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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


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December 2016

From ACM News

The Army's Looking Into Putting Bacteria Into Its Electronics

The Army's Looking Into Putting Bacteria Into Its Electronics

If you're not familiar with the terms "synthetic biology" or "biohybrid systems," you may want to add them to your vocabulary.

From ACM TechNews

Big Data Analytics--Nostradamus of the 21st Century

Big Data Analytics--Nostradamus of the 21st Century

Researchers from Australia's Griffith University accurately predicted who would win 49 of the 50 states in the U.S. presidential election using social media comments and data.

From ACM TechNews

Why a Hacker Is Giving Away a Special Code That Turns Cars Into Self-Driving Machines

Why a Hacker Is Giving Away a Special Code That Turns Cars Into Self-Driving Machines

The founder of startup has released a free software kit in an effort to accelerate autonomous vehicle technology without running afoul of regulators.

From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineers Create Prototype Chip Just Three Atoms Thick

Stanford Engineers Create Prototype Chip Just Three Atoms Thick

A team of Stanford University engineers has demonstrated the possibility of mass-producing a three-atom-thick semiconductor of molybdenum disulfide as an alternative to silicon.

From ACM TechNews

Creating Videos of the Future

Creating Videos of the Future

Researchers have developed a deep-learning algorithm that can take a still image of a scene and model a video simulating the future of that scene.

From ACM TechNews

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S

Machine-learning artificial intelligences become more capable with experience, but the trade-off is a lack of understanding about the nature of their intelligence.

From ACM News

How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Will Radically Transform the Economy

How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Will Radically Transform the Economy

Next time you stop for gas at a self-serve pump, say hello to the robot in front of you.

From ACM News

Scientists Probe Mystery of Pluto's Icy Heart

Scientists Probe Mystery of Pluto's Icy Heart

Scientists are offering several new scenarios to explain the formation of Pluto's frozen heart-shaped feature, first spotted by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft in 2015.

From ACM News

Facebook Developing Artificial Intelligence to Flag Offensive Live Videos

Facebook Developing Artificial Intelligence to Flag Offensive Live Videos

Facebook Inc is working on automatically flagging offensive material in live video streams, building on a growing effort to use artificial intelligence to monitor content, said Joaquin Candela, the company’s director of applied…

From ACM News

AI Contest Aims to Build the Communications Network of the Future

AI Contest Aims to Build the Communications Network of the Future

Participants in the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge can win millions of dollars for developing a radio frequency spectrum allocation system powered by artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Reuters Built Its Own Algorithmic Prediction Tool to Help It Spot (and Verify) Breaking News on Twitter

Reuters Built Its Own Algorithmic Prediction Tool to Help It Spot (and Verify) Breaking News on Twitter

Reuters has developed software that automates the process of spotting breaking news.

From ACM TechNews

Rescue Robot 'sees' With Drone Eyes

Rescue Robot 'sees' With Drone Eyes

Researchers in Japan have developed a prototype construction robot that can be used for disaster relief.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Explore New 2d Materials That Could Make Devices Faster, Smaller, and Efficient

Researchers Explore New 2d Materials That Could Make Devices Faster, Smaller, and Efficient

An international team of scientists has conducted new research into two-dimensional materials, a class of nanomaterials only a few atoms in thickness.

From ACM TechNews

Construction Greener and More Efficient With Intelligent Software

Construction Greener and More Efficient With Intelligent Software

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Warwick have developed technology they say could boost the fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness of construction vehicles.

From Communications of the ACM

Can We Trust Autonomous Weapons?

Can We Trust Autonomous Weapons?

Nations consider using defense systems that can make their own lethal decisions.

From Communications of the ACM

Containers Push Toward the Mayfly Server

Containers Push Toward the Mayfly Server

The container revolution represents a large-scale shift in thinking about multitasking systems.

From Communications of the ACM

Cracking the Code on Biology

Cracking the Code on Biology

Genetic engineering promises to revolutionize everything from agriculture and biofuels to medicine and food safety.

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