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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2013

From ACM Opinion

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?

Let me begin this column with a lengthy disclosure. One morning last week, I stopped at my bank, filled out a withdrawal slip for $1,027.51, and walked away with an envelope full of cash.

From ACM TechNews

Futuristic 'Transient Electronics' Disappear When No Longer Needed

Futuristic 'Transient Electronics' Disappear When No Longer Needed

Tiny, biocompatible electronic devices could be implanted into the body to relieve pain or battle infection for a specific period of time before dissolving.

From ACM TechNews

This Humanoid Robot Gets Pushed Around but Stays on Its Feet

This Humanoid Robot Gets Pushed Around but Stays on Its Feet

The COmpliant huMANoid (COMAN) robot features joints with variable stiffness. 

From ACM News

Robot Truck Platoons Roll Forward

Robot Truck Platoons Roll Forward

Imagine cruising down a three-lane highway and rounding a bend to find four trucks rolling along in single-file. They are all traveling close together—perhaps too close—but otherwise everything seems normal.

From ACM News

Crash Course: Training the Brain of a Driverless Car

Crash Course: Training the Brain of a Driverless Car

Early attempts at driverless cars have had little difficulty gathering the loads of data required to operate autonomously.

From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Goes Hollywood: Top Coders Can Now Get Agents

Silicon Valley Goes Hollywood: Top Coders Can Now Get Agents

To be a good coder in Silicon Valley is to be among the pampered elite.

From ACM News

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative

"The mission to find, capture and redirect an asteroid robotically, and then visit it with astronauts to study it and return samples takes advantage of expertise across all of NASA in an integrated approach to exploration..."

From ACM Opinion

Intel Cooks ­p Future of TV—A Potential Mess for Cable

Intel Cooks ­p Future of TV—A Potential Mess for Cable

Visualize the TV service you've always wanted: a gorgeous interface that does away with clunky (and often ad-strewn) programming grids; a simple remote that isn't a crushing array of buttons; a cloud-based DVR that doesn't require…

From ACM News

Virtual Reality, Goggles and All, Attempts Return

Virtual Reality, Goggles and All, Attempts Return

Oculus VR captured the attention of the this year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco with the Oculus Rift, its VR headset that's more like a pair of ski goggles than those bulky gaming helmets of the 1990s that…

From ACM News

White House Budget Would Trim Nasa Funding Slightly

White House Budget Would Trim Nasa Funding Slightly

The NASA budget would shrink slightly under President Obama's budget proposal. The White House is asking for $17.7 billion in funding, down about $50 million from what the agency received in 2012.

From ACM TechNews

Radical Roads Drive Robot Cars

Radical Roads Drive Robot Cars

Los Angeles has completed the Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control system, synchronizing its 4,400 traffic lights. 

From ACM TechNews

Tech Titans Plot to Reprogram Internet of the Future

Tech Titans Plot to Reprogram Internet of the Future

 Many tech firms are  collaborating to develop an open source software-defined networking project known as OpenDaylight. 

From ACM TechNews

­C San Diego Computer Scientists Develop First-person Player Video Game That Teaches How to Program in Java

­C San Diego Computer Scientists Develop First-person Player Video Game That Teaches How to Program in Java

CodeSpells is an immersive, first-person player video game designed to teach students how to program in Java. 

From ACM TechNews

Baseball Meets Internet of Things: Goodbye, Bad Umpires?

Baseball Meets Internet of Things: Goodbye, Bad Umpires?

Connected baseball equipment, in combination with sensors and transmitters located through a stadium, could deliver much more precise verdicts than umpires. 

From ACM TechNews

Japan Lab Claims Its Software Can Read Dreams

Japan Lab Claims Its Software Can Read Dreams

Software developed by a Japanese research institute can determine what people are dreaming about by analyzing their brain waves. 

From ACM TechNews

British Library Sets Out to Archive the Web

British Library Sets Out to Archive the Web

The British Library is archiving every British website and e-book for future researchers. 

From ACM News

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

Professor Peter Turchin is the driving force behind a field where scientists analyze history in the hopes of finding patterns they can then use to predict the future. Unless something changes, he says, we're due for a wave…

From ACM News

At&t Researchers Set a Long-Haul Data Record

At&t Researchers Set a Long-Haul Data Record

Researchers at AT&T have devised a way to increase the distance that large amounts of data can travel through a fiber-optic connection. The technique should allow 400-gigabit-per-second signals to make more efficient ocean-spanning…

From ACM News

Cyberattacks Abound Yet Companies Tell Sec Losses Are Few

Cyberattacks Abound Yet Companies Tell Sec Losses Are Few

The 27 largest U.S. companies reporting cyber attacks say they sustained no major financial losses, exposing a disconnect with federal officials who say billions of dollars in corporate secrets are being stolen.

From ACM Careers

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look

The biggest thing in operating rooms these days is a million-dollar, multi-armed robot named da Vinci, used in nearly 400,000 surgeries nationwide last year—triple the number just four years earlier.

From ACM Careers

Scientific Articles Accepted (personal Checks, Too)

Scientific Articles Accepted (personal Checks, Too)

The scientists who were recruited to appear at a conference called Entomology-2013 thought they had been selected to make a presentation to the leading professional association of scientists who study insects.

From ACM TechNews

Don’t Call It Vaporware: Scientists Use Cloud of Atoms as Optical Memory Device

Don’t Call It Vaporware: Scientists Use Cloud of Atoms as Optical Memory Device

Researchers have demonstrated a method for storing visual images within a thin vapor of rubidium atoms. 

From ACM TechNews

Developing New Information Services More Quickly

Developing New Information Services More Quickly

Researchers have designed a new service-engineering platform to help accelerate the development of information technology services. 

From ACM TechNews

Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child Program: Impact and Numbers

Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child Program: Impact and Numbers

Uruguay has distributed more than 500,000 free laptops to its students and teachers over the last five years as part of its Plan Ceibal. 

From ACM News

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic

Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, but what's left remains quite active, recent findings from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity indicate. Rover team members reported diverse findings today at the European Geosciences Union…

From ACM Careers

Fake Twitter Followers Become Multimillion-Dollar Business

Fake Twitter Followers Become Multimillion-Dollar Business

Far from slowing, the market for fake Twitter followers seems to be taking off.

From ACM News

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts

Instead of typing your password, in the future you may only have to think your password, according to School of Information researchers. A new study explores the feasibility of brainwave-based computer authentication as a substitute…

From ACM News

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?

In a lab at Harvard Medical School, a man is using his mind to wag a rat's tail.

From ACM Opinion

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps

Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail, requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his Keynote presentations. It's no surprise then that the company he built places similar attention to detail when choosing apps…

From ACM TechNews

The Grooviest Words of Medieval Times

The Grooviest Words of Medieval Times

New software is determining the dates of British documents from approximately 1066 to the 1400s, based on popular words or phrases they contain.