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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2015

From ACM News

Pluto's Big Moon Charon Reveals a Colorful and Violent History

Pluto's Big Moon Charon Reveals a Colorful and Violent History

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has returned the best color and the highest resolution images yet of Pluto's largest moon, Charon—and these pictures show a surprisingly complex and violent history.

From ACM News

Hidden Gps Devices to Track Suspects Raise Legal Concerns

Hidden Gps Devices to Track Suspects Raise Legal Concerns

For months, police trying to solve a Long Island robbery spree had little more to go on than grainy surveillance footage of a man in a hoodie and black ski mask holding up one gas station or convenience store after another.

From ACM TechNews

New Tech Automatically 'tunes' Powered Prosthetics While Walking

New Tech Automatically 'tunes' Powered Prosthetics While Walking

Researchers have developed an algorithm that can automatically tune powered prosthetic legs. 

From ACM TechNews

Meet Seemore: Maker Faire's Mesmerizing 256-Node Computer Cluster

Meet Seemore: Maker Faire's Mesmerizing 256-Node Computer Cluster

One of the centerpieces of the recent World Maker Faire in New York City was SeeMore, an animatronic sculpture designed to illustrate the concept of parallel computing. 

From ACM TechNews

IBM Scientists Find New Way to Shrink Transistors

IBM Scientists Find New Way to Shrink Transistors

IBM scientists on Thursday reported they have found a method to make transistors from parallel rows of carbon nanotubes.

From ACM TechNews

Thought Process: Building an Artificial Brain

Thought Process: Building an Artificial Brain

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is funding a pair of parallel projects to understand the nature of intelligence. 

From ACM TechNews

Disney Research's Smart Lightbulbs Connect Toys & Devices

Disney Research's Smart Lightbulbs Connect Toys & Devices

Disney is considering using light-emitting diode lightbulbs to create an Internet of Toys in which toys could be accessed, monitored, and acted on remotely. 

From ACM News

Nasa Selects Investigations For Future Key Planetary Mission

Nasa Selects Investigations For Future Key Planetary Mission

NASA has selected five science investigations for refinement during the next year as a first step in choosing one or two missions for flight opportunities as early as 2020.

From ACM News

A Magical Answer to an 80-Year-Old Puzzle

A Magical Answer to an 80-Year-Old Puzzle

Can you devise a series of steps to avoid hazards two paces to either side of you, even if you are forced to take every second, third or Nth step in your series?

From ACM Opinion

Fighting Isis Online

Fighting Isis Online

The two men pecked out messages on opposite sides of the country.

From ACM News

Court Reaffirms Ftc Authority to Prosecute Cybersecurity Breaches

Court Reaffirms Ftc Authority to Prosecute Cybersecurity Breaches

The ruling underscores corporate responsibility to protect consumer data.

From ACM News

A Peek Inside Google's Efforts to Create a General-Purpose Robot

A Peek Inside Google's Efforts to Create a General-Purpose Robot

Videos of Google-owned robots, some that look like mechanical bulls and others resembling humanoids from sci-fi movies, have been viewed more than 90 million times online.

From ACM News

Hawaii's Deepest Secret

Hawaii's Deepest Secret

Earth's concentric layers scale remarkably well to those of a peach.

From ACM TechNews

­CLA Scholar Examines Complexities of Data-Sharing in Four Research Projects

­CLA Scholar Examines Complexities of Data-Sharing in Four Research Projects

University of California, Los Angeles professor Christine Borgman and her team are studying how researchers handle and share information in a data-intensive setting.

From ACM TechNews

$2m Project to ­se Video Game to Engage Rural Maine Students in Computer Science, Math

$2m Project to ­se Video Game to Engage Rural Maine Students in Computer Science, Math

University of Maine researchers will use the popular open-world video game Minecraft to introduce the basics of programming to rural fifth-to-eighth graders in the state. 

From ACM TechNews

Moon-Landing Equivalent For Robotics: Assembling an Ikea Chair

Moon-Landing Equivalent For Robotics: Assembling an Ikea Chair

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore are developing a robot that will be able to assemble an IKEA chair.

From ACM TechNews

Wrangling Proteins Gone Wild

Wrangling Proteins Gone Wild

McGill University researchers have developed a software suite designed to accelerate the process of drug discovery for a wide range of diseases. 

From ACM News

How a Single Car Could Spread Malware to Thousands More

How a Single Car Could Spread Malware to Thousands More

Over the last summer, the security research community has proven like never before that cars are vulnerable to hackers—via cellular Internet connectionsintercepted smartphone signals, and even insurance dongles plugged into…

From Communications of the ACM

Cyber Policies on the Rise

Cyber Policies on the Rise

A growing number of companies are taking out cybersecurity insurance policies to protect themselves from the costs of data breaches.

From Communications of the ACM

Scientists Update Views of Light

Scientists Update Views of Light

Experiment sheds new light on wave-particle duality.

From Communications of the ACM

Automotive Systems Get Smarter

Automotive Systems Get Smarter

Automotive infotainment systems are driving changes to automobiles, and to driver behavior.

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