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Oculus Rift
From The Eponymous Pickle

Oculus Rift

In Gizmodo, continued raving for Oculus Rift.   Here a hands on look.  Still I don't think that most people would be comfortable with the 'strap a screen to your...

Brand Focused CPG Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brand Focused CPG Ads

In EMarketer, continued brand focusing of ads:Study: $4.2B CPG digital ad market focuses on brandingConsumer packaged goods and consumer products companies in the...

Matt Wolf’s “Teenage”
From Apophenia

Matt Wolf’s “Teenage”

Close your eyes and imagine what it was like to be a teenager in the 1920s. Perhaps you are out late dancing swing to jazz or dressed up as a flapper. Most likely...

Thinking  Swarms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Swarms

A good overview, non technical article on Swarms.  We did some thinking about using robot swarms for repetitive tasks.  You can build cheap robot swarms,  making...

Left to our own devices
From Putting People First

Left to our own devices

Our well-being centers on the meaningfulness of our relationships: our intimate ties, our associations with a larger circle of people, and our sense of interconnectivity...

Eric Siegel: Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eric Siegel: Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics speaker and consultant Eric Siegel gave the Keynote at today's UC Analytics Summit: Real-World Impact from Business Analytics.   Very nicely...

Detecting Spurious Correlations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting Spurious Correlations

Detailed piece by Vincent Granville.  Useful for reference and application. Tutorial: How to detect spurious correlations, and how to find the real onesSpecifically...

Wearable Device Supports Text Reading
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Device Supports Text Reading

(Abstract, full article requires purchase)FingerReader: a wearable device to support text reading on the goVisually impaired people report numerous difficulties...

On Practical Machine Learning Problems
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Practical Machine Learning Problems

Short piece that addresses typical techniques.  But it is not all about technique, it is how the technique is connected to the data from the domain of the problem...

You shouldn’t use a spreadsheet for important work (I mean it)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

You shouldn’t use a spreadsheet for important work (I mean it)

I envy economists. Unlike computer scientists, they seem to be able to publish best-seller books with innovative research. One such book is Piketty’s Capital. The...

Moving From "CS for a Few" to "CS for All" to "CS For Each"
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Moving From "CS for a Few" to "CS for All" to "CS For Each"

When I first joined CSTA almost a decade ago, computer science education was absent from most school districts. Rigorous computer science courses were often tucked...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

STOC 1500

What STOC might have been like in old times src Mikolaj Kopernik was a student of the professor mathematum Domenico Novara in 1500. They traveled from Bologna to...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

STOC 1500

What STOC might have been like in old times src Mikolaj Kopernik was a student of the professor mathematum Domenico Novara in 1500. They traveled from Bologna to...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink Cocktail
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink Cocktail

Del Campo, a restaurant in Washington DC, has a Bloody Mary made with squid ink. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in...

Alan Watts on the Harms of Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Alan Watts on the Harms of Surveillance

Biologist Alan Watts makes some good points: Mammals don’t respond well to surveillance. We consider it a threat. It makes us paranoid, and aggressive and vengeful...

Teradata's Data Lab
From The Eponymous Pickle

Teradata's Data Lab

It is very useful to have a lab to experiment with your data.  Here is Teradata's approach. " ... Promote Exploration & ExperimentationA Teradata Data Lab lets...

Intelligence Matters from O'Reilly
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intelligence Matters from O'Reilly

In OReilly:   A new blog that appears to be of interest: " ... Today we’re kicking off Intelligence Matters (IM), a new series exploring current issues in artificial...

Proposed Thermal Imaging Wearable AR Headset
From The Eponymous Pickle

Proposed Thermal Imaging Wearable AR Headset

New from Metaio. A video describe the future possibilities.  Another level of sensor data will be possible.   In the press release: " ... With “Thermal Touch”,“Thermal...

Real Time Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Time Business Intelligence

An important consideration is often what the size of the time step needs to be.  I often have to ask, What does your 'real-time' look like?    In TDWI.    " ... "Real...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2014

In the fall we list theory jobs, in the spring we see who got them. Similar to last year, I created a fully editable Google Spreadsheet to crowd source who is going...
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