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On Domain Names
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Domain Names

In Knowledge@Wharton:  Interesting how this will change the results.  Interesting overview is provided here.  Has been a long time since I have looked at domain...

Disclosing vs Hoarding Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Disclosing vs Hoarding Vulnerabilities

There's a debate going on about whether the U.S. government -- specifically, the NSA and United States Cyber Comman -- should stockpile Internet vulnerabilities...

IBM Acquires Cognea, Is AI New as Assistance?
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Acquires Cognea, Is AI New as Assistance?

This evening listened in on a #Cognitivecomputing presentation given in NYC.  See it recorded here. A good broad overview of work done by ETH Zurich and IBM toSee...

Looking at Agile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking at Agile

In CACM:  A critical look at Agile.  I have taken a look at Scrum for development, but not used it in a real application.  And a warning about hype.  Bertrand Meyer...

The NSA is Not Made of Magic
From Schneier on Security

The NSA is Not Made of Magic

I am regularly asked what is the most surprising thing about the Snowden NSA documents. It's this: the NSA is not made of magic. Its tools are no different from...

DARPA Highlights Innovative Approaches to Information Technology Superiority at their 2014 Demo Day
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Highlights Innovative Approaches to Information Technology Superiority at their 2014 Demo Day

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) hosted Demo Day 2014 to highlight DARPA’s ongoing contributions to preserving...

Building a QuBit for a Quantum Computer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building a QuBit for a Quantum Computer

In Quanta magazine.  A relatively non technical article about building a quantum bit, the Qubit, the foundation for the quantum computer.    Nicely described. "...

P&G Supply Chain Transformation
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Supply Chain Transformation

Some fairly natural changes.   Decrease your transportation lanes.   From CGT: " ... P&G Reinforces Supply Chain Transformation   ... This innovative approach is...

Taschen publishes infographics by Experientia collaborator
From Putting People First

Taschen publishes infographics by Experientia collaborator

The infographics “What Are InfoVis And DataVis About?”, designed by Experientia collaborator Eloisa Paola Fontana, was selected and published in the book “Information...

Video of Experientia talk at Moleskine’s “Notes for the Future” event
From Putting People First

Video of Experientia talk at Moleskine’s “Notes for the Future” event

There are endless choices when it comes to recording and sharing our ideas. Reliable analog tools are converging with innovations in technology to produce new ways...

World Economic Forum reports on personal data focus on trust, privacy and framework
From Putting People First

World Economic Forum reports on personal data focus on trust, privacy and framework

The World Economic Forum has released three new reports on strengthening trust, transparency and privacy in personal data usage. Rethinking Personal Data: A New...

Only One Silicon Valley?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Only One Silicon Valley?

In the NYT:  Andreessen on the uniqueness of 'silicon valley', and the future of technologies.   I spent much time there, and there was a uniqueness about it I"...

Government Policy on Cell Phone Interception Technology
From Schneier on Security

Government Policy on Cell Phone Interception Technology

New paper: "Your Secret Stingray's No Secret Anymore: The Vanishing Government Monopoly Over Cell Phone Surveillance and its Impact on National Security and Consumer...

Zigbee Alliance
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zigbee Alliance

It has been a while, but early in our efforts in promoting an internet of things we looked at the Zigbee Alliance.  In particular for future home systems.  Have...

What's Important in Algorithms
From My Biased Coin

What's Important in Algorithms

I saw this interesting article up on 20 questions with Don Knuth, worth reading just for the fun of it.  But the following question on work in algorithm designThus...

Is the Tech Community Working Fine Without Women?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Is the Tech Community Working Fine Without Women?

Mark Guzdial linked to a post about Technology’s Man Problem yesterday and highlighted one piece of it. It really got me thinking. a commenter calling himself...

Food safety and older people: the Kitchen Life ethnographic study
From Putting People First

Food safety and older people: the Kitchen Life ethnographic study

Foodborne illness is a major public health problem in the UK. Recent increases in cases of listeriosis in older people have focused attention on consumer food-related...

Data Driven Decisions for Managers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Driven Decisions for Managers

In the HBR:  Data Driven Decisions for managers that don't like math.  Not uncommon.  Useful overview in reading list form.  " .... Not everyone needs to become...

Mining Dark Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Dark Data

Preplay Attack on Chip and PIN
From Schneier on Security

Preplay Attack on Chip and PIN

Interesting research paper on a bank card chip-and-PIN vulnerability. From the blog post: Our new paper shows that it is possible to create clone chip cards which...
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