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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2015

From ACM TechNews

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots

When the FREAK encryption flaw was uncovered in early March, a team of researchers used a special tool to scan the entire Internet to identify vulnerable websites . 

From ACM TechNews

'virtual Nose' May Reduce Simulator Sickness in Video Games

'virtual Nose' May Reduce Simulator Sickness in Video Games

Vertigo and nausea cased by virtual reality games potentially could be cured with the insertion of a virtual human nose in the center of the video display. 

From ACM News

Computer Graphics Education, Siggraph Supporter Cunningham Dies

Computer Graphics Education, Siggraph Supporter Cunningham Dies

American computer scientist and long-time ACM SIGGRAPH volunteer Robert Stephen (Steve) Cunningham died last week following a lengthy illness.

From ACM Careers

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans

Forget Skynet. Hypothetical world-ending artificial intelligence makes headlines, but the hype ignores what's happening right under our noses.

From ACM Careers

After Snowden, the Nsa Faces Recruitment Challenge

After Snowden, the Nsa Faces Recruitment Challenge

Daniel Swann is exactly the type of person the National Security Agency would love to have working for it.

From ACM TechNews

Google Lab Puts a Time Limit on Innovations

Google Lab Puts a Time Limit on Innovations

Google is facing increased scrutiny on return-on-investment from its research and development spending, prompting a leaner, faster approach.

From Communications of the ACM

What's the Price Now?

What's the Price Now?

Dynamic pricing finds its way into a growing number of industries.

From Communications of the ACM

Molecular Moonshots

Molecular Moonshots

Synthetic biologists may be closing in on potentially world-changing breakthroughs, but they are often hamstrung by a shortage of software tools.

From Communications of the ACM

Secure-System Designers Strive to STEM Data Leaks

Secure-System Designers Strive to STEM Data Leaks

Attackers using side-channel analysis require little knowledge of how an implementation operates.

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