Today Mellanox announced the availability of standard Linux kernel driver for the company Open Ethernet, Spectrum switch platforms. Developed within the large Linux...

EPA’s Smart City Air Challenge
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

EPA’s Smart City Air Challenge

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering up to $40,000 to two communities as part of their Smart City Air Challenge in order to help the communities...

Gigabit Wifi System from ATT Labs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gigabit Wifi System from ATT Labs

Continued expansion of fast internet." .. AT&T Labs (Recently) announced a new wireless technology called Airgig, designed to transmit data at gigabit speeds over...

ACM U.S. Public Policy Council Submits Comments on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Apps
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM U.S. Public Policy Council Submits Comments on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Apps

The ACM U.S. Public Policy Council submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Justice on anticipated accessibility regulations. These new regulations will apply...

Intelligent Home Automation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intelligent Home Automation

The application of local intelligence.  Smarter Home Intelligence.A Better ParadigmWith all the hype and admiration of what these companies have achieved thereThink...

Exascale – A Race to the Future of HPC
From insideHPC

Exascale – A Race to the Future of HPC

From Megaflops to Gigaflops to Teraflops to Petaflops and soon to be Exaflops, the march in HPC is always on and moving ahead. This whitepaper details some ofExascale...
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