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News Archive


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December 2015

From ACM TechNews

Ic Professors and Grad Students Pair Infants With Robots

Ic Professors and Grad Students Pair Infants With Robots

Ithaca College researchers, as part of their ongoing "Tots on Bots" study, are nearing the end of their first session with five-month-old infants.

From ACM TechNews

­w Researchers Estimate Poverty and Wealth From Cellphone Metadata

­w Researchers Estimate Poverty and Wealth From Cellphone Metadata

Researchers have developed a method for estimating the distribution of wealth and poverty in an area by studying metadata from calls and texts made on cellphones. 

From ACM TechNews

Why Bartenders Have to Ignore Some Signals

Why Bartenders Have to Ignore Some Signals

Bielefeld University researchers are leading a study into how a robotic bartender can understand human communication and appropriately serve drinks socially. 

From ACM TechNews

Online Tracking By News Organizations Is Excessive, Say Researchers

Online Tracking By News Organizations Is Excessive, Say Researchers

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that news organizations permit far more use of third-party tracking than the average website. 

From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Called In to Tackle Lhc Data Deluge

Artificial Intelligence Called In to Tackle Lhc Data Deluge

The next generation of particle-collider experiments will feature some of the world's most advanced thinking machines, if links now being forged between particle physicists and artificial intelligence (AI) researchers take off…

From ACM News

Biologists Create More Precise Molecular Scissors For Genome Editing

Biologists Create More Precise Molecular Scissors For Genome Editing

By tweaking an enzyme that cuts DNA, synthetic biologists say that they can make genome editing even more specific—an essential improvement if the technique is to be deployed in the clinic to treat genetic diseases.

From ACM News

Everything You Need to Know About Crispr Gene Editing's Monster Year

Everything You Need to Know About Crispr Gene Editing's Monster Year

Muscle-bound beagles. Hornless cows. Better potatoes. Genetically modified human embryos.

From ACM News

Speeding Delivery By 3D-Printing Products

Speeding Delivery By 3D-Printing Products

Online mega-retailer Amazon appears to be exploring the use of 3D printing to get products to consumers faster.

From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals How Smiling Evolved During a Century of Yearbook Photos

Data Mining Reveals How Smiling Evolved During a Century of Yearbook Photos

A new machine-vision strategy for data-mining a massive database of high school yearbook photos has been pioneered at the University of California, Berkeley.

From ACM TechNews

Sandia's Panther Predicts Movement

Sandia's Panther Predicts Movement

A team at Sandia National Laboratories has developed software that will enable security data analysts to work more efficiently with big data sets. 

From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Systemml Moves Forward as Apache Incubator Project

Ibm's Systemml Moves Forward as Apache Incubator Project

IBM announced the Apache Software Foundation's acceptance of its SystemML machine-learning algorithm translator as an Apache Incubator open source project. 

From ACM News

The Most Important Number in Climate Change

The Most Important Number in Climate Change

The furious majesty of a thunderstorm defies computer simulation.

From ACM Opinion

No, Nsa Phone Spying Has Not Ended

No, Nsa Phone Spying Has Not Ended

At 11:59 P.M. on Saturday night, the U.S. National Security Agency supposedly yanked the cord on its bulk telephone records collection, thereby ending an expansive surveillance program that the nation's intelligence community…

From Communications of the ACM

The Hyper-Intelligent Bandage

The Hyper-Intelligent Bandage

Scientists are developing smart, sensor-packed dressings to help heal chronic wounds.

From Communications of the ACM

When Data Is Not Enough

When Data Is Not Enough

Reproducibility of code is increasingly crucial to verifying scientific claims.

From Communications of the ACM

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs

Whether sitting in front of a screen or in a classroom, online and campus-based institutions want to verify students actually attend classes, take exams.

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