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Communications of the ACM



The Culture of Cybersecurity
From Schneier on Security

The Culture of Cybersecurity

Interesting survey of the cybersecurity culture in Norway. 96% of all Norwegian are online, more than 90% embrace new technology, and 6 of 10 feel capable of judging...

Security Design: Stop Trying to Fix the User
From Schneier on Security

Security Design: Stop Trying to Fix the User

Every few years, a researcher replicates a security study by littering USB sticks around an organization's grounds and waiting to see how many people pick them...

Interesting Links 3 October 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 3 October 2016

It’s autumn in New Hampshire. The leaves are turning all sorts of bright colors and the nights are getting cool. And school is rolling right along. It’s a great...

How to manage Terraform state
From Writing

How to manage Terraform state

In Part 1 of the Comprehensive Guide to Terraform series, we explained why we picked Terraform as our IAC tool of choice and not Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack...

Thrilled to see Melinda Gates prioritizing her investments to focus on women in tech!
From The Noisy Channel

Thrilled to see Melinda Gates prioritizing her investments to focus on women in tech!

My suggestion isn’t particularly original, but I believe it bears repeating: we need to develop a more data-driven, rubric-based approach… Continue reading on ...

Registration Opens for Dell HPC Community Event at SC16
From insideHPC

Registration Opens for Dell HPC Community Event at SC16

Registration is now open for the Dell HPC Community event at SC16. The event takes place Nov. 12 at the Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City. "The Dell HPC Community...

Video: Azure – the Cloud Supercomputer for AI
From insideHPC

Video: Azure – the Cloud Supercomputer for AI

"We are still in the first minutes of the first day of the Intelligence revolution. In this keynote, Dr. Joseph Sirosh will present 5 solutions (and their implementations)...

Introduction to XGBoost
From The Eponymous Pickle

Introduction to XGBoost

A Gentle Introduction to XGBoost for Applied Machine Learningby Jason Brownlee on August 17, 2016 XGBoost is an algorithm that has recently been dominating applied...

Computers Sensing Odors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers Sensing Odors

Another area we examined for possible classification of coffee blends, fragrances and for in store understanding of smell 'scapes' in retail spaces.   Investigation...

IFTF uncovers seven new worker archetypes of the on-demand economy
From Putting People First

IFTF uncovers seven new worker archetypes of the on-demand economy

Institute for the Future, the Caiifornia-based independent, nonprofit strategic research group, releases a new report aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of...

Visualization Insight Tools for Netflix
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualization Insight Tools for Netflix

In the Netflix Techblog, some good details.Improving Netflix’s Operational Visibility with Real-Time Insight ToolsBy Ranjit Mavinkurve, Justin Becker and Ben Christensen...

Stanford 100 Year AI Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stanford 100 Year AI Study

Just received.  We did a great deal of work both with Stanford and with companies that came out of that program in the late 80s.  We were among the first enterprises...

Additive Manufacture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Additive Manufacture

Been mostly involved with high speed repetitive manufacture, so always see the issues with 3D printing.  Much still needs to be done improve the idea.   Here are...

Chameleon Testbed Blazes New Trails for Cloud HPC at TACC
From insideHPC

Chameleon Testbed Blazes New Trails for Cloud HPC at TACC

"It's often a challenge to test the scalability of system software components before a large deployment, particularly if you need low level hardware access", said...

Video: Intel Xeon Phi (KNL) Processor Overview
From insideHPC

Video: Intel Xeon Phi (KNL) Processor Overview

Adrian Jackson from EPCC at the University of Edinburgh presented this tutorial to ARCHER users. "We have been working for a number of years on porting computational...

Python Deep Learning with Keras
From The Eponymous Pickle

Python Deep Learning with Keras

Technical.  From Machine learning mastery, an introduction to using the Keras deep learning library for Python.

Tetherless World Constellation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tetherless World Constellation

New to me: What is TWC?The Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a constellation of multidisciplinary researchers who...

Data and Decisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data and Decisions

Its not only about data, ever.  Its about decisions in the context of process and environment. Cisco's take.In Cisco Blog: In a recent articl, CEOs Must Up Level...

On Avoiding Stress Culture
From updated sporadically at best

On Avoiding Stress Culture

I've been at Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor for a little over a month now, and the students tell me we're approaching "Deep Semester." The...

New York police to buy 1,000 body cameras
From Technology News

New York police to buy 1,000 body cameras

The New York Police Department, the largest city police force in the United States, has agreed to buy 1,000 body cameras, officials confirmed Friday.
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