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News Archive


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August 2011

From ACM News

Quantum Computing Claims Produce ­Uncertainty

Quantum Computing Claims Produce ­Uncertainty

A Canadian company developing a quantum computer made news in May when it sold a system to defense manufacturer Lockheed-Martin for $10 million, though skeptics question whether the machine made by D-Wave Systems, of Burnaby,…

From ACM News

Nasa's Dawn Spacecraft Begins Science Orbits of Vesta

Nasa's Dawn Spacecraft Begins Science Orbits of Vesta

NASA's Dawn spacecraft, the first ever to orbit an object in the main asteroid belt, is spiraling toward its first of four intensive science orbits. That initial orbit of the rocky world Vesta begins Aug. 11, at an altitude…

From ACM News

What Will We Watch As Drones Evolve?

What Will We Watch As Drones Evolve?

Every week it seems there are reports about U.S. drones—unmanned, remote-controlled aerial vehicles—tracking down suspected terrorists in remote, unreachable areas of Yemen, Somalia, Libya, or Pakistan. Drone technology is…

From ACM News

Will Insect-Like Flying Machines Revolutionize Surveillance?

Will Insect-Like Flying Machines Revolutionize Surveillance?

Research at the University of Oxford is playing a key role in the development of revolutionary insect-sized vehicles with micro-cameras, suitable for different purposes like helping in emergency situations considered too dangerous…

From ACM TechNews

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud

Microsoft's Mobile Computer Research Center director Victor Bahl, speaking at the recent Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2011, discussed Project Hawaii, an initiative that provides students at more than 20 universities with…

From ACM News

Santa Clara ­niversity Math Scholar Fights Crime with Mad Math Skills

Santa Clara ­niversity Math Scholar Fights Crime with Mad Math Skills

George Mohler is a crime-fighting, math professor superhero—not that he'd ever call himself that.

From ACM News

'Fluid Cloak' to Help Submarines Leave No Wake

'Fluid Cloak' to Help Submarines Leave No Wake

Super-stealthy submarines may one day glide through the water without creating a wake, if a plan to channel fluid intelligently around objects can be made to work.

From ACM TechNews

Face-Id Tools Pose New Risk

Face-Id Tools Pose New Risk

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers are studying how facial-recognition tools can be detrimental to privacy. In a recent test, the researchers were able to identify about 33% of the people they tested, only using…

From ACM TechNews

Progress Hits Snag: Tiny Chips ­se Outsize Power

A research team recently presented a paper at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture that highlights the problem of developing smaller, more densely packed transistors to continue the rapid development of electronic…

From ACM News

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells

Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers.

From ACM News

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems

Researcher Don A. Bailey will be showing at the Black Hat security conference how easy it is to open and even start a car remotely by hacking the cellular network-based security system. Even more disturbing is the message…

From ACM News

The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

From Communications of the ACM

A New Benchmark For Artificial Intelligence

A New Benchmark For Artificial Intelligence

Computers are unable to defeat the world's best Go players, but that may change with the application of a new strategy that promises to revolutionize artificial intelligence.

From Communications of the ACM

Supercomputing's Exaflop Target

Supercomputing's Exaflop Target

The twin challenges of parallelism and energy consumption are enlivening supercomputers' progress.

From Communications of the ACM

Life, Translated

Life, Translated

The Holy Grail of language translation is to develop a machine-based system that can handle the task transparently and accurately.

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