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News Archive


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October 2018

From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Car Dilemmas Reveal That Moral Choices Are Not ­niversal

Self-Driving Car Dilemmas Reveal That Moral Choices Are Not ­niversal

The largest-ever multinational survey on machine ethics found many moral precepts that guide a driver's decisions are not universal.

From ACM TechNews

Tiny Drones Team ­p to Open Doors

Tiny Drones Team ­p to Open Doors

Researchers have developed palm-sized drones that can forcefully tug objects 40 times their own mass by anchoring themselves to the ground or to walls.

From ACM TechNews

Bible Helps AI Gain in Translation

Bible Helps AI Gain in Translation

Dartmouth College researchers used the Bible to improve computer-based text translation.

From ACM TechNews

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs

A new software bot can find bugs in code and write patches with effectiveness comparable to that of human developers.

From ACM TechNews

Hyundai Brings Wearable Robotics to Factories

Hyundai Brings Wearable Robotics to Factories

The Hyundai Motor Group plans to expand the use of wearable robots at its manufacturing facilities, even as it aims to grow robotics as a source of revenue.

From ACM News

What Comes After the Roomba?

What Comes After the Roomba?

It has been 16 years since the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner was introduced by iRobot.

From ACM News

With 5G, You Won't Just Be Watching Video. It'll Be Watching You, Too

With 5G, You Won't Just Be Watching Video. It'll Be Watching You, Too

Remember the last time you felt terrified during a horror movie? Take that moment, and all the suspense leading up to it, and imagine it individually calibrated for you.

From ACM News

Teleportation Over a 6-Kilometre Cable, Courtesy of Quantum Powers

Teleportation Over a 6-Kilometre Cable, Courtesy of Quantum Powers

The fibre-optic cables that carry Internet traffic can also be used for a powerful form of the strange phenomenon known as quantum teleportation.

From ACM News

Baidu's AI Can Do Simultaneous Translation Between Any Two Languages

Baidu's AI Can Do Simultaneous Translation Between Any Two Languages

Would-be travelers of the galaxy, rejoice: The Chinese tech giant Baidu has invented a translation system that brings us one step closer to a software Babel fish.

From ACM News

Recruiting With Virtual Reality

Recruiting With Virtual Reality

As the market for new employees grows increasingly competitive, some recruiters use virtual reality applications to attract qualified candidates.

From ACM TechNews

The Computer Chauffeur Is Creeping Closer

The Computer Chauffeur Is Creeping Closer

With artificial intelligence discreetly improving driving safety, the technology is likely to find its way into luxury vehicles.

From ACM TechNews

MIT Invention Builds Memory Walls to Protect Against Meltdown, Spectre Attacks

MIT Invention Builds Memory Walls to Protect Against Meltdown, Spectre Attacks

A new system can more effectively protect modern PC architectures against vulnerabilities exploited by malware like Meltdown and Spectre, researchers say.

From ACM TechNews

New Data Science Method Makes Charts Easier to Read at a Glance

New Data Science Method Makes Charts Easier to Read at a Glance

Researchers have developed a technique to measure visual complexity by supplying a score that automatically identifies difficult charts.

From ACM TechNews

Brain-Inspired Algorithm Helps AI Systems Multitask and Remember

Brain-Inspired Algorithm Helps AI Systems Multitask and Remember

Researchers have found that adapting a well-known brain mechanism can dramatically improve the ability of artificial neural networks to learn multiple tasks.

From ACM News

Here's What the Quantum Internet Has in Store

Here's What the Quantum Internet Has in Store

A future 'quantum internet' could find use long before it reaches technological maturity, a team of physicists predicts.

From ACM News

NOAA Is About to Make Some Big Changes to Its Global Weather Model

NOAA Is About to Make Some Big Changes to Its Global Weather Model

The nation's weather and climate organization, NOAA, has appointed a new director of its Environmental Modeling Center.

From ACM News

Your Brain Is Like 100 Billion Mini-Computers All Working Together

Your Brain Is Like 100 Billion Mini-Computers All Working Together

Each of our brain cells could work like a mini-computer, according to the first recording of electrical activity in human cells at a super-fine level of detail.

From ACM TechNews

3D-Printed Supercapacitor Electrode Breaks Records in Lab Tests

3D-Printed Supercapacitor Electrode Breaks Records in Lab Tests

Researchers have developed supercapacitor electrodes using a printable graphene aerogel to build a porous three-dimensional scaffold equipped with pseudocapacitive material.

From ACM TechNews

Will There Be a Ban on Killer Robots?

Will There Be a Ban on Killer Robots?

A group of arms control advocates, humans rights groups, and technologists is lobbying the United Nations to craft a global decree that bans autonomous weapons.

From ACM TechNews

Perfecting Crops With AI-Powered Indoor Farms

Perfecting Crops With AI-Powered Indoor Farms

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory's Open Agriculture Initiative has developed a self-contained indoor farm.

From ACM TechNews

The White House Is Wooing Tech Workers to Do Tours of Duty in Government

The White House Is Wooing Tech Workers to Do Tours of Duty in Government

White House officials has been meeting with technology giants to try to persuade them to allow their employees to take leaves of absence to help modernize government agencies.

From ACM TechNews

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data

Researchers analyzing about 33% of the Android apps in the Google Play Store found almost nine out of 10 track smartphone data and transmit it back to Google.

From ACM TechNews

Manufacturers Adopt Robots That Help Human Workers, Not Replace Them. For Now.

Manufacturers Adopt Robots That Help Human Workers, Not Replace Them. For Now.

Collaborative robots, or “cobots,” are becoming an increasingly popular automation tool for manufacturers seeking to boost productivity.

From ACM News

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections

The United States Cyber Command is targeting individual Russian operatives to try to deter them from spreading disinformation to interfere in elections, telling them that American operatives have identified them and are tracking…

From ACM TechNews

AI on a MEMS Device Brings Neuromorphic Computing to the Edge

AI on a MEMS Device Brings Neuromorphic Computing to the Edge

Researchers have outfitted a micro-electromechanical system with artificial intelligence, enabling neuromorphic computing in a microscale device and bringing edge computing closer.

From ACM TechNews

Automated System Identifies Dense Tissue, a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer, in Mammograms

Automated System Identifies Dense Tissue, a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer, in Mammograms

A new automated system assesses dense breast tissue in mammograms as reliably as human radiologists.

From ACM TechNews

Data on Demand: Creating a Search Engine for Microbiome Sciences

Data on Demand: Creating a Search Engine for Microbiome Sciences

The University of Arizona's Hurwitz Laboratory is helping researchers around the world gain greater access to data collected at remote ocean sites.

From ACM News

Chip Implants Get Real

Chip Implants Get Real

The notion of using implantable chips to authenticate people is gaining support, but it raises important privacy questions.

From ACM Opinion

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.

The Facebook video is nuts, but I can't tear my eyes away. A plane, struggling in a huge storm, does a 360-degree flip before safely landing and letting out terrified passengers.

From ACM News

Scientists Help Robots 'Evolve.' Weirdness Ensues

Scientists Help Robots 'Evolve.' Weirdness Ensues

Evolution is a trip. On the one hand, it's a seemingly simple mechanism—those best fitted to their environment have more babies, while less fit individuals don't reproduce as much, and their genes filter out of the system.