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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018

From ACM News

China's Quantum-Key Network, the Largest Ever, Is Officially Online

China's Quantum-Key Network, the Largest Ever, Is Officially Online

China has the quantum technology to perfectly encrypt useful signals over distances far vaster than anyone has ever accomplished, spanning Europe and Asia, according to a stunning new research letter.

From ACM News

Tractor Beam Breakthrough Could Lead to Levitating Humans

Tractor Beam Breakthrough Could Lead to Levitating Humans

Tractor beams have made the jump from science fiction to reality in recent years, but only for levitating very small objects.

From ACM TechNews

New Research Adds Physiology to Computer Models

New Research Adds Physiology to Computer Models

Researchers contend that without a physiological complement, a computer program modeling the mind would just be a brain in a vat.

From ACM TechNews

Designing Customizable Self-Folding Swarm Robots

Designing Customizable Self-Folding Swarm Robots

Researchers are developing robotic swarms that can be rapidly customized, self-assembled, and self-deployed without human intervention.

From ACM TechNews

Computer Codes Make Sweet Music For Self-Playing Piano

Computer Codes Make Sweet Music For Self-Playing Piano

Researchers used unique software to create an interactive self-playing piano performance.

From ACM TechNews

New Blueprint For Converging Hpc, Big Data

New Blueprint For Converging Hpc, Big Data

A group of high-performance computing experts has released a report as a blueprint for aligning computational infrastructures.

From ACM TechNews

Professor Designs Algorithms to Make Robots Better Collaborators

Professor Designs Algorithms to Make Robots Better Collaborators

Researchers are developing algorithms that enable groups of robots to make good decisions despite inherent communication delays in information sharing.

From ACM TechNews

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better

Researchers have developed an algorithm to help artificial intelligence and humans learn to cooperate.

From ACM News

Security Fears Spark Crackdown on Chinese Tech

Security Fears Spark Crackdown on Chinese Tech

The federal government is taking steps to reduce the presence of some Chinese technology firms in American markets.

From ACM News

Thank the Planet's Shifty Magnetic Poles For Runway Renaming

Thank the Planet's Shifty Magnetic Poles For Runway Renaming

For decades, pilots heading into or out of Wichita Eisenhower National Airport in southeast Kansas have had three runways to choose from: 1L/19R, 1R/19L, and 14/32.

From ACM Careers

China Declared World's Largest Producer of Scientific Articles

China Declared World's Largest Producer of Scientific Articles

For the first time, China has overtaken the United States in terms of the total number of science publications, according to statistics compiled by the US National Science Foundation (NSF).

From ACM News

Can Software Predict Crime? Maybe So, but No Better Than a Human

Can Software Predict Crime? Maybe So, but No Better Than a Human

Can you predict a crime?

From ACM TechNews

Nus Engineers Invent Tiny Vision Processing Chip For ­ltra-Small Smart Vision Systems and Iot Applications

Nus Engineers Invent Tiny Vision Processing Chip For ­ltra-Small Smart Vision Systems and Iot Applications

EQSCALE is a new microchip that captures visual details from video frames using 20 times less power than existing chips.

From ACM TechNews

Programmable Droplets

Programmable Droplets

New hardware applies electric fields to manipulate droplets of chemical or biological solutions around a surface, mixing them to test thousands of reactions in parallel.

From ACM TechNews

AI 'scientist' Finds That Toothpaste Ingredient May Help Fight Drug-Resistant Malaria

AI 'scientist' Finds That Toothpaste Ingredient May Help Fight Drug-Resistant Malaria

Researchers discovered that a toothpaste ingredient could be used as a drug against strains of malaria resistant to existing drugs.

From ACM TechNews

Are Programs Better Than People at Predicting Reoffending?

Are Programs Better Than People at Predicting Reoffending?

A Dartmouth College research study found the COMPAS computer program performed about as well as humans at predicting recidivism.

From ACM TechNews

Himawari-8 Data Assimilated Simulation Enables 10-Minute ­pdates of Rain and Flood Predictions

Himawari-8 Data Assimilated Simulation Enables 10-Minute ­pdates of Rain and Flood Predictions

Researchers in Japan used the K supercomputer to show incorporating satellite data at frequent intervals into weather prediction models can improve weather predictions.

From ACM News

A New Way to Track Down Bugs Could Help Save Iot

A New Way to Track Down Bugs Could Help Save Iot

On a clear day this summer, security researcher Ang Cui boarded a boat headed to a government biosafety facility off the northeastern tip of Long Island.

From ACM TechNews

Brain Mri, AI Predict Deaf Children's Capacity to Learn Language

Brain Mri, AI Predict Deaf Children's Capacity to Learn Language

A new method using two types of computing technology can predict how well a deaf child can learn language after receiving cochlear implant surgery.

From ACM TechNews

New Carnegie Mellon Dynamic Statistical Model Follows Gene Expressions Over Time

New Carnegie Mellon Dynamic Statistical Model Follows Gene Expressions Over Time

Researchers say they have developed a new dynamic statistical model to visualize changing patterns in networks.

From ACM TechNews

Kettering University Students Converting Chevy Bolt Into Autonomous Vehicle

Kettering University Students Converting Chevy Bolt Into Autonomous Vehicle

Kettering University researchers are participating in the AutoDrive Challenge, in which teams convert a Chevrolet Bolt into a Level 4 autonomous vehicle.

From ACM TechNews

­c Riverside Research Will Help Protect Military Software From Hackers

­c Riverside Research Will Help Protect Military Software From Hackers

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside say they are trying to protect important but outdated computers and software still in use by securing legacy systems.

From ACM News

Why Is It Difficult For the Fbi to Break Into Smartphones?

Why Is It Difficult For the Fbi to Break Into Smartphones?

Turing Laureate Whitfield Diffie explains why the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is unable to break the encryption on your smartphone.

From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Will Be a Human Jobs Creator

Artificial Intelligence Will Be a Human Jobs Creator

In 2013, James "Jimi" Crawford founded a company called Orbital Insight, barely noticed at the time amid the Silicon Valley froth.

From ACM News

Nasa Just Proved It Can Navigate Space Using Pulsars. Where to Now?

Nasa Just Proved It Can Navigate Space Using Pulsars. Where to Now?

Half a century ago, astronomers observed their first pulsar: a dead, distant, ludicrously dense star that emitted pulses of radiation with remarkable regularity.

From ACM Careers

How a 22-Year-Old Discovered the Worst Chip Flaws in History

How a 22-Year-Old Discovered the Worst Chip Flaws in History

In 2013, a teenager named Jann Horn attended a reception in Berlin hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel. He and 64 other young Germans had done well in a government-run competition designed to encourage students to pursue scientific…

From ACM TechNews

'earworm Melodies With Strange Aspects'--What Happens When AI Makes Music

'earworm Melodies With Strange Aspects'--What Happens When AI Makes Music

The FlowMachines project has produced the first entire studio album co-created by artists and artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Pulses of Light to Encrypt Data and Protect Security of Cryptocurrencies

Pulses of Light to Encrypt Data and Protect Security of Cryptocurrencies

Researchers have developed a frequency comb they think could encrypt data and bolster the security of cryptocurrency.

From ACM TechNews

Alibaba and Microsoft AI Beat Humans in Stanford Reading Test

Alibaba and Microsoft AI Beat Humans in Stanford Reading Test

Artificial intelligence programs from China and the U.S. last week outperformed humans in a global reading comprehension test

From ACM TechNews

No Evidence to Support Link Between Violent Video Games and Behavior

No Evidence to Support Link Between Violent Video Games and Behavior

The results of experiments involving more than 3,000 participants demonstrates that increasing the realism of violent video games does not necessarily boost aggression in gamers.