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October 2012

From ACM News

The Economics of Video Games

The Economics of Video Games

Inflation can be a headache for any central banker. But it takes a certain type of economist to know what to do when a belligerent spaceship fleet attacks an interstellar trading post, causing mineral prices to surge across the…

From ACM News

Mobile Ads: Here's What Works and What Doesn't

Mobile Ads: Here's What Works and What Doesn't

In 2010, Apple Inc. AAPL co-founder Steve Jobs proclaimed, "Mobile advertising really sucks." Now, however, the rule book for what works in mobile advertising is slowly being written.

From ACM News

Facebook's New Pitch to Brand Advertisers: Forget About Clicks

Facebook's New Pitch to Brand Advertisers: Forget About Clicks

Facebook Inc., stung by doubts that advertising on the social network delivers enough bang for the buck, is preparing to unveil data to counter its critics and show that "clicks," the current metric of choice, tell only half…

From ACM TechNews

Fostering Tech Talent in Schools

Fostering Tech Talent in Schools

Microsoft recently launched the Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (Teals) program, an effort aimed at getting high school students interested in computer science. 

From ACM TechNews

Most European Languages in Danger of Digital Extinction

Most European Languages in Danger of Digital Extinction

META-NET recently completed a study that assessed language technology support for 30 European languages in four different areas, including automatic translation, speech interaction, text analysis, and availability of language…

From ACM TechNews

Fast Algorithm Extracts, Compares Document Meaning

Fast Algorithm Extracts, Compares Document Meaning

Technical University of Wroclaw researchers have developed an algorithm that reduces the complexity involved in comparing two documents by merging a computationally efficient statistical approach to text analysis with a semantic…

From ACM TechNews

Next ­p: Environmentally Safe Electronics That Also Vanish in the Body

Next ­p: Environmentally Safe Electronics That Also Vanish in the Body

University of Illinois researchers say they have developed biodegradable electronics technology that could lead to new design paradigms for a wide range of applications. 

From ACM TechNews

Computers Match Humans in Understanding Art

Computers Match Humans in Understanding Art

Lawrence Technological University researchers have developed an algorithm that demonstrates computers can be made to understand art in a way very similar to how art historians perform an analysis.  

From ACM Careers

Power, Pollution, and the Internet

Power, Pollution, and the Internet

Jeff Rothschild's machines at Facebook had a problem he knew he had to solve immediately. They were about to melt.

From ACM News

Mandelbrot: Art, Math, Science, and Works in Progress

Mandelbrot: Art, Math, Science, and Works in Progress

The image here, generated from a relatively simple mathematical formula, has become iconic and permanently connected with the man who identified it: mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. But its iconic nature has ended up leaving…

From Communications of the ACM

Redesigning the Data Center

Redesigning the Data Center

Faced with rising electricity costs, leading companies have begun revolutionizing the way data centers work, from the hardware to the buildings themselves.

From Communications of the ACM

Digging For Drug Facts

Digging For Drug Facts

With the right approach, data mining can discover unexpected side effects and drug interactions.

From Communications of the ACM

Computer Science and the Three Rs

Computer Science and the Three Rs

A growing sense of crisis prevails as computer science searches for its place in the K--12 curriculum.

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