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News Archive


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April 2023

From ACM TechNews

Japan Quantum Computer Debut Sets Off Scramble for Tech Breakthroughs

Japan Quantum Computer Debut Sets Off Scramble for Tech Breakthroughs

On March 27, Japan's RIKEN research institute began granting cloud access to its quantum computer to outside users.

From ACM News

Smartphone-based Satellite Connectivity to Move Beyond Emergency Services

Smartphone-based Satellite Connectivity to Move Beyond Emergency Services

Different approaches emerge in the race to provide direct-to-satellite smartphone services.

From ACM News

How Russia Killed its Tech Industry

How Russia Killed its  Tech Industry

The invasion of Ukraine supercharged the decline of the country's already struggling tech sector—and undercut its biggest success story, Yandex.

From ACM News

U.S.-China Tech War: Without Advanced Chips, Can China's Smartphone Industry Survive?

U.S.-China Tech War: Without Advanced Chips, Can China's Smartphone Industry Survive?

Limited access to high-end semiconductor chips poses a major threat to China's world-leading smartphone manufacturing industry.

From ACM News

A Campaign Aide Didn't Write That Email. A.I. Did.

A Campaign Aide Didn't Write That Email. A.I. Did.

The swift advance of artificial intelligence in politics is already blurring the boundaries between fact and fake.

From ACM News

Police Relied on Hidden Technology and Put the Wrong Person in Jail

Police Relied on Hidden Technology and Put the Wrong Person in Jail

A man falsely accused of theft in a state he said he had never even visited.

From ACM News

A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill.

A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill.

The Biden administration has been trying to choke off use of hacking tools made by the Israeli firm NSO. It turns out that not every part of the government has gotten the message.

From ACM News

The State of Artificial Intelligence: Stanford HAI Releases its Latest AI Index Report

The State of Artificial Intelligence: Stanford HAI Releases its Latest AI Index Report

Stanford HAI's new report also dedicates multiple chapters to the impact of AI on society.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Screen for Prediabetes with Smartphones

Researchers Screen for Prediabetes with Smartphones

University of Washington researchers have created a prediabetes screening tool that taps the capacitive touch-sensing capabilities of smartphones to measure blood glucose levels.

From ACM TechNews

AI Could Set Bar for Designing Hurricane-Resistant Buildings

AI Could Set Bar for Designing Hurricane-Resistant Buildings

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology researchers have created a new digital hurricane modeling technique that more accurately simulates storm trajectory and wind speeds.

From ACM TechNews

The Spread of Police Surveillance Tech

The Spread of Police Surveillance Tech

A recent police conference in Dubai showcased next-generation surveillance technologies for use by law enforcement agencies across the globe.

From ACM News

AI Pioneer Admits There is a Small Chance AI Leads to Humanity's Extinction

AI Pioneer Admits There is a Small Chance AI Leads to Humanity's Extinction

Ultimately, though, Hinton says artificial intelligencew has a lot of potential to help make people's jobs easier.

From ACM News

The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing

The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing

Computers have been digital for half a century. Why would anyone want to resurrect the clunkers of yesteryear?

From Communications of the ACM

AI Rewrites Coding

AI Rewrites Coding

Even as software grows increasingly complex, artificial intelligence helps to simplify and automate coding tasks.

From Communications of the ACM

. . . And the Computer Plays Along

. . . And the Computer Plays Along

Software can improvise on the spot to accompany the performance of live musicians.

From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Intelligence for Materials Discovery

Artificial Intelligence for Materials Discovery

Finding novel materials needs more than pure machine learning.

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