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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2010

From ACM TechNews

Intel Experimental Processor Adapts to Environmental Challenges on the Fly

Intel has created a microprocessor that is capable of delivering its specified throughput without requiring any reserve cycles to account for dips in power, changes in temperature, and aging transistors. With its built-in error…

From ACM TechNews

New Technology Offers Secure Electronic Payment via Mobile Phones

New Technology Offers Secure Electronic Payment via Mobile Phones

University of Oxford researchers have developed a protocol for facilitating secure peer-to-peer and person-to-person payments using mobile phones. 

From ACM News

Science Education Should Begin at Age Three

Science Education Should Begin at Age Three

Your child comes home from pre-K and tells you to shut off the lights to save electricity. Don't feel scolded; your child may be a budding scientist. To support these interests, one academic says children should begin learning…

From ACM News

Surgeons Perform Robot-Assisted Cystectomy

UT Southwestern Medical Center surgeons completed the North Texas region's first robot-assisted bladder removal using the DaVinci system, a four-armed robot controlled by the surgeon via a joystick.

From ACM News

More Than 75,000 Systems Hacked in Cyber Attacks, Security Firm Says

More than 75,000 computer systems at nearly 2,500 companies in the United States and around the world have been hacked in what appears to be one of the largest and most sophisticated attacks by cyber criminals discovered to date…

From ACM Careers

The Painful Truth About Age Discrimination in Tech

The Painful Truth About Age Discrimination in Tech

There are bold programmers but no old programmers. That fear-tinged saying echoes even more today among software developers, who fear the recession provides a handy cover for age discrimination. But a closer look suggests that…

From ACM TechNews

War Game Reveals ­.s. Lacks Cyber-Crisis Skills

The Bipartisan Policy Center recently staged the Cyber ShockWave, a simulation to demonstrate the plausibility of a cyberattack that could be as crippling as the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist strikes. 

From ACM TechNews

Graduation Gaps For Science Majors

Graduation Gaps For Science Majors

A recent University of California, Los Angeles survey found that more students are interested in majoring in science and technology fields, but those students are graduating at lower rates than students not pursing science and…

From ACM TechNews

Hold Vendors Liable For Buggy Software, Security Experts Say

Security experts from more than 30 organizations recently called on enterprises to put more pressure on security vendors to ensure secure code development. 

From ACM TechNews

New Fiber Nanogenerators Could Lead to Electric Clothing

New Fiber Nanogenerators Could Lead to Electric Clothing

University of California, Berkeley researchers have created energy-scavenging nanofibers that can be woven into clothing and textiles. The nano-sized generators have piezoelectric properties, which enables them to use mechanical…

From ACM TechNews

A Conference Keen on Finding Open Communication

A Conference Keen on Finding Open Communication

Alcatel-Lucent recently launched an initiative to connect network operators with software developers to develop mobile applications that work with multiple networks and operating systems. More than 50 operators have expressed…

From ACM TechNews

­.s., Eu, Russia Set Aside $13.6m For Exascale Software Work

The United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom have agreed to fund projects aimed at developing software for the next generation of supercomputers. 

From ACM TechNews

Humanoid Robots to Gain Advanced Social Skills

Humanoid Robots to Gain Advanced Social Skills

European robotics researchers are developing humanoid robots that can interact with groups of people in a realistic, anthropomorphic way. The HUMAVIPS project aims to design algorithms that will enable robots to focus their…

From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0

Right now, troops trying to listen in on enemy chatter rely on a convoluted process. They tune into insurgency radio frequencies, then hand the radio over to local interpreters, who translate the dialogues. It’s a sloppy process…

From ACM News

A Faster Wireless Web

Transfers of large amounts of data across the Internet to wireless devices suffer from a key problem: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used to send and receive that data can be unnecessarily slow.

A company called Aspera…

From ACM News

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack

Unknown hackers have taken out U.S. cellphone networks in an ongoing cyber-attack that will soon knock out parts of the nation's electricity grid – say the officials who helped plan today's mock assault on the nation's defences…

From ACM TechNews

Nasa: Robots 'essential' to Endeavour Mission's Success

Nasa: Robots 'essential' to Endeavour Mission's Success

Robots have a vital role on the space shuttle Endeavour's mission to install two new pieces of the International Space Station. Robotics technology is a critical part of the effort to build the space station, says NASA's Scott…

From ACM TechNews

Researcher Finds 'network Privacy' an Online Oxymoron

Northeastern University (NU) professor Alan Mislove has developed an algorithm that can predict the personal information of any given Facebook user in the Rice University network. 

From ACM News

How Advanced Technology Helped East Coast Blizzard Emergency Crews

How Advanced Technology Helped East Coast Blizzard Emergency Crews

Emergency management and transport agencies along the Mid-Atlantic coping with the recent blizzards used an advanced visualization and data fusion system that put on one screen real-time traffic, accident and weather information…

From ACM News

Sensor Exploits Traditional Weakness of Nano Devices

By taking advantage of a phenomenon that until now has been a virtual showstopper for electronics designers, a team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Panos Datskos is developing a chemical and biological sensor with unprecedented…

From ACM News

Do-It-Yourself Genetic Engineering

Do-It-Yourself Genetic Engineering

It all started with a brawny, tattooed building contractor with a passion for exotic animals. He was taking biology classes at City College of San Francisco, a two-year community college, and when students started meeting informally…

From ACM TechNews

Despite Glitches, Electronics Make Cars Safer

Despite Glitches, Electronics Make Cars Safer

Future cars will have even more complex electronics and robotic-like control systems that monitor driving conditions and assist drivers, but experts say that will only make cars safer. 

From ACM TechNews

Australia Builds Secret Database to Fight Cyber-Terrorism

Australia Builds Secret Database to Fight Cyber-Terrorism

Australia's federal government has been given sensitive data from utilities, banks, and other organizations for the Critical Infrastructure Protection Modeling and Assessment (CIPMA) program. 

From ACM TechNews

Ntu Launches One of the World's Greenest Supercomputers

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) researchers recently launched the High Performance Computing (HPC) Centre, which features sustainability features such as the use of water-cooled technology that reduces electrical consumption…

From ACM TechNews

Berkeley Discusses Progress in Parallel Programming

University of California, Berkeley researchers recently discussed their progress in finding new parallel programming models for multicore processor architectures. Researchers have produced seven high-performance applications…

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Launches Open Government Web Page

Nsf Launches Open Government Web Page

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recently launched a new Web site at designed to encourage participation and collaboration between the agency and the citizens it serves. 

From ACM News

Stanford Finds Cheating

Stanford Finds Cheating

Allegations of cheating at Stanford University have more than doubled in the past decade, with the largest number of violations involving computer science students.

In 10 years, the number of cases investigated by the university's…

From ACM News

Computer Simulations Can Be as Effective as Direct Observation in Teaching Science

Computer Simulations Can Be as Effective as Direct Observation in Teaching Science

Students can learn some science concepts just as well from computers simulations as they do from direct observation, new research suggests.

From ACM News

Researchers Envision High-Tech Applications For 'multiferroic' Crystals

Researchers Envision High-Tech Applications For 'multiferroic' Crystals

Two of Florida State University's most accomplished scientists' recent collaborative research project has yielded results that could lay the groundwork for future researchers seeking to develop a new generation of computer chips…

From ICT Results

Digital Teaching Aids Make Math Fun

Digital Teaching Aids Make Math Fun

It will come as a surprise to schoolchildren everywhere: Learning the intricacies of algebra, calculus and geometry can be fun. So say a team of European researchers who believes they have cracked the code to making mathematics…