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May 2015

From ACM TechNews

Rehab Robot Harmony Introduced By ­t Austin Engineers

Rehab Robot Harmony Introduced By ­t Austin Engineers

University of Texas at Austin researchers have developed a two-armed robotic rehabilitation exoskeleton. 

From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf on Acm, Internet Issues, and Quantum and Machine Computing

Vint Cerf on Acm, Internet Issues, and Quantum and Machine Computing

Vint Cerf, co-creator of the Internet and vice president at Google, discusses modern challenges of the Internet, technologies of the future, and ACM. 

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Experts Are in High Demand

Artificial Intelligence Experts Are in High Demand

Demand for artificial intelligence know-how has exploded in recent years, and major technology firms are turning to the ranks of academia to find that expertise. 

From ACM TechNews

The Billion-Dollar Race to Reinvent the Computer Chip

The Billion-Dollar Race to Reinvent the Computer Chip

Chipmakers are spending billions of dollars to develop new computing architectures as the ability to build more transistors into a chip approaches its physical limit. 

From ACM News

NASA Aids Response to Nepal Quake

NASA Aids Response to Nepal Quake

NASA and its partners are gathering the best available science and information on the April 25, 2015, magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal, referred to as the Gorkha earthquake, to assist in relief and humanitarian operations.

From ACM News

Joseph Lechleider, a Father of the Dsl Internet Technology, Dies at 82

Joseph Lechleider, a Father of the Dsl Internet Technology, Dies at 82

In the late 1980s, Joseph W. Lechleider came up with a clever solution to a puzzling technical problem, making it possible to bring high-speed Internet service to millions of households.

From ACM News

The Mission To Save The Internet By Rewiring It From The Name ­p

The Mission To Save The Internet By Rewiring It From The Name ­p

A international team has been quietly pondering how to rewrite the basic structure of the Internet—for our sakes.

From ACM News

Ancient Dna Tells a New Human Story

Ancient Dna Tells a New Human Story

Imagine what it must have been like to look through the first telescopes or the first microscopes, or to see the bottom of the sea as clearly as if the water were gin.

From ACM News

Future 'top Guns' Will Be Battle Managers Flying Bigger, Slower Aircraft

Future 'top Guns' Will Be Battle Managers Flying Bigger, Slower Aircraft

At the dawn of aerial combat 100 years ago, World War I flying aces frequently closed to within 15 meters before firing at enemy aircraft with their machine guns.

From ACM News

Robots May Look Like Job-Killers, But It's Hard to See in the Numbers

Robots May Look Like Job-Killers, But It's Hard to See in the Numbers

Robots are goosing the productivity of the world's factories, but does that mean fewer jobs for humans?

From ACM News

Messenger's Final Image

Messenger's Final Image

Originally planned to orbit Mercury for one year, the mission exceeded all expectations, lasting for over four years and acquiring extensive datasets with its seven scientific instruments and radio science investigation.

From ACM News

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem

The cocktail party effect is the ability to focus on a specific human voice while filtering out other voices or background noise.

From ACM TechNews

When Robot Personalities Mimic the Dead

When Robot Personalities Mimic the Dead

The creation of robots with personalities mimicking celebrities and other deceased persons could be controversial in terms of how people may react to them. 

From ACM TechNews

Online Voting a Step Closer Thanks to Breakthrough in Security Technology

Online Voting a Step Closer Thanks to Breakthrough in Security Technology

Researchers say they have developed a new technique that could enable people to cast an election vote online, even if their home computer is infected with malware. 

From ACM TechNews

What Is Being Learned From Moocs? New Report Takes Stock

What Is Being Learned From Moocs? New Report Takes Stock

A new report released this week lays out the current state of research into massive open online courses. 

From ACM TechNews

Detecting Human Life With Remote Technology

Detecting Human Life With Remote Technology

Flinders University engineering students have developed new technology to detect human life that they believe is more efficient than published techniques. 

From ACM TechNews

A Google For Handwriting

A Google For Handwriting

A new digital platform offers a database of digitized works from cultural heritage collections, including handwritten works rendered searchable. 

From ACM News

In Memoriam: Paul Hudak, Computer Scientist and Saybrook College Master

In Memoriam: Paul Hudak, Computer Scientist and Saybrook College Master

Paul R. Hudak, professor of computer science and master of Saybrook College, died April 29 after a long battle with leukemia.

From ACM News

Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are

Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are

Like a distant relative who makes you feel bad at the annual holiday get together, Microsoft has created a website that analyzes a photo of a person's face and guesses in seconds how old the subject is.

From Communications of the ACM

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism

News organizations increasingly use techniques like data mining, Web scraping, and data visualization to uncover information that would be impossible to identify and present manually.

From Communications of the ACM

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?

The energy-accuracy trade-off in approximate computing.

From Communications of the ACM

Robots With a Human Touch

Robots With a Human Touch

Empowering smart machines with tactile feedback could lead to tremendous new applications.

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