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News Archive


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June 2014

From ACM TechNews

Nsa Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images

Nsa Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images

The U.S. National Security Agency is intercepting massive numbers of facial images for use in facial-recognition programs.

From ACM TechNews

Google Invests in Satellites to Spread Internet Access

Google Invests in Satellites to Spread Internet Access

Google plans to spend more than $1 billion on a group of satellites designed to extend Internet access to unwired regions of the world. 

From ACM TechNews

Sex Harassment App Helps Women Map Abuse

Sex Harassment App Helps Women Map Abuse

A team of researchers has created a smartphone app designed to combat sexual harassment. 

From ACM TechNews

Digital Actors Go Beyond the ­ncanny Valley

Digital Actors Go Beyond the ­ncanny Valley

Graphics specialists are close to developing interactive, photorealistically lifelike digital humans that will transform acting, entertainment, and computer games. 

From ACM TechNews

How MIT and Caltech's Coding Breakthrough Could Accelerate Mobile Network Speeds

How MIT and Caltech's Coding Breakthrough Could Accelerate Mobile Network Speeds

Researchers say they have successfully transmitted data without link layer flow control overloading throughput with retransmission requests. 

From ACM TechNews

How to Make Robots Seem Less Creepy

How to Make Robots Seem Less Creepy

Recent research has shown the "uncanny valley" hypothesis for human-robot interaction is overstated.

From ACM Opinion

Why Did the Justice Department Indict Five Chinese Military Officers?

Why Did the Justice Department Indict Five Chinese Military Officers?

At first glance, the Justice Department's 31-count indictment of five Chinese military officers for hacking into the computers of six American corporations, in order to steal billions of dollars' worth of industrial secrets,…

From Communications of the ACM

General Agreement

General Agreement

Leslie Lamport contributed to the theory and practice of building distributed computing systems that work as intended.

From Communications of the ACM

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful

New techniques are designed to translate "invisible numbers" into visible images.

From Communications of the ACM

Neuromorphic Computing Gets Ready For the (Really) Big Time

Neuromorphic Computing Gets Ready For the (Really) Big Time

A technology inspired by biological principles but 'steamrolled for decades' prepares to take off as Moore's Law approaches its long-anticipated end.

From Communications of the ACM

Time For a Change

Time For a Change

4D printing combines the dimension of time with the hope of building objects with new capabilities.

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