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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2010

From ACM TechNews

Su Receives $3.4 Million Federal Grant to Benefit Women in Sciences

Syracuse University recently received a five-year, $3.4 million U.S. National Science Foundation grant to study ways to attract and retain more female professors in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields…

From ACM TechNews

Privacy Project ­ses Cryptography to Reduce Shared Info

Privacy Project ­ses Cryptography to Reduce Shared Info

An electronic wallet that encrypts the owner's personal information is being developed by IBM researchers. The device will only allow the sharing of information that is strictly necessary to complete a transaction.

From ACM TechNews

Python 3.2 Tweaked For Parallel Development

Python's developers plan to offer greater support for writing multithreaded applications in the 3.2 version of the open source programming language. The pre-release version offers functions that could make concurrent programming…

From ACM News

War for Tech Talent Hits 'White Hot' New York Startup Scene

War for Tech Talent Hits 'White Hot' New York Startup Scene

It's a good time to be a software programmer in New York City.

From ACM News

Rensselaer Research Leader Francine Berman Named Fellow of Ieee

Rensselaer Research Leader Francine Berman Named Fellow of Ieee

Cyber infrastructure pioneer Francine Berman, the vice president for research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has been named a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for her leadership in high-performance…

From ACM News

Doe Awards Nist Millions of Supercomputing Hours, Aims For 'concrete Results'

Doe Awards Nist Millions of Supercomputing Hours, Aims For 'concrete Results'

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded a NIST team of researchers millions of hours of supercomputing time to analyze concrete flow, with the aim of improving the common material, which is the basis for a $100 billion industry…

From ACM News

Task Force Praises Bowles-Simpson Report's Commitment to Research and Education

The Task Force on American Innovation commends the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform for recommending that the United States make predictable and sustained federal investments in research and education a…

From ACM TechNews

Sartre Car Platoon Road Tests to Begin

Sartre Car Platoon Road Tests to Begin

The Safe Road Trains for the Environment (SARTRE) project in Europe has begun to integrate software and hardware into two vehicles that will be used in its first on-road tests before the end of the year. 

From ACM News

New Application Allows Scientists Easy Access to Government Data

New Application Allows Scientists Easy Access to Government Data

Computer scientists within the Tetherless World Research Constellation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed an application that provides scientists with easy and direct access to data sets within, the U…

From ACM TechNews

How Rare Is that Fingerprint? Computational Forensics Provides the First Clues

How Rare Is that Fingerprint? Computational Forensics Provides the First Clues

University at Buffalo researchers have developed a method to computationally determine how rare a particular fingerprint is and how likely it is to belong to a specific crime suspect. 

From ACM News

­.S. Government, Businesses Are Poorly Prepared for Cyber Attacks, Experts Say at AAAS

­.S. Government, Businesses Are Poorly Prepared for Cyber Attacks, Experts Say at AAAS

The United States is ill-prepared to defend its vital infrastructure against a cyber attack, a former top cybersecurity official said during a recent panel discussion at AAAS.

From ACM News

Umd Launches Maryland Cybersecurity Center

Umd Launches Maryland Cybersecurity Center

The path to assuring the security of vital cyber networks lies in interdisciplinary collaboration of IT and legal, policy, business and behavioral experts, co-director Patrick O'Shea said at the launch of the University of Maryland's…

From ACM News

Collective Memory

Collective Memory

An MIT project provides a way to preserve information in constantly changing networks, without resorting to a shared server.

From ACM News

Next Generation of Algorithms Inspired By Problem-Solving Ants

Next Generation of Algorithms Inspired By Problem-Solving Ants

An ant colony is the last place you'd expect to find a maths whiz, but University of Sydney researchers have shown that the humble ant is capable of solving difficult mathematical problems.

From ACM News

Military Bans Disks, Threatens Courts-Martial to Stop New Leaks

Military Bans Disks, Threatens Courts-Martial to Stop New Leaks

It’s too late to stop WikiLeaks from publishing thousands more classified documents, nabbed from the Pentagon’s secret network. But the U.S. military is telling its troops to stop using CDs, DVDs, thumb drives and every other…

From ACM News

Pa College: Social Media Blackout Wins Converts

Forty-two percent of students responding to in-house surveys at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology said they supported a weeklong blackout of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook on campus.

From ACM TechNews

Diminishing Returns? U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Decline

Diminishing Returns? U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Decline

U.S. science research efficiency is trending downward, according to a National Science Foundation study. U.S. research output, as measured by scientific publication trends, is declining despite dramatically increased research…

From ACM Opinion

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

"I'm aware of your need to stay anonymous, but I have to be able to describe the scope of this movement. Can any of you tell me where you're typing from?"

From ACM TechNews

It Hiring Projected to Increase in Q1 2011

Information technology (IT) employment is expected to rise next year as 11 percent of 1,400 CIOs from U.S. companies surveyed by Robert Half Technology said they plan to increase IT hiring in the first quarter of 2011. 

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Students Show Significant Gains in Math, Science Results

U.s. Students Show Significant Gains in Math, Science Results

U.S. math and science scores for students significantly improved on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Program for International Student Assessment since the last assessment in 2006. 

From ACM TechNews

Elusive Spintronics Success Could Lead to Single Chip For Processing and Memory

Elusive Spintronics Success Could Lead to Single Chip For Processing and Memory

The proactive control of magnetically polarized current has been demonstrated for the first time, raising the possibility of combining computer memory and processing power on the same chip. 

From ACM TechNews

Alto Protocol Could Improve Peer-to-Peer Networks

The Internet Engineering Task Force is developing Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO), a peer-to-peer system designed to improve the performance of client applications and help resolve disputes between Internet service…

From ACM TechNews

Ua-Linked Effort Aims to Retool Workings of Net

Ua-Linked Effort Aims to Retool Workings of Net

Researchers and colleagues from 10 institutions are collaborating on the Named Data Networking project to restructure the Internet's architecture, with changes focused on improving performance, security, and usability.

From ACM News

Iphone Games: Kids ­nknowingly Spend Real Money in 'smurf's Village'

Iphone Games: Kids ­nknowingly Spend Real Money in 'smurf's Village'

"The Smurfs' Village," a game for the iPhone and other Apple gadgets, was released a month ago and quickly became the highest-grossing application in the iTunes store. Yet it's free to download.

From ACM News

Supercomputing Research Opens Doors for Drug Discovery

Supercomputing Research Opens Doors for Drug Discovery

A quicker and cheaper technique to scan molecular databases developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory could put scientists on the fast track to developing new drug treatments.

From ACM News

Diminishing Returns?: U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Drop

Diminishing Returns?: U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Drop

A historic downward shift in U.S. research efficiency is described in a new report on science publication trends, showing that while funding rose, the quantity of research yielded, measured by an analysis of published scientific…

From ACM News

Technique Turns Computer Chip Defects Into An Advantage

Physicists at Ohio State University have discovered that tiny defects inside a computer chip can be used to tune the properties of key atoms in the chip.

From ACM News

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence

Stretching their boundaries, artificial intelligence researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have teamed up with musicians on an unlikely project: a digital conductor of improvised avant-garde performances.

From ACM News

Assange's 'Poison Pill' File Impossible to Stop, Expert Says

Assange's 'Poison Pill' File Impossible to Stop, Expert Says

The Poison Pill. The Doomsday Files. Or simply, The Insurance.

From ACM News

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks

Apple has decided to use Intel's upcoming Sandy Bridge processors in its MacBook line, a transition that will occur in 2011, squeezing out Nvidia's graphics processors in at least some models of the popular laptops, sources…