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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2014

From ACM News

Dwarf Planet Stretches Solar System's Edge

Dwarf Planet Stretches Solar System's Edge

The Solar System just got a lot more far-flung.

From ACM Careers

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift

To understand why Oculus Rift matters, it helps to know who John Carmack is.

From ACM News

Building the Google of Blood, One Tube at a Time

Building the Google of Blood, One Tube at a Time

The first shipment arrives at 4 A.M.

From ACM News

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley

If A robot bleeped and squeaked with personality like R2D2 from Star Wars, would you like it better?

From ACM News

Will We Ever Travel in Wormholes?

Will We Ever Travel in Wormholes?

The universe is huge.

From ACM TechNews

Tiny Transistors For Extreme Environs

Tiny Transistors For Extreme Environs

University of Utah electrical engineers have fabricated the smallest transistors that can withstand the temperatures and radiation found in a nuclear reactor. 

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?

The TED organization has partnered with X Prize to develop a competition to have an AI-based robot "deliver a compelling TED Talk with no human involvement." 

From ACM TechNews

Newest Bug Bounty Touts $10K Rewards, Appeals for Help in Finding Flash Flaws

Newest Bug Bounty Touts $10K Rewards, Appeals for Help in Finding Flash Flaws

The Internet Bug Bounty program recently paid $10,000 each to a pair of security researchers for vulnerabilities they found in Flash. 

From ACM TechNews

Software Would Make 3D Maps ­sing Smartphones

Software Would Make 3D Maps ­sing Smartphones

Researchers at the University of Minnesota and Google have developed software that can create a three-dimensional map with a smartphone. 

From ACM TechNews

Computers Spot False Faces Better Than People

Computers Spot False Faces Better Than People

A computer system bested humans in recognizing real or fake expressions of pain. 

From ACM TechNews

DARPA to Mine 'big Code' to Improve Software Reliability

DARPA to Mine 'big Code' to Improve Software Reliability

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seeks to address the software defects that underlie most system errors and security vulnerabilities.

From ACM News

The World's 50 Greatest Leaders

The World's 50 Greatest Leaders

17. Maria Klawe

From ACM News

Mugshots Built from Dna Data

Mugshots Built from Dna Data

Leaving a hair at a crime scene could one day be as damning as leaving a photograph of your face.

From ACM News

This Underwater Microphone Could Find the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

This Underwater Microphone Could Find the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

Authorities are all but certain Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down in the south Indian Ocean in water that may be as deep as 23,000 feet.

From ACM Careers

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

When Butler fell a precious few inches short of winning a national championship in 2010, its players took the court during that season believing they were the most prepared team in the country.

From ACM TechNews

Could Diamonds Be a Computer’s Best Friend?

Could Diamonds Be a Computer’s Best Friend?

Researchers have demonstrated that information can flow through a diamond wire, a finding that could lead to the material's use in computing. 

From ACM TechNews

Csus Students Get Federal Scholarships to Become Tech Warriors

Csus Students Get Federal Scholarships to Become Tech Warriors

California State University, Sacramento is offering $25,000 annual scholarships as part of the CyberCorps program. 

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Rewrites the Rules of Computing

Quantum Rewrites the Rules of Computing

Quantum computers are rewriting the rules of how computing works, but even the people developing them say they cannot explain how they work. 

From ACM News

A 'crisis' in Online Ads: One-Third of Traffic Is Bogus

A 'crisis' in Online Ads: One-Third of Traffic Is Bogus

Billions of dollars are flowing into online advertising. But marketers also are confronting an uncomfortable reality: rampant fraud.

From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover's Next Stop Has Sandstone Variations

Nasa Mars Rover's Next Stop Has Sandstone Variations

Variations in the stuff that cements grains together in sandstone have shaped the landscape surrounding NASA's Curiosity Mars rover and could be a study topic at the mission's next science waypoint.

From ACM News

Are Smart Homes Intelligent Enough To Keep Out Hackers?

Are Smart Homes Intelligent Enough To Keep Out Hackers?

How hack-resistant are the connected systems in smart homes?

From ACM News

Impostoritis: A Lifelong, but Treatable, Condition

Impostoritis: A Lifelong, but Treatable, Condition

The female president of Harvey Mudd College on how women in STEM can cope with feeling like they don’t belong.

From ACM News

The Digital ­nwrapping of the Egyptian Priest Neswaiu

The Digital ­nwrapping of the Egyptian Priest Neswaiu

In the 19th century and even later, there was no shortage of people eager to watch the unwrapping of an Egyptian mummy.

From ACM News

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

American officials have long considered Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, a security threat, blocking it from business deals in the United States for fear that the company would create "back doors" in its equipment…

From ACM News

Tor ­sage in Turkey Surges During Twitter Ban

Tor ­sage in Turkey Surges During Twitter Ban

Since Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan implemented a ban on Twitter late last week, Tor usage in the country has surged—with connections nearly doubling from around 25,000 direct connects in the country to over 40,000…

From ACM TechNews

Parallel Programming May Not Be So Daunting

Parallel Programming May Not Be So Daunting

Researchers plan to demonstrate an analytics technique suggesting that, in a wide range of real-word scenarios, lock-free algorithms can provide wait-free performance. 

From ACM Careers

Bioengineer Designs Diagnostic Microscope Costing Less Than $1

Bioengineer Designs Diagnostic Microscope Costing Less Than $1

It's an invention that would make TV's secret agent MacGyver proud: a fully functional microscope that can be assembled from folded paper and a tiny bead of glass.

From ACM TechNews

Internet2 Teams Up With India's National Knowledge Network

Internet2 Teams Up With India's National Knowledge Network

Internet2 expects to formalize a partnership with its Indian counterpart this month. 

From ACM TechNews

Nasa 'codeathon' Seeks Apps That Address Coastal Flooding

Nasa 'codeathon' Seeks Apps That Address Coastal Flooding

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's third global codeathon offers four climate-themed challenges. 

From ACM TechNews

When the Flu Bug Bites the Big Apple, Twitter Posts Can Tell the Tale

When the Flu Bug Bites the Big Apple, Twitter Posts Can Tell the Tale

Researchers say tweets can predict flu trends at the local level.