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News Archive


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October 2014

From ACM TechNews

Superconducting Circuits, Simplified

Superconducting Circuits, Simplified

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a nanocryotron , a computing circuit based on the cryotron.

From ACM Opinion

To Siri, With Love

To Siri, With Love

Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri.

From ACM News

Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car

Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car

The thermometer showed a 103.5-degree fever, and her 10-year-old's asthma was flaring up. Mary Bolender, who lives in Las Vegas, needed to get her daughter to an emergency room, but her 2005 Chrysler van would not start.

From ACM News

Cassini Caught in Hyperion's Particle Beam

Cassini Caught in Hyperion's Particle Beam

Static electricity is known to play an important role on Earth's airless, dusty moon, but evidence of static charge building up on other objects in the solar system has been elusive until now.

From ACM TechNews

Computing with Magnetic 'Tornadoes'

Computing with Magnetic 'Tornadoes'

A new technology could dramatically reduce the power consumption of computers. 

From ACM TechNews

Going Viral with Emergency Warnings

Going Viral with Emergency Warnings

A new social media-based platform will allow San Diego County's Office of Emergency Management Services to disseminate emergency-related messages quickly.

From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arms That Work in Daily Life Are Now a Reality

Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arms That Work in Daily Life Are Now a Reality

A new osseointegrated, or bone-anchored, artificial limb implant system gives patients new opportunities in their daily lives. 

From ACM TechNews

Robot From Twente to Save Lives in the Alps

Robot From Twente to Save Lives in the Alps

The SHERPA project involves cooperation between human rescue workers, a ground robot with a robotic arm, and flying robots. 

From ACM TechNews

Why Are Women Leaving Science, Engineering, And Tech Jobs?

Why Are Women Leaving Science, Engineering, And Tech Jobs?

A survey says U.S. women working in science, technology engineering, and math fields are 45 percent more likely than males to leave the industry over the next year.

From ACM News

Ebola: Can Big Data Analytics Help Contain Its Spread?

Ebola: Can Big Data Analytics Help Contain Its Spread?

The Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has now claimed more than 4,000 lives.

From ACM News

Fbi Director Warns Against Cellphone Encryption

Fbi Director Warns Against Cellphone Encryption

FBI Director James Comey warned in stark terms Thursday against the push by technology companies to encrypt smartphone data and operating systems, arguing that murder cases could be stalled, suspects could walk free and justice…

From ACM News

ESA Confirms the Primary Landing Site for Rosetta

ESA Confirms the Primary Landing Site for Rosetta

ESA has given the green light for its Rosetta mission to deliver its lander, Philae, to the primary site on 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on 12 November, in the first-ever attempt at a soft touchdown on a comet.

From ACM TechNews

Internet Caretaker Icann to Escape U.s. Control

Internet Caretaker Icann to Escape U.s. Control

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers chief Fadi Chehade says the organization is on course to break free of U.S. oversight next year. 

From ACM TechNews

Samsung's Futuristic Wi-Fi Tech Is Five Times Faster Than Today's Wireless Networks

Samsung's Futuristic Wi-Fi Tech Is Five Times Faster Than Today's Wireless Networks

Samsung says it is developing 802.11ad Wi-Fi technology that uses the 60GHz frequency band to increase network speeds fivefold, to 4.6Gbps. 

From ACM TechNews

Uh to Develop New Wireless Communications Systems to Serve Remote Areas

Uh to Develop New Wireless Communications Systems to Serve Remote Areas

Research at the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Hawaii Center for Advanced Communications seeks to improve wireless communication in remote areas.

From ACM Careers

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites

Businesses should brace for a new crop of so-called "accessibility" lawsuits alleging that their commercial websites fail to comply with federal disabled-access law, lawyers say.

From ACM TechNews

Snakes and Snake-Like Robots Show How Sidewinders Conquer Sandy Slopes

Snakes and Snake-Like Robots Show How Sidewinders Conquer Sandy Slopes

Researchers have improved the ability of a snake-like robot to traverse sandy slopes by examining how real-life snakes move. 

From ACM News

Shellshock Awakens Bourne-Again Zombies

Shellshock Awakens Bourne-Again Zombies

A bug appears in places people didn’t think to look, or patch.

From ACM News

Rosetta Mission Selfie at 16 Km

Rosetta Mission Selfie at 16 Km

Using the CIVA camera on Rosetta’s Philae lander, the spacecraft have snapped a "selfie" at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko from a distance of about 16 km from the surface of the comet.

From ACM News

How to Make a Black Hole

How to Make a Black Hole

On July 2, 1967, a network of satellites designed to detect tests of nuclear weapons recorded a flash of gamma rays coming from the wrong direction—outer space.

From ACM News

Nasa Mission Provides Its First Look at Martian Upper Atmosphere

Nasa Mission Provides Its First Look at Martian Upper Atmosphere

NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft has provided scientists their first look at a storm of energetic solar particles at Mars, produced unprecedented ultraviolet images of the tenuous oxygen, hydrogen…

From ACM News

Solid Nanoparticles Can Deform Like a Liquid

Solid Nanoparticles Can Deform Like a Liquid

A surprising phenomenon has been found in metal nanoparticles: They appear, from the outside, to be liquid droplets, wobbling and readily changing shape, while their interiors retain a perfectly stable crystal configuration.

From ACM TechNews

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales

Many artificial intelligence researchers believe one of the major breakthroughs in AI will be creating systems that are effective story-tellers. 

From ACM TechNews

Hacking Their Way to Gender Equality

Hacking Their Way to Gender Equality

About 60 high school and college-age women participated in the 2014 International Women's Hackathon on the campus of California State University San Marcos.

From ACM TechNews

Geospatial Data Project Puts Major Issues on the Map

Geospatial Data Project Puts Major Issues on the Map

A project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation aims to create a Web-based system for hosting, processing, analyzing, and sharing geospatial data. 

From ACM TechNews

Robot Gets a Driving Lesson For DARPA Challenge

Robot Gets a Driving Lesson For DARPA Challenge

One of the most difficult tasks at next year's U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency robotic challenge finals will be having a robot drive and then get out of a car. 

From ACM TechNews

Tech Jobs: Minorities Have Degrees, but Don't Get Hired

Tech Jobs: Minorities Have Degrees, but Don't Get Hired

Top universities graduate minority computer science and engineering students at twice the rate that leading technology companies hire them, according to USA Today. 

From ACM TechNews

Australian Teams Set New Records for Silicon Quantum Computing

Australian Teams Set New Records for Silicon Quantum Computing

University of New South Wales researchers say they have developed two types of quantum bits that each process data with an accuracy of greater than 99 percent.

From ACM News

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science

Permafrost, oxygen, hydrogen; it all looks like science to me. 

From ACM News

Nasa Prepares its Science Fleet For Oct. 19 Mars Comet Encounter

Nasa Prepares its Science Fleet For Oct. 19 Mars Comet Encounter

NASA's extensive fleet of science assets, particularly those orbiting and roving Mars, have front row seats to image and study a once-in-a-lifetime comet flyby on Sunday, Oct. 19.