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News Archive


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January 2011

From ACM TechNews

Why Are Health Data Leaking Online? Bad Software, Study Says

Why Are Health Data Leaking Online? Bad Software, Study Says

A recent Dartmouth College study found that sensitive health care data is being leaked online through peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing services. In addition, the researchers found that many people were using P2P services to find…

From ACM News

Keeping Women in Science on a Tenure Track

More women are obtaining Ph.D.s in science than ever before, but those women—largely because of pressures from having a family—are far more likely than their male counterparts to “leak” out of the research science pipeline…

From ACM News

Hackers Find New Way to Cheat on Wall Street

High-frequency trading networks, which complete stock market transactions in microseconds, are vulnerable to manipulation by hackers who can inject tiny amounts of latency into them.

From ACM News

The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets

A substantial part of all stock trading in the United States takes place in a warehouse in a nondescript business park just off the New Jersey Turnpike.

From ACM News

And Then There Were Five: Nist Names Sha-3 Crypto Competition Finalists

And Then There Were Five: Nist Names Sha-3 Crypto Competition Finalists

Out of the original 64, there now are five candidates left in the ongoing multi-year competition overseen by NIST to create the next 'hash' algorithm to protect the integrity of electronic information.

From ACM News

Reauthorization of Competes Act Brings Changes to Nist

President Obama on Tuesday (Jan. 4) signed the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which provides several important updates to NIST funding, programs and leadership.

From ACM TechNews

Car Theft by Antenna

Car Theft by Antenna

A method for breaking into and stealing cars that have keyless entry and starting systems has been found by ETH Zurich researchers, who were able to gain entry to and drive 10 cars by intercepting and relaying signals from the…

From ACM TechNews

Nanowriting a Big Step in Electronics

The ability to write metal lines that are less than 5 nanometers wide has been demonstrated by a University of Illinois research team, and this could impact the future fabrication of nanoelectronics and quantum devices. 

From ACM TechNews

Network Defense Gone Wrong

Network Defense Gone Wrong

Many companies use content-delivery networks as a defense against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, but Michael Rabinovich of Case Western Reserve University found that such networks could make websites more vulnerable…

From ACM News

The Power of 'convergence'

The Power of 'convergence'

In white paper, MIT scientists discuss potential for revolutionary advances in biomedicine and other fields.

From ACM News

Make Way for Mathematical Matter

Make Way for Mathematical Matter

We already have solid, liquid, gas, plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate. Now it seems we may be on the verge of discovering a whole host of new forms of matter - all based on mathematics.

From ACM News

Utah's $1.5 Billion Cyber-Security Center Under Way

Utah's $1.5 Billion Cyber-Security Center Under Way

Today's groundbreaking for a $1.5 billion National Security Agency data center is being billed as important in the short term for construction jobs and important in the long term for Utah's reputation as a technology center…

From ACM News

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer

When it comes tackling a challenge as tough as answering a human question, the best computational approach may be to break the job down into multiple parts and run them all in parallel, IBM is betting.

From ACM News

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera

It’s tough being an imagery analyst for the U.S. military: you’re drowning in pictures and drone video, with more pouring in endlessly from the tons of sensors and cameras used on planes, ships and satellites.

From ACM News

Nist Publications Recommend Organization-Wide It Security Risk Management

Nist Publications Recommend Organization-Wide It Security Risk Management

Two new draft publications from NIST provide the groundwork for a three-tiered risk-management approach that encompasses computer security risk planning from the highest levels of management to the systems level.

From ACM News

IPv6 Guide for Secure Deployment of Next-Generation Internet Protocol

IPv6 Guide for Secure Deployment of Next-Generation Internet Protocol

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have issued a guide for managers, network engineers, transition teams and others to help them deploy the next generation Internet Protocol (IPv6) securely.

From ACM TechNews

Can Cash Prizes For Innovation Get the Economy Rolling Again?

Can Cash Prizes For Innovation Get the Economy Rolling Again?

Contests for innovation are back in vogue and are a major component of the Obama administration's agenda for federal government support of private-sector R&D. 

From ACM TechNews

Girls-Only Computer Class Hits Refresh on It's Geeky-Male Image

Canada's Cardinal Leger Secondary School teacher Dan Harmer  put all the girls into a single computer science class, hoping that the single-sex environment would create a less intimidating atmosphere. It worked.

From ACM TechNews

Total Recall: Data Diaries Explain Who You Really Are

Total Recall: Data Diaries Explain Who You Really Are

The collection, archival, and search of everyday personal experiences that are recorded by cameras and other devices could support the digital diaries envisioned by Microsoft scientist Gordon Bell and others. 

From ACM TechNews

'sms of Death' Could Crash Many Mobile Phones

Low-end mobile phones are vulnerable to hackers using short message service (SMS) communications, according to research presented at a recent conference in Germany. 

From ACM TechNews

Interactive Window Shopping

Interactive Window Shopping

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications researchers have developed a three-dimensional camera system that enables consumers to interact with items inside window displays using hand and facial gestures. 

From ACM TechNews

3-D Steps Up to Decode Mobility

3-D Steps Up to Decode Mobility

Stanford University researchers are using computer-generated 3-D simulations of human mobility to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The technique can help reveal the source of a problem and provide a platform for…

From ACM TechNews

Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

Computer chip makers will highlight the improved visual performance of their technology at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. 

From ACM News

More Schools Embracing Ipad as Learning Tool

More Schools Embracing Ipad as Learning Tool

A growing number of schools across the United States are embracing the iPad as a teaching tool. Some parents and scholars have raised concerns that schools are rushing to invest in iPads before their educational value has been…

From ACM News

The Surprising ­sefulness of Sloppy Arithmetic

The Surprising ­sefulness of Sloppy Arithmetic

A computer chip that performs imprecise calculations could process some types of data thousands of times more efficiently than existing chips.

From ACM News

Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

In the good old days, it was all about speed.

From ACM News

Berkeley Lab To Help China Improve Energy Efficiency of Data Centers

Berkeley Lab To Help China Improve Energy Efficiency of Data Centers

The U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has started working with China to improve the energy performance of its data centers.

From ACM Opinion

Don't Track Me, Bro

Don't Track Me, Bro

Here is how Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, describes the current state of affairs on the Internet: "Say I’m walking through a mall. And there’s a guy following me. He doesn't know my name, but…

From ACM News

The American Wikileaks Hacker

The American Wikileaks Hacker

Jacob Appelbaum fights repressive regimes around the world—including his own.

From ACM News

Wipro Building India's Fastest Supercomputer For Space Agency

Wipro Ltd. is building what will become India's fastest supercomputer for the Indian Space Research Organisation, giving the agency critical muscle to crunch large volumes of data as it designs more complex launch vehicles…