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News Archive


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March 2015

From ACM TechNews

Megan Smith Wants to 'debug' Tech's Diversity Problem

Megan Smith Wants to 'debug' Tech's Diversity Problem

The lack of representation of women and minorities in the U.S. technology sector is a problem Obama administration chief technology officer Megan Smith wants to solve. 

From ACM TechNews

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants

Scientists at the University of Bristol have developed robotic pants with built-in artificial muscles designed to aid the elderly or people with disabilities. 

From ACM TechNews

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics

Oxford University researchers are developing situation-aware mobile robotic systems for use in diverse applications. 

From ACM TechNews

Linguists Tackle Computational Analysis of Grammar

Linguists Tackle Computational Analysis of Grammar

University of Chicago researchers are studying natural language morphology in an attempt to develop computers that are better at understanding human language. 

From ACM Careers

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers

A small group of high-ranking Pentagon officials made a quiet visit to Silicon Valley in December to solicit national security ideas from start-up firms with little or no history of working with the military.

From Communications of the ACM

Python For Beginners

Python For Beginners

A survey found the language in use in introductory programming classes in the top U.S. computer science schools.

From Communications of the ACM

Car Talk

Car Talk

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is coming. Are we ready for it?

From Communications of the ACM

Automating Organic Synthesis

Automating Organic Synthesis

A machine that could create organic molecules on demand awaits appropriate software and analytical components.

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