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News Archive


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January 2011

From ACM TechNews

Computer Simulations For Safer Planes

Computer Simulations For Safer Planes

European researchers are exploring the use of computer simulation in the building of aircraft. Forty-four partners from 11 countries are measuring aircraft parts to create a numerical simulation of a complete helicopter at the…

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Revamps Science, Technology Standard-Setting Efforts

As part of the America Competes Reauthorization Act of 2010, the U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology has been instructed to expand cooperation with the private sector to develop standards for key technologies…

From ACM TechNews

Madrid Opts For Robotics For Its Citizens Services

The Autonomous Community of Madrid is sponsoring Robocity2030, a consortium aimed at developing new applications for service robots to help improve humans' quality of life. The group includes more than 60 Ph.D.s and 100 researchers…

From ACM News

Breaking Bottlenecks

Breaking Bottlenecks

A new algorithm enables much faster dissemination of information through self-organizing networks with a few scattered choke points.

From ACM News

Smart Contact Lenses For Health and Head-up Displays

Smart Contact Lenses For Health and Head-up Displays

Lenses that monitor eye health are on the way, and in-eye 3D image displays are being developed too—welcome to the world of augmented vision.

From ACM News

What to Expect at CES 2012

What to Expect at CES 2012

A preview of consumer electronics in the years to come.

From ACM News

Scaling ­p: The Future of Nanoscience

Scaling ­p: The Future of Nanoscience

Four prominent scientists—David Awschalom of UCSB; Angela Belcher of MIT; Donald Eigler of IBM Almaden Research Center; and Michael Roukes of Caltech—discuss the future of nanoscience in the next 50 years.

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Patent Awards Up 31 Percent in 2010

U.s. Patent Awards Up 31 Percent in 2010

The number of U.S. patent awards rose 31 percent in 2010, with the U.S. Patent Office issuing a record 219,614 patents. "The number of grants continues to grow even after a period of economic downturn," says IFI Claims Patent…

From ACM TechNews

White House Calls For Internet Identity Ecosystem to Protect Online Users

The Obama administration has announced a plan to establish an Internet identity ecosystem that will lower the incidence of fraud and identity theft while making online transactions simpler. 

From ACM Opinion

Shigeru Miyamoto: Master of Play

Shigeru Miyamoto: Master of Play

The many worlds of a video-game artist.

From ACM News

Intel's Truce with Nvidia Shows Industry's Shifts

Intel Corp.'s decision to pay Nvidia Corp. $1.5 billion for the right to its patents highlights the seismic shifts the semiconductor industry is undergoing.

From ACM News

NFL Fighting Head Injuries with Technology

The NFL is turning to technology to both measure and mitigate pro football's effect on players' brains, pushing into unexplored territory as officials try to protect personnel from the violence of the sport.

From ACM News

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street

Last spring, Dow Jones launched a new service called Lexicon, which sends real-time financial news to professional investors. This in itself is not surprising. The company behind The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires…

From ACM TechNews

Ces: The Future of Interfaces

Ces: The Future of Interfaces

People are no longer limited to interacting with computers via a mouse and keyboard. HCI experts say that new applications are driving new interfaces—smartphones with touchscreens, voice-controlled entertainment systems, and…

From ACM TechNews

1986 Privacy Law Is Outrun By the Web

Rising use of the Internet has overtaken the main statute governing communication privacy, according to many Web companies and consumer proponents, who say they must contend with a hodgepodge of standards that the courts have…

From ACM TechNews

Text-Based Video Navigation

Text-Based Video Navigation

The MIT150 website, celebrating the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's 150th anniversary, offers a collection of video interviews that makes use of a new navigation interface that enables viewers to browse through video…

From ACM TechNews

Fcc Challenges App Makers to Protect Open Internet

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has launched the Open Internet Challenge, which calls on software developers to create applications that will help Internet users determine when their Internet service provider (ISP)…

From ACM TechNews

Local Coders Help Improve Government Functions

Local Coders Help Improve Government Functions

Local software programmers are helping to enhance U.S. government functions through efforts such as Code for America, a fellowship program that matches cities with coders to produce easily transferable applications for cities…

From ACM TechNews

Mimic-Bots Learn to Do As We Do

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea have developed a robotic system that responds to the actions of the person confronting it. The robot observes the person's actions and responds…

From ACM TechNews

How New COMPETES Science Law Broadens NSF Education Programs

How New COMPETES Science Law Broadens NSF Education Programs

The reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act outlines program changes designed to guarantee that all the elements of the U.S. National Science Foundation are involved in training the next generation of researchers and enhancing…

From ACM News

CES: Smart Grid Outshines Green Tech at CES

CES: Smart Grid Outshines Green Tech at CES

Consumer electronics companies used to tout the energy efficiency of individual gadgets. Now many want to make your whole house more efficient.

From ACM TechNews

Epitaxial Graphene Shows Promise For Replacing Silicon in Electronics

Epitaxial Graphene Shows Promise For Replacing Silicon in Electronics

Georgia Tech researchers recently created an array of 10,000 top-gated transistors on a 0.24-square centimeter chip, believed to be the highest density graphene device ever created. They utilized a new technique involving templates…

From ACM TechNews

Biometrics For Care Environments

U.K. researchers are exploring user-friendly ways to enable telecare systems and applications to recognize individuals from their facial and vocal characteristics. They want to make it easier for individuals receiving health…

From ACM News

Virtual Reality Maps

Virtual Reality Maps

Images from public photo-sharing sites like Flickr and Google are being used by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington to help build accurate 3-D models of the real world.

From ACM TechNews

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been developing a camera that can take gigapixel images with one snapshot. Columbia University researchers are developing three, single-snapshot gigapixel camera designs. …

From ACM TechNews

European Exascale Project Drives Toward Next Supercomputing Milestone

The goal of the European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI) is to help effect the migration from petascale to exascale systems over the next 10 years by bringing together industry and government organizations. 

From ACM TechNews

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers

Many computer scientists say the High-Performance Linpack test is not the best performance measurement for the world's top supercomputers. The new Graph500 benchmark rates supercomputers based on gigateps instead of petaflops…

From ACM TechNews

Iit-M to Aid Research on Innovative Projects

IIT-Madras will establish an interdisciplinary center of excellence for facilitating research on embedded systems, very large scale integration design, and enabling technologies. Partnerships will be formed with industrial players…

From ACM TechNews

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?

Willow Garage's PR2 personal robot platform, released last year, could lead to new advances in robotic technology. Georgia Tech professor Charles Kemp. Kemp and his researchers are one of 16 teams that experimented with the…

From ACM TechNews

Biological Evolution Gives Cues to Stronger Computer Software

The universities of Virginia and New Mexico recently received a $3.2 million U.S. DARPA grant to develop more resilient software systems based on the biological concepts of immunity and evolution, with the goal of stopping cyberattacks…