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Communications of the ACM



AppInventor and Teaching Logic
From The Eponymous Pickle

AppInventor and Teaching Logic

On teaching programming, and using it as a method to teach logic in general.   Judy Robertson in the CACM.

Forged SSL Certificates Pervasive on the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Forged SSL Certificates Pervasive on the Internet

About 0.2% of all SSL certificates are forged. This is the first time I've ever seen a number based on real data. News article: Of 3.45 million real-world connections...

Dual Booting Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04
From updated sporadically at best

Dual Booting Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04

It appears that Windows remains ahead in this operating systems arm race: dual booting with Linux has become even more difficult. Here are some updated instructions...

New Docs Show Oracle Academy Alignment with CS Standards
From Computer Science Teachers Association

New Docs Show Oracle Academy Alignment with CS Standards

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and Oracle have released a series of new documents that demonstrate alignment between the CSTA K-12 Computer Science...

New Blog at Computer Now: Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Blog at Computer Now: Business Intelligence

Looks to be well done.MajorBI-All Things Business Intelligence:Is Your Company Ready to Deploy Business Intelligence Intelligently?" ... Although the majority of...

Is Antivirus Dead?
From Schneier on Security

Is Antivirus Dead?

Symantec declared anti-virus dead, and Brian Krebs writes a good response. He's right: antivirus won't protect you from the ever-increasing percentage of malware...

From Computational Complexity

Losing the Middle

In the 70's growing up, to listen to music I had a turntable for vinyl records. The quality of music went up almost continuously with the amount you were willing...

A Look at an Analytics Solutions Cloud Marketplace
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at an Analytics Solutions Cloud Marketplace

The medium size business always needs help with choices.  They need easy to make choices that are as inexpensive as possible, and link directly to their current...

Using Bayesian Methods to Find the Malaysian Airplane
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Bayesian Methods to Find the Malaysian Airplane

Via the SAS Blog.  Good example of predictive analytics with a not generally well known technique for Big Data practitioners.  Set in a real world tactical problem...

Tesco CEO on E-Commerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco CEO on E-Commerce

Been looking at how retailers address e-commerce futures.  Here a piece by the Tesco CEO on e-commerce.  Not too unexpected." ... Tesco group chief executive Philip...

Machine Learning in Excel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning in Excel

Slide show on a number of techniques, including add-ons to Excel for machine learning.  Not much detail, but informative about software I had not seen as yet.

Seventh Movie-Plot Threat Contest Semifinalists
From Schneier on Security

Seventh Movie-Plot Threat Contest Semifinalists

On April 1, I announced the Seventh Movie Plot Threat Contest: The NSA has won, but how did it do it? How did it use its ability to conduct ubiquitous surveillance...

Rise of the All Data Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rise of the All Data Enterprise

It has arrived, but many companies are discovering that putting all this data together is harder than you think.   Not all is captured, or structured, or even fully...

Espionage vs. Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Espionage vs. Surveillance

According to NSA documents published in Glenn Greenwald's new book No Place to Hide, we now know that the NSA spies on embassies and missions all over the world...

USTR Annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USTR Annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights

Piracy of devices, storage technologies, and mobile technologies is growing worldwide according to the USTR’s annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property...

ExperienceOne Customer Engagement Solution
From The Eponymous Pickle

ExperienceOne Customer Engagement Solution

Just brought to my attention:IBM just released ExperienceOne - an analytics and automation-based customer engagement solution that ties together marketing, sales...

Morphological Approaches to Engineering Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Morphological Approaches to Engineering Design

A long time correspondent,  Tom Ritchey, sends a note about an analytical approach that is little used in  enterprise, but should be much better known.  Using the...

New Al Qaeda Encryption Software
From Schneier on Security

New Al Qaeda Encryption Software

The Web intelligence company Recorded Future is reporting -- picked up by the Wall Street Journal -- that al Qaeda is using new encryption software in the wake...

Automatic Design: Learning from a Network
From The Eponymous Pickle

Automatic Design: Learning from a Network

The connection between automated configuration and design.  Here Cisco is talking about a technical network thing.  I am not so much interested in how networks...

Python and Pi Helped Make Go Code Girl 2014 A Great Success
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Python and Pi Helped Make Go Code Girl 2014 A Great Success

On the last two Saturdays of March, a group of high school girls came to both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa to learn about computer science and...
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