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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2020

From ACM News

Radio Corona, May 5: Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer and COVID-19 Survivor

Radio Corona, May 5: Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer and COVID-19 Survivor

In this episode of Radio Corona, Gideon Lichfield will discuss the future of our connected world with Vint Cerf, one of the people known as a "father of the internet."

From ACM TechNews

Interactive Tool Helps People See Why Staying Home Matters During a Pandemic

Interactive Tool Helps People See Why Staying Home Matters During a Pandemic

Researchers have developed an interactive simulation to raise awareness of the importance of social distancing during a pandemic.

From ACM TechNews

AI Can Search Satellite Data to Find Plastic Floating in the Sea

AI Can Search Satellite Data to Find Plastic Floating in the Sea

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can identify sea plastic in satellite imagery.

From ACM TechNews

Study of 17-Year Cicada Choruses Reveals Dependence on Light Levels

Study of 17-Year Cicada Choruses Reveals Dependence on Light Levels

The Kansan brood  of 17-year cicadas are very sensitive to the local sound and light environment.

From ACM News

The Evolution of Brick and Mortar

The Evolution of Brick and Mortar

New technologies are transforming the future of in-person retail.

From ACM TechNews

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI

Researchers have developed an automated artificial intelligence system for training and running certain types of neural networks, which has a small carbon footprint.

From ACM TechNews

Footstep Sensors Identify People by Gait

Footstep Sensors Identify People by Gait

Researchers have developed sensors that analyze footsteps by measuring minute floor vibrations.

From ACM TechNews

Singapore's First Drone Delivery Service Takes Flight

Singapore's First Drone Delivery Service Takes Flight

Singapore launched its first aerial drone delivery service on April 19, with a parcel of vitamins dropped onto a ship anchored off the island.

From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Staff Are Being Transferred to IT Support, Adding to the Risk of Data Breaches

Cybersecurity Staff Are Being Transferred to IT Support, Adding to the Risk of Data Breaches

Nearly half of 256 cybersecurity professionals polled reported having been reassigned to general IT tasks, due to the global COVID-19 outbreak.

From ACM TechNews

Shopping Robots Come Into Their Own in Locked-Down English Town

Shopping Robots Come Into Their Own in Locked-Down English Town

A fleet of six-wheeled robots that deliver retail purchases is becoming increasingly popular in the British town of Milton Keynes during the coronavirus lockdown.

From ACM TechNews

Why We Adopt Then Abandon Online Safety Practices

Why We Adopt Then Abandon Online Safety Practices

A survey found security practices such as not clicking on unknown links  or emails were more widely adopted than countermeasures like ad blockers or credit report freezes.

From ACM News

It’s the 50th Anniversary of Humanity’s Favorite Activity: Staring at an LCD

It’s the 50th Anniversary of Humanity’s Favorite Activity: Staring at an LCD

Americans invented liquid crystal displays but couldn't capitalize on them. On the technology's golden jubilee, it's time to reflect on the value of research and development.

From ACM News

A Private Equity Firm Is Blocked From Buying .Org

A Private Equity Firm Is Blocked From Buying .Org

The deal for the Internet domain for nonprofit organizations had set off fierce opposition.

From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Prostheses That 'Feel' for Real

Mind-Controlled Prostheses That 'Feel' for Real

Researchers have developed mind-controlled arm prostheses that several amputees already are using.

From ACM TechNews

Australian Researchers Tap Cloud to Save the Tasmanian Devil

Australian Researchers Tap Cloud to Save the Tasmanian Devil

Researchers in Australia have partnered with Amazon Web Services on using cloud-based services to process, analyze, and categorize genomic data to protect endangered animals.

From ACM TechNews

UPS to Fly Medications by Drone to Florida Retirement Area

UPS to Fly Medications by Drone to Florida Retirement Area

UPS will use drones to make prescription deliveries to residents of The Villages in Florida, one of the biggest retirement communities in the U.S.

From ACM TechNews

AI Enables Teachers to Rapidly Develop Intelligent Tutoring Systems

AI Enables Teachers to Rapidly Develop Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have created an artificial intelligence-based technique to help educators rapidly develop intelligent computerized tutoring systems.

From ACM TechNews

Electronic Skin Powered by Sweat Can Monitor Health, Serve as Human-Machine Interface

Electronic Skin Powered by Sweat Can Monitor Health, Serve as Human-Machine Interface

California Institute of Technology's Wei Gao has developed a perspiration-powered electronic skin twith embedded sensors to monitor the wearer’s vital signs.

From ACM News

Quibi, JetBlue and Others Gave Away Email Addresses, Report Says

Quibi, JetBlue and Others Gave Away Email Addresses, Report Says

Personal data from millions of customers ended up with Google, Facebook, and other trackers, making it easier for them to be tracked online and targeted with ads, according to a study.

From ACM News

How A.I. Steered Doctors Toward a Possible Coronavirus Treatment

How A.I. Steered Doctors Toward a Possible Coronavirus Treatment

Specialists at the London start-up BenevolentAI helped identify the arthritis drug baricitinib, which is now part of a clinical trial.

From Communications of the ACM

A Proof from 'The Book'

A Proof from 'The Book'

A decades-old conjecture about computational complexity is confirmed in just a few pages.

From Communications of the ACM

Will RISC-V Revolutionize Computing?

Will RISC-V Revolutionize Computing?

The open instruction set for microprocessors promises to reshape computing and introduce new, more powerful capabilities.

From Communications of the ACM

Deceiving the Masses on Social Media

Deceiving the Masses on Social Media

The social media platforms like their freedom, but information gerrymandering may require legislation to fix.

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