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News Archive


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February 2017

From ACM Careers

Tech vs. Trump War Over Immigration Intensifies

Tech vs. Trump War Over Immigration Intensifies

Shortly after his election victory, Donald Trump assembled executives from tech giants including Amazon, Apple and Google for a meeting at Trump Tower meant to mend fences with the industry, pledging: "We're going to be there…

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Helps Identify Effective Cancer Drug Combinations

Artificial Intelligence Helps Identify Effective Cancer Drug Combinations

Researchers at Cornell University have found artificial intelligence can help scientists predict what combinations of existing drugs could combat different types of cancer.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers From the Ugr Develop a New Software Which Adapts Medical Technology to See the Interior of a Sculpture

Researchers From the Ugr Develop a New Software Which Adapts Medical Technology to See the Interior of a Sculpture

Researchers at the University of Granada in Spain have developed software that adapts conventional medical technology, enabling it to analyze the interior of sculptures.

From ACM TechNews

China Claims Supercomputer Powers Surpasses U.s., Europe

China Claims Supercomputer Powers Surpasses U.s., Europe

The processing power of China's Tianhe supercomputer at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin exceeds that of its U.S. and European counterparts, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

From ACM TechNews

Computing Conference to Celebrate 50 Years of Turing Award

Computing Conference to Celebrate 50 Years of Turing Award

ACM has announced it will celebrate 50 years of the ACM A.M. Turing Award, also known as the "Nobel Prize of Computing," with a high-profile conference to be held June 23-24 in San Francisco.

From ACM TechNews

Volunteers Archive Government Data, Worry Trump Administration Could Cut Access

Volunteers Archive Government Data, Worry Trump Administration Could Cut Access

Volunteers are working to archive public databases hosted by U.S. government agencies because they are worried access to the data could be cut off by the Trump administration.

From ACM TechNews

Complex 3D Data on All Devices

Complex 3D Data on All Devices

A new Web-based software platform supports three-dimensional data visualization on any connected device, optimizing the use of virtual reality in industry.

From ACM News

China's Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter

China's Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter

Robert O. Work, the veteran defense official retained as deputy secretary by President Trump, calls them his "A.I. dudes."

From ACM News

Cosmic Test Backs 'quantum Spookiness'

Cosmic Test Backs 'quantum Spookiness'

A version of an iconic experiment to confirm quantum theory has for the first time used the light of distant stars to bolster the case for a phenomenon that Albert Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance".

From ACM News

Could Your Robot Go to Work Instead of You?

Could Your Robot Go to Work Instead of You?

Getting yourself out of bed and into work can feel like one of the toughest parts of the day.

From ACM TechNews

Paralyzed Patients Communicate Thoughts Via Brain-Computer Interface

Paralyzed Patients Communicate Thoughts Via Brain-Computer Interface

A new noninvasive brain-computer interface has enabled researchers in the U.K. to communicate with patients who are totally paralyzed and unable to talk.

From ACM TechNews

Wearable AI System Can Detect a Conversation's Tone

Wearable AI System Can Detect a Conversation's Tone

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a system that utilizes a wearable device and artificial intelligence to detect whether the tone of a conversation is happy, sad, or neutral.

From ACM TechNews

Atlanta Falcons to Win Super Bowl, Says Pitt Researcher

Atlanta Falcons to Win Super Bowl, Says Pitt Researcher

The Atlanta Falcons will defeat the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 51, according to University of Pittsburgh researchers.

From ACM TechNews

Holograms From Sci-Fi Movies May Soon Become Reality

Holograms From Sci-Fi Movies May Soon Become Reality

Researchers say they have developed a device that could generate the highest-quality holographic images ever produced and may lead to imaging technologies similar to those seen in science fiction films.

From ACM TechNews

Israeli Scientist Wins Japan Prize For Cryptography Work

Israeli Scientist Wins Japan Prize For Cryptography Work

Adi Shamir, a professor at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, is one of three winners of the 2017 Japan Prize.

From ACM Careers

Federal Workers Turn to Encryption to Thwart Trump

Federal Workers Turn to Encryption to Thwart Trump

Federal employees worried that President Donald Trump will gut their agencies are creating new email addresses, signing up for encrypted messaging apps and looking for other, protected ways to push back against the new administration's…

From ACM News

­niverse Neither Confirms Nor Denies Its Holographic Nature

­niverse Neither Confirms Nor Denies Its Holographic Nature

Cosmology is a funny kind of science. 

From ACM News

Pollsters' Failures Signal Need For Changes

Pollsters' Failures Signal Need For Changes

For opinion researchers, the unexpected outcomes of the Brexit vote and the U.S. presidential election signals it is time to reassess the kinds of data they gather and how they analyze and present it.

From ACM TechNews

Um Researchers Awarded For Using Big Data in Medical Studies

Um Researchers Awarded For Using Big Data in Medical Studies

The University of Michigan is receiving $3 million in funding from the Michigan Institute for Data Sciences to support three projects that will address issues in health and genetics using big data techniques.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Wearable, Low-Cost Sensor to Measure Skin Hydration

Researchers Develop Wearable, Low-Cost Sensor to Measure Skin Hydration

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a wearable, wireless sensor that can monitor a person's skin hydration.

From ACM TechNews

Army, Industry Computer Scientists Gather For 'hackathon'

Army, Industry Computer Scientists Gather For 'hackathon'

Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory's Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NSCTA) recently held the first hackathon at the Adelphi Laboratory Center in Maryland.

From ACM TechNews

Iu, Nswc Crane Partnering to Bolster National Defense Through 'smart Tech' Agreement

Iu, Nswc Crane Partnering to Bolster National Defense Through 'smart Tech' Agreement

Indiana University  and the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, have entered into a collaborative research agreement to improve military sensor technology.

From ACM News

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets

In the beginning, people hacked phones.

From ACM News

It's Never 'groundhog Day' at Jupiter

It's Never 'groundhog Day' at Jupiter

NASA's Juno spacecraft will make its fourth flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops on Thursday, Feb. 2, at 4:57 a.m. PST (7:57 a.m. EST, 12:57 UTC).

From ACM News

Astronomers Explore Uses For AI-Generated Images

Astronomers Explore Uses For AI-Generated Images

Volcanoes, monasteries, birds, thistles: the varied images in Jeff Clune's research paper could be his holiday snaps.

From ACM TechNews

Trump Immigration Halt Casts Dark Cloud Over Next Ietf Gathering

Trump Immigration Halt Casts Dark Cloud Over Next Ietf Gathering

The Internet Engineering Task Force's March meeting in Chicago could have a significantly reduced turnout because of the Trump administration's ban on admission into the U.S. of residents of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,…

From ACM TechNews

Computer Diagnoses Cataracts as Well as Eye Doctors Can

Computer Diagnoses Cataracts as Well as Eye Doctors Can

Scientists at Sun Yat-Sen University in China are using a new artificial neural network to recognize and diagnose congenital cataracts as accurately as eye doctors.

From ACM TechNews

NCSES Publishes Latest Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering Report

NCSES Publishes Latest Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering Report

The U.S. National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics has published a report quantifying the underrepresentation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering…

From ACM TechNews

A New Approach to 3D Holographic Displays Greatly Improves the Image Quality

A New Approach to 3D Holographic Displays Greatly Improves the Image Quality

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology say they have developed a three-dimensional holographic display whose performance tops that of existing displays.

From ACM TechNews

Intelligence Agency Opens $325,000 Advanced, Automated Fingerprint Gathering Competition

Intelligence Agency Opens $325,000 Advanced, Automated Fingerprint Gathering Competition

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's newest contest challenges participants to build an automated fingerprint collection system that matches the performance of human operators.