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May 2015

From ACM TechNews

'Sentient Data' May One Day Augment Soldier Capabilities

'Sentient Data' May One Day Augment Soldier Capabilities

The director of intelligence for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command recently discussed the findings of its 2015 Mad Scientist Conference.

From ACM TechNews

Doing Natural-Language Processing With Neural Nets Without the High Cost

Doing Natural-Language Processing With Neural Nets Without the High Cost

Galvanize's Michael Tamir and Personagraph's Daniel Hansen recently discussed how using Google's Word2Vec tool can address issues with text classification. 

From ACM TechNews

Rice Engineering Students Create Real-Time 3D Radar System

Rice Engineering Students Create Real-Time 3D Radar System

An impulse-based radar for real-time three-dimensional imaging recently was awarded the top prize at Rice University's annual Engineering Design Showcase.

From ACM TechNews

17 Javascript Tools Breathing New Life Into Old Code

17 Javascript Tools Breathing New Life Into Old Code

New JavaScript tools are helping keep obscure programming languages such as Pascal, Lisp, and Cobol alive. 

From ACM Careers

Brain Technology Patents Soar As Companies Get Inside People's Heads

Brain Technology Patents Soar As Companies Get Inside People's Heads

From ways to eavesdrop on brains and learn what advertisements excite consumers, to devices that alleviate depression, the number of U.S. patents awarded for "neurotechnology" has soared since 2010, according to an analysis released…

From ACM News

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI

It's humans versus machine at the Rivers casino in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Four professional poker players are squaring up to an artificial intelligence over two weeks, duking it out by playing a total of 80,000 hands of poker…

From ACM News

A Better Way to Build Brain-Inspired Chips

A Better Way to Build Brain-Inspired Chips

Memristors, exotic electronic devices only confirmed to exist in 2008, have been used to create a chip that borrows design points from the brain.

From ACM News

Here's What a Cyber Warfare Arsenal Might Look Like

Here's What a Cyber Warfare Arsenal Might Look Like

The Pentagon has made clear in recent weeks that cyber warfare is no longer just a futuristic threat—it is now a real one.

From ACM News

The Internet Mapmakers Helping Nepal

The Internet Mapmakers Helping Nepal

The night after the earthquake hit Nepal, people feared to sleep in their homes, worrying about powerful aftershocks toppling the few buildings left standing.

From ACM News

Traffic Around Mars Gets Busy

Traffic Around Mars Gets Busy

NASA has beefed up a process of traffic monitoring, communication and maneuver planning to ensure that Mars orbiters do not approach each other too closely.

From ACM TechNews

A Mouse That Beats the Gamers at Super-Quick Motions

A Mouse That Beats the Gamers at Super-Quick Motions

A new computer mouse looks and responds like a conventional mouse but offers nearly unlimited tracking speed. 

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Combine Computer Vision and Brain Computer Interface For Faster Mine Detection

Computer Scientists Combine Computer Vision and Brain Computer Interface For Faster Mine Detection

University of California, San Diego researchers have developed a new method to speed the detection of landmines in sonar images of the ocean floor. 

From ACM TechNews

The Path to a Wearable Future Lies in Academia

The Path to a Wearable Future Lies in Academia

Many of the innovative products now available to consumers are based on technologies developed in academic laboratories years ago. 

From ACM TechNews

6 Big Data Projects to Aid Disaster Response

6 Big Data Projects to Aid Disaster Response

The U.S. National Science Foundation and the Japan Science and Technology Agency will fund research to transform disaster management with big data and analytics.

From ACM TechNews

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Calls For Rapid Web Security Enhancements

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Calls For Rapid Web Security Enhancements

The need for security was a recurring theme of the remarks made by Internet pioneer and former ACM president Vint Cerf at the National Press Club on Monday. 

From ACM News

The Trouble with Reference Rot

The Trouble with Reference Rot

The scholarly literature is meant to be a permanent record of science.

From ACM TechNews

Crawling Toward a Wiser Web

Crawling Toward a Wiser Web

Carrying out and storing a crawl of the Web requires access to significant storage and computing resources, but the Common Crawl Foundation is trying to change that. 

From ACM News

The Number Glitch That Can Lead to Catastrophe

The Number Glitch That Can Lead to Catastrophe

A surprisingly simple bug afflicts computers controlling planes, spacecraft and more; they get confused by big numbers.

From ACM News

The Crazy-Tiny Next Generation of Computers

The Crazy-Tiny Next Generation of Computers

When Prabal Dutta accidentally drops a computer, nothing breaks.

From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Age-Estimate Tool Unleashed Real-Time Virality

Microsoft Age-Estimate Tool Unleashed Real-Time Virality

Microsoft's Project Oxford has launched a range of machine-learning application programming interfaces in beta, including 

From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Project Divides Everyday Tasks, Expenses In Ways Scientifically Calculated to Make Everyone Happy

Carnegie Mellon Project Divides Everyday Tasks, Expenses In Ways Scientifically Calculated to Make Everyone Happy

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a free website that leverages decades of research on how to divide things equitably without resentment. 

From ACM TechNews

Tanja Lange Leads Multi-Million Euro Project to Protect Data Against Quantum Computers

Tanja Lange Leads Multi-Million Euro Project to Protect Data Against Quantum Computers

Eindhoven University of Technology cryptology professor Tanja Lange is leading a European project to protect data against quantum computers.

From ACM News

With Boxing Match, Video Piracy Battle Enters Latest Round: Mobile Apps

With Boxing Match, Video Piracy Battle Enters Latest Round: Mobile Apps

The method used by thousands of people to watch unauthorized broadcasts of Saturday night's big boxing match might have been new, but to longtime media executives, who have led one battle against piracy after another, it was…

From ACM News

To Invent the Future, You Must ­nderstand the Past

To Invent the Future, You Must ­nderstand the Past

"You can't really understand what is going on now without understanding what came before."

From ACM News

What Would You See in a Black Hole?

What Would You See in a Black Hole?

Something about a black hole just pulls you in. Sure, its gravity is so strong that not even light can elude its grasp. But, there's something else, something harder to pinpoint.

From ACM Careers

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions

Facebook Inc. doesn't yet have an intelligent assistant, like the iPhone's Siri.

From ACM News

The Cloud Is Dead. Long Live the Cloud

The Cloud Is Dead. Long Live the Cloud

Inspired by the tech behind the digital currency Bitcoin, IBM and Samsung are rethinking how connected devices connect.

From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem

Researchers have separated human voices from the background in a wide range of songs using some of the latest advances associated with deep neural networks. 

From ACM TechNews

"fingerprinting" Chips to Fight Counterfeiting

"fingerprinting" Chips to Fight Counterfeiting

Researchers are using microscopic variations to "fingerprint" silicon chips used in consumer-product tags to combat product counterfeiting. 

From ACM TechNews

Ears, Grips, and Fists Take On Mobile Phone ­ser Id

Ears, Grips, and Fists Take On Mobile Phone ­ser Id

Yahoo Labs' Bodyprint is a biometric authentication system that could be used to replace PIN codes for smartphones.