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Go Code Girl 2014: Impact Survey Results
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Go Code Girl 2014: Impact Survey Results

This year's Go Code Girl event, which focused on programming with Python and the Raspberry Pi, was a great success.  The impact surveys the girls filled in at the...

2014 Computing Innovation Fellows Workshop: Research, Innovation, Impact
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2014 Computing Innovation Fellows Workshop: Research, Innovation, Impact

The Computing Innovation Fellows (CI Fellows) project, was a program that granted short-term postdoctoral fellowships to help keep recent graduates in the field...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Avoiding Monsters and Non-Monsters

A new insight into the structure of some exotic mathematical objects Karl Weierstrass is often credited with the creation of modern analysis. In his quest for rigor...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Avoiding Monsters and Non-Monsters

A new insight into the structure of some exotic mathematical objects Karl Weierstrass is often credited with the creation of modern analysis. In his quest for rigor...

The NYT on Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

The NYT on Innovation

Mashable expands on the recent NYT Innovation article.  Includes Mashable's takeaways. And a good summary of the challenges related.  My only further thought would...

The Economics of Bulk Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

The Economics of Bulk Surveillance

Ross Anderson has an important new paper on the economics that drive government-on-population bulk surveillance: My first big point is that all the three factors...

A Laboratory for Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Laboratory for Innovation

In Innovation Excellence: Another interesting example of a corporate innovation lab.  I have reported here many times on the value and direction of the idea.  I...

Big Data Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Blog

Tina Groves of IBM has an interesting blog on Big Data,   " ... leverages her 25 years in analysis, event processing and information-driven applications to lead...

On Comics and Story Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Comics and Story Visualization

Via Kevin Winterfield, A look at Scott McCloud's classic book on the comics. The sequential panel model of comics can be used as a means for storytelling a storyboard...

Deep Brain Implants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Brain Implants

Implant charging is a key need for deep brain implants.  In Engadget.  " ... Stanford researchers have figured out a way to wirelessly charge electronic devices...

Strategies for a Digital Age
From The Eponymous Pickle

Strategies for a Digital Age

Recently connected to author David L Rogers.  His new book:  The Network is Your Customer: 5 Strategies to Survive in a Digital Age.  See his site for more information...

Wal-Mart and T-Mobile to Offer Tablets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and T-Mobile to Offer Tablets

In CNet:   The idea has been pushed since at least 08.  It is already being done by retailers in Europe. " ... Walmart and T-Mobile to offer tablets with free data...

Google Let's you Program a Quantum Computer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Let's you Program a Quantum Computer

Google simulates the programming of a quantum computer.  Not create one, but simulate its programming.  In ReadwriteWeb.  Also, the D-Wave computer, developed by...

Winning Arguments
From The Eponymous Pickle

Winning Arguments

In Mind Hacks:  On the Psychology of winning arguments. " .... How do you change someone’s mind if you think you are right and they are wrong? Psychology reveals...

Examples of Biological Swarms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Biological Swarms

A strikingly photographed piece on examples of animal swarms and their advantages.  Recently broadcast on US PBS and available here.  This does not address how...

From Computational Complexity

Review of People, Problems and Proofs By Lipton and Regan

 (A version of this either already has or well appear in SIGACT NEWS book rev column.) A review of the blog-book  PEOPLE, PROBLEMS, AND PROOFS by Richard Lipton...

Elections In Middle Earth
From Wild WebMink

Elections In Middle Earth

The Middle Earth elections are over and there’s a new alliance of elves and men in control, but all I can find on local TV is news of Tom Bombadil crushing Bilbo...

Interesting Links 26 May 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 26 May 2014

There are still a couple of weeks of school for me and my students. Well the seniors are done with their finals on Friday but underclassmen  have some time after...

Patching is Not Security
From CERIAS Blog

Patching is Not Security

I have long argued that the ability to patch something is not a security “feature” — whatever caused the need to patch is a failure. The only proper path to better...

Patching is Not Security
From CERIAS Blog

Patching is Not Security

I have long argued that the ability to patch something is not a security “feature” — whatever caused the need to patch is a failure. The only proper path to better...
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