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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2022

From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Can Identify People by Their Heartbeat

Algorithm Can Identify People by Their Heartbeat

Researchers are developing an algorithm that can identify people by heartbeat.

From ACM TechNews

Waymo to Send Driverless Cars Through San Francisco

Waymo to Send Driverless Cars Through San Francisco

Waymo has deployed fully driverless cars onto the streets of San Francisco to provide free rides to its employees.

From ACM TechNews

Data-Harvesting Code in Mobile Apps Sends User Data to 'Russia's Google'

Data-Harvesting Code in Mobile Apps Sends User Data to 'Russia's Google'

A researcher found that Yandex, known as "Russia's Google," embedded code in apps for mobile devices that allows data to be sent to servers in Russia.

From ACM News

Can AI Help Casinos Cut Down on Problem Gambling?

Can AI Help Casinos Cut Down on Problem Gambling?

The opportunities seem endless. The reality is much more complicated.

From ACM News

'No-Code' Brings the Power of AI to the Masses

'No-Code' Brings the Power of AI to the Masses

A growing number of new products allow anyone to apply artificial intelligence without having to write a line of computer code. Proponents believe the "no-code" movement will change the world.

From ACM News

AI Beats 8 World Champions at Bridge

AI Beats 8 World Champions at Bridge

Victory marks milestone for AI as bridge requires more human skills than other strategy games

From ACM News

Russia Inches Toward Its Splinternet Dream

Russia Inches Toward Its Splinternet Dream

For years, the country has been trying to create its own sovereign Internet—a goal given new impetus by the backlash to its invasion of Ukraine.

From ACM News

How AI is Cleaning Up the High Seas

How AI is  Cleaning Up the High Seas

The state of maritime monitoring hasn't changed much in generations. Pirates beware; AI is changing that.


From ACM TechNews

Scientists Finish Decoding Last 8% of Human Genome

Scientists Finish Decoding Last 8% of Human Genome

An international team of researchers completed the decoding of the final 8% of the human genome.

From ACM TechNews

Fighting Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

Fighting Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

To help combat discrimination in mortgage lending, a new process can remove bias from the data used to train machine learning models.

From ACM TechNews

Sign Language Glossary Aims to Widen Tech Access

Sign Language Glossary Aims to Widen Tech Access

A sign language glossary features more than 500 new signs covering computer science, cybersecurity, data science, and software development.

From ACM TechNews

Watch a Robot Peel a Banana Without Crushing It

Watch a Robot Peel a Banana Without Crushing It

A machine learning system developed by researchers at Japan's University of Tokyo can train a robot to peel a banana without crushing it.

From Communications of the ACM

Technology's Impact on Morality

Technology's Impact on Morality

Leading technologists and thinkers are concerned about technology's impact on our ethical thinking.

From Communications of the ACM

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Specialized techniques may make it possible to induce selective 'amnesia' in machine learning models.

From Communications of the ACM

Still Waiting for Self-Driving Cars

Still Waiting for Self-Driving Cars

Why is it taking so long for autonomous vehicles to hit the road?

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