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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2023

From ACM TechNews

Using Language to Give Robots a Better Grasp of Open-Ended World

Using Language to Give Robots a Better Grasp of Open-Ended World

The Feature Fields for Robotic Manipulation method helps robots identify nearby objects by forming three-dimensional scenes from two-dimensional images and vision foundation models.

From ACM News

Earbuds to Monitor Brain, Body

Earbuds to Monitor Brain, Body

These earbuds listen to you, to determine if your brain and/or body are working at peak efficiency.

From ACM News

Datacenter Waste Energy to Heat Homes in 'U.K.-First' Scheme

Datacenter Waste Energy to Heat Homes in 'U.K.-First' Scheme

The London scheme is the U.K.'s first large-scale project to use datacenter waste heat to power homes.

From ACM TechNews

5G-Powered Robots Clean Singapore's Rivers

5G-Powered Robots Clean Singapore's Rivers

Singapore-based Weston Robot is supplying uncrewed surface vessels to clean Singapore's rivers by collecting garbage and monitoring water quality.

From ACM TechNews

Kids with Disabilities Are Gamers, Too

Kids with Disabilities Are Gamers, Too

Students developed prototype assistive technologies that could enable children with cerebral palsy to play video games.

From ACM TechNews

Doctors Wrestle with AI in Patient Care

Doctors Wrestle with AI in Patient Care

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of artificial intelligence tools has raised doubts among doctors about their ability to improve patient care.

From ACM News

OpenAI Announces Bigger, Badder, and Weirder Chatbots

OpenAI Announces Bigger, Badder, and Weirder Chatbots

GPTs promises to let users create their own fully-customizable chatbots with zero coding experience required.

From ACM News

Bengio Receives Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering

Bengio Receives Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering

The award is given annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.

From ACM News

AIrtist: Co-creativity and Computer-Human Collaboration in the Arts

AIrtist: Co-creativity and Computer-Human Collaboration in the Arts

Far from being threatened by artificial intelligence, many creative practitioners are already embracing it—with some novel and unexpected results.

From ACM TechNews

Vision via Sound for the Blind

Vision via Sound for the Blind

Scientists have created "acoustic touch" technology that uses sound to help blind people "see."

From ACM TechNews

Smart Scalpel Helps Doctors Hone Surgical Skills

Smart Scalpel Helps Doctors Hone Surgical Skills

A smart scalpel developed by researchers at the U.K.'s University of Edinburgh measures the amount of force applied during surgical procedures and could facilitate surgical training.

From ACM TechNews

UMD-Led Research Powers Montgomery County's Prosecution Data Dashboard

UMD-Led Research Powers Montgomery County's Prosecution Data Dashboard

University of Maryland researchers helped the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office roll out the state's first Prosecution Data Dashboard to clarify its handling of cases.

From ACM News

Chatbots May 'Hallucinate' More Often Than Many Realize

Chatbots May 'Hallucinate' More Often Than Many Realize

When summarizing facts, ChatGPT technology makes things up about 3% of the time, according to research from a new start-up. A Google system's rate was 27%.

From ACM TechNews

As a Teen, She Loved Video Games. Now She's Using A.I. to Try to Quash Malaria

As a Teen, She Loved Video Games. Now She's Using A.I. to Try to Quash Malaria

In Senegal, Rokhaya Diagne is using artificial intelligence to help the world eradicate malaria by 2030.

From ACM TechNews

Checking for Counterfeit Medication Using a Smartphone

Checking for Counterfeit Medication Using a Smartphone

The SmartID barcode system developed by researchers at a group of Germany's Fraunhofer research institutes allows users to verify a medical product is genuine using a smartphone.

From ACM TechNews

As Baby Boomers Retire, German Businesses Turn to Robots

As Baby Boomers Retire, German Businesses Turn to Robots

As Germany's baby boomers retire, exacerbating the country's labor shortage, many companies are filling job openings with robots.

From ACM News

The Bletchley Declaration by Countries Attending the AI Safety Summit

The Bletchley Declaration by Countries Attending the AI Safety Summit

We welcome relevant international efforts to examine and address the potential impact of AI systems in existing fora and other relevant initiatives.

From ACM TechNews

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet

Hearing-impaired football players could benefit from a prototype helmet that provides visual displays of plays.

From ACM TechNews

Nvidia Piloting a Generative AI for Its Engineers

Nvidia Piloting a Generative AI for Its Engineers

Nvidia's Bill Dally said the company is testing whether it can increase the productivity of its chip designers using generative artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Keeping Secrets in a Quantum World

Keeping Secrets in a Quantum World

Cryptographers are working on data-encryption schemes strong enough to withstand attacks from future quantum computers.

From ACM News

The Beatles' New Song 'Now and Then' Used AI to Lift Out John Lennon's Voice

The Beatles' New Song 'Now and Then' Used AI to Lift Out John Lennon's Voice

Technology has come a long way since the last time Paul McCartney released new Beatles tracks.

From ACM News

Researchers Simplify Switching for Quantum Electronics

Researchers Simplify Switching for Quantum Electronics

Exploiting a quantum effect electrically brings it closer to practical use.

From ACM News

Global Leaders Warn A.I. Could Cause 'Catastrophic' Harm

Global Leaders Warn A.I. Could Cause 'Catastrophic' Harm

At a U.K. summit, 28 governments, including China and the U.S., signed a declaration agreeing to cooperate on evaluating the risks of artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Milestone Achieved in New Quantum Computing Architecture

Milestone Achieved in New Quantum Computing Architecture

Scientists have extended the coherence time for a unique class of quantum bit (qubit) to 0.1 milliseconds, topping the previous record by nearly 1,000-fold.

From ACM TechNews

Japan Show Provides Glimpse of Robots as Future of Rescue Efforts

Japan Show Provides Glimpse of Robots as Future of Rescue Efforts

The Japan Mobility Show highlighted robotic technologies that could help address the nation's aging population and worker shortage.

From ACM TechNews

NASA's Dragonfly Preparing to Fly Through Titan's Atmosphere

NASA's Dragonfly Preparing to Fly Through Titan's Atmosphere

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration said it conducted tests to prepare its Dragonfly rotorcraft lander to explore Saturn's moon Titan.

From ACM News

Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias Against Women in STEM Remains Rife, Study Finds

Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias Against Women in STEM Remains Rife, Study Finds

Two-thirds of women STEM professionals surveyed report earning less than their male counterparts.

From ACM News

Department of Commerce to Establish U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute to Lead Efforts on AI Safety

Department of Commerce to Establish U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute to Lead Efforts on AI Safety

The U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute will support the responsibilities assigned to the Department of Commerce in the executive order President Biden signed earlier this week.

From ACM News

News Group Says A.I. Chatbots Heavily Rely on News Content

News Group Says A.I. Chatbots Heavily Rely on News Content

The News Media Alliance, a trade group that represents newspapers, says that A.I. chatbots use news articles significantly more than generic content online.

From ACM TechNews

U.N. Secretary-General Launches High-Level Advisory Body on AI

U.N. Secretary-General Launches High-Level Advisory Body on AI

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres launched an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advisory Body on risks, opportunities, and international governance of AI.