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News Archive


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June 2017

From ACM TechNews

Iu Study Finds Most People Aren't as Happy as Their Friends on Social Media

Iu Study Finds Most People Aren't as Happy as Their Friends on Social Media

A study by researchers at Indiana University found people with the most connections on social media are happier.

From ACM News

Facial Recognition May Boost Airport Security But Raises Privacy Worries

Facial Recognition May Boost Airport Security But Raises Privacy Worries

Passengers at Boston's Logan International Airport were surfing their phones and drinking coffee, waiting to board a flight to Aruba recently when a JetBlue agent came on the loudspeaker, announcing: "Today, we do have a unique…

From ACM News

Synthetic Iris Could Let Cameras React to Light Like Our Eyes Do

Synthetic Iris Could Let Cameras React to Light Like Our Eyes Do

An artificial iris can open and close in response to sunlight without any other outside control, just like the ones in your eyes.

From ACM TechNews

Global Race Toward Exascale Will Drive Supercomputing, AI to Masses

Global Race Toward Exascale Will Drive Supercomputing, AI to Masses

Industrial trends in high-performance computing are setting a foundation for the eventual pervasiveness of artificial intelligence and big data applications within the mainstream, according to a new Hyperion report.

From ACM TechNews

Taking a Ride in Mit's Self-Driving Wheelchair

Taking a Ride in Mit's Self-Driving Wheelchair

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a self-driving wheelchair currently undergoing testing on the MIT campus. 

From ACM TechNews

Selfies: We Love How We Look and We're Here to Show You

Selfies: We Love How We Look and We're Here to Show You

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology say they have analyzed 2.5 million selfie posts on Instagram to determine what kinds of identity statements people make by taking and sharing selfies. 

From ACM TechNews

What Exactly Do You Mean When You Say 'best'?

What Exactly Do You Mean When You Say 'best'?

Researchers have developed a system for interpreting sarcastic statements in social media.

From ACM TechNews

Boys Say They're More Likely to Pursue STEM Careers Than Girls

Boys Say They're More Likely to Pursue STEM Careers Than Girls

Adolescent boys say they are more likely to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields than girls, according to a survey from Junior Achievement and EY. 

From ACM News

New Model of Evolution Finally Reveals How Cooperation Evolves

New Model of Evolution Finally Reveals How Cooperation Evolves

One of the great unanswered question in biology is why organisms have evolved to cooperate.

From ACM News

Solar System Survey Casts Doubt on Mysterious 'planet Nine'

Solar System Survey Casts Doubt on Mysterious 'planet Nine'

An analysis of four icy bodies discovered in the outer Solar System reveals no sign that they are being influenced by a large, unseen planet lurking beyond Neptune.

From ACM News

New Algorithm Generates Folding Patterns to Produce Any 3-D Origami Structure

New Algorithm Generates Folding Patterns to Produce Any 3-D Origami Structure

In July, researchers at the University of Tokyo will announce a universal algorithm for folding origami shapes that guarantees a minimum number of seams.

From ACM TechNews

What an Ai's Non-Human Language Actually Looks Like

What an Ai's Non-Human Language Actually Looks Like

Researchers at the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab have found that bots they were training to negotiate with each other began conversing in a non-human language without human supervision. 

From ACM TechNews

Teaching Computer Science Is Great, But It's Not Enough

Teaching Computer Science Is Great, But It's Not Enough

Although progress has been made on providing more computer science education to K-12 students, the United States is still years away from providing adequate CS education in all schools so the field can realize its full potential…

From ACM TechNews

The Human Brain Project Reboots: A Search Engine For the Brain Is in Sight

The Human Brain Project Reboots: A Search Engine For the Brain Is in Sight

The European Commission-funded Human Brain Project is on track to create a searchable model of the brain by building an infrastructure combining high-performance computing, data analytics, and simulation and modeling software…

From ACM TechNews

Illinois Researchers Build Dropbox-Like Storage, Analytical System For Scientific Data

Illinois Researchers Build Dropbox-Like Storage, Analytical System For Scientific Data

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are studying how to accelerate the materials-to-device process through a new framework that links microscopes and other scientific instruments to a cloud infrastructure…

From ACM TechNews

How Scratch and Minecraft Developers Hope to Keep Kids Coding For Life

How Scratch and Minecraft Developers Hope to Keep Kids Coding For Life

Researchers at MIT's Media Lab aim to nurture a lifelong enthusiasm for programming among young students, using the Scratch learn-to-code platform. 

From ACM News

Yearning For New Physics at Cern, in a Post-Higgs Way

Yearning For New Physics at Cern, in a Post-Higgs Way

The world's biggest and most expensive time machine is running again.

From ACM News

Curiosity Doesn't Need Your Help Blasting Rocks with a Laser

Curiosity Doesn't Need Your Help Blasting Rocks with a Laser

As cars here on Earth begin to drive themselves and robots autonomously roam sidewalks delivering food and nearly running over dogs, over on Mars, the Curiosity rover very much remains a remotely piloted vehicle.

From ACM News

How the Government Can Read Your Email

How the Government Can Read Your Email

With Congress focused on reforming the tax code and replacing Obamacare—plus keeping the government open—there's little oxygen for other policy issues.

From ACM TechNews

Google Advances AI With 'one Model to Learn Them All'

Google Advances AI With 'one Model to Learn Them All'

Google recently released an academic paper describing MultiModel, a template for how to create a single machine-learning model that is capable of addressing multiple tasks. 

From ACM TechNews

MIT Lab Shows Off Smart Threads That Can Send Messages, Change Color

MIT Lab Shows Off Smart Threads That Can Send Messages, Change Color

Researchers at MIT are developing smart fabrics as part of the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AAFOA) alliance. At the grand opening of the Fabric Discovery Center, AFFOA CEO Yoel Fink showcased innovative fibers that…

From ACM TechNews

Toward Optical Quantum Computing

Toward Optical Quantum Computing

Researchers at MIT have developed a device enabling photon-photon interactions at room temperature by applying a silicon crystal etched with patterns to introduce "nonlinearities" into optical-signal transmissions. 

From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity For Your Car

Cybersecurity For Your Car

Ohio State University researchers are studying the security of wireless interfaces in vehicles, the use of which will only increase as autonomous vehicles come closer to reality. 

From ACM News

Beyond the Five Senses

Beyond the Five Senses

The world we experience is not the real world. It's a mental construction, filtered through our physical senses. Which raises the question: How would our world change if we had new and different senses?

From ACM News

Nasa Completes Study of Future 'ice Giant' Mission Concepts

Nasa Completes Study of Future 'ice Giant' Mission Concepts

A NASA-led and NASA-sponsored study of potential future missions to the mysterious "ice giant" planets Uranus and Neptune has been released—the first in a series of mission studies NASA will conduct in support of the next Planetary…

From ACM News

The Fight to Save Thousands of Lives with Sea-Floor Sensors

The Fight to Save Thousands of Lives with Sea-Floor Sensors

Jerry Paros is worried about the geological time bomb ticking away just off the coast near his home in Washington state.

From ACM TechNews

X-Ray Eyes in the Sky

X-Ray Eyes in the Sky

Researchers have demonstrated three-dimensional (3D) imaging of objects through walls using Wi-Fi signals.

From ACM TechNews

New Operating System Will Improve Navy Computing Power

New Operating System Will Improve Navy Computing Power

A Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University professor has developed a prototype operating system for compiling different coding languages into one.

From ACM TechNews

What's New in Google's Go 1.9 Language

What's New in Google's Go 1.9 Language

The 1.9 iteration of Google's Go language is expected to enhance performance, compilation, and scaling to large code bases.

From ACM TechNews

Government Researchers Hope to Teach New Robots Some of the Old Tricks of Etiquette

Government Researchers Hope to Teach New Robots Some of the Old Tricks of Etiquette

Researchers are working to enable robots to learn human etiquette.