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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2019

From ACM News

AI Removes the Drudgery from Legal Due Diligence

AI Removes the Drudgery from Legal Due Diligence

Software can review contracts, and more, faster and more accurately than lawyers.

From ACM TechNews

'DeepSqueak' Helps Researchers Decode Rodent Chatter

'DeepSqueak' Helps Researchers Decode Rodent Chatter

Researchers have developed a software program to identify and decode rodent vocalizations.

From ACM TechNews

DNA Design That Anyone Can Do

DNA Design That Anyone Can Do

A new computer program allows users to translate any free-form drawing into a two-dimensional, nanoscale structure made of DNA.

From ACM TechNews

Robots Aren't Yet Killing Off All Our Jobs, World Bank Says

Robots Aren't Yet Killing Off All Our Jobs, World Bank Says

The growth of automation so far has had a negligible impact on jobs at a global level, according to the World Bank's chief economist.

From ACM TechNews

How China Landed the Change'4 Rover on the Far Side of the Moon

How China Landed the Change'4 Rover on the Far Side of the Moon

The Chinese National Space Administration placed its Chang'e-4 lander and rover on the far side of the Moon.

From ACM TechNews

With Drone Deliveries on the Horizon, Europe Moves to Set Ground Rules

With Drone Deliveries on the Horizon, Europe Moves to Set Ground Rules

A group of companies are testing unmanned aviation technology to prove drones can fly delivery routes without crashing into each other, and that they can be tracked in crowded skies.

From ACM TechNews

GCHQ Challenges Girls' Schools to Save the ­.K. From Cyberattacks

GCHQ Challenges Girls' Schools to Save the ­.K. From Cyberattacks

The U.K. Government Communications Headquarters has created a competition for 12- to 13-year-old girls aimed at drawing more women into cybersecurity.

From ACM News

Can a Set of Equations Keep ­.S. Census Data Private?

Can a Set of Equations Keep ­.S. Census Data Private?

Protecting confidentiality has been a priority for the Census Bureau for most—but not all—of its existence.

From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers

Last year, Microsoft Corp.'s Azure security team detected suspicious activity in the cloud computing usage of a large retailer: One of the company's administrators, who usually logs on from New York, was trying to gain entry …

From ACM News

The Elite Intel Team Still Fighting Meltdown and Spectre

The Elite Intel Team Still Fighting Meltdown and Spectre

Throughout 2018, researchers found exploitable weaknesses related to "speculative execution" vulnerabilities.

From ACM TechNews

Martian Robot Will Explore the Red Planet With Mind of Its Own

Martian Robot Will Explore the Red Planet With Mind of Its Own

Researchers in the U.K.  have completed testing on an artificial intelligence-enabled rover that will make its own decisions about where it explores on Mars.

From ACM TechNews

Ethereum Plans to Cut Its Absurd Energy Consumption by 99%

Ethereum Plans to Cut Its Absurd Energy Consumption by 99%

The Ethereum Foundation, and the broader open source movement devoted to advancing the cryptocurrency bitcoin, plan to field-test an overhaul of Ethereum's code.

From ACM TechNews

Customizing Computer-Aided Design

Customizing Computer-Aided Design

A new technique developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology "reverse-engineers" complex three-dimensional (3-D) computer-aided design models.

From ACM TechNews

Miners Dig AI but the Gold Rush Hasn't Come

Miners Dig AI but the Gold Rush Hasn't Come

Despite expectations by the mining industry that artificial intelligence would transform operations, some experts consider that promise overhyped and unrealistic.

From ACM News

The ­S and China Are in a Quantum Arms Race that Will Transform Warfare

The ­S and China Are in a Quantum Arms Race that Will Transform Warfare

In the 1970s, at the height of the Cold War, American military planners began to worry about the threat to US warplanes posed by new, radar-guided missile defenses in the USSR and other nations.

From ACM News

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge

A common belief among tech industry insiders is that Silicon Valley has dominated the internet because much of the worldwide network was designed and built by Americans.

From ACM News

Wireless 'Pacemaker for the Brain' Could Be New Standard Treatment for Neurological Disorders

Wireless 'Pacemaker for the Brain' Could Be New Standard Treatment for Neurological Disorders

A new neurostimulator developed by engineers at UC Berkeley can listen to and stimulate electric current in the brain at the same time, potentially delivering fine-tuned treatments to patients with diseases like epilepsy and …

From ACM TechNews

New Augmented Reality Technology Could Help Firefighters Save Lives

New Augmented Reality Technology Could Help Firefighters Save Lives

A Silicon Valley entrepreneur's augmented reality solution could make firefighters more effective in low-visibility situations.

From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Turns Mono Recordings Into Immersive Sound

Deep Learning Turns Mono Recordings Into Immersive Sound

Researchers have taught an artificial intelligence system to convert ordinary monaural sounds into nearly three-dimensional sounds.

From ACM TechNews

­niversity in North Carolina Issues Degrees ­sing Blockchain

­niversity in North Carolina Issues Degrees ­sing Blockchain

East Coast Polytechnic Institute University graduates can now receive and digitally store degrees with blockchain technology, which delivers secure, immediate verification.

From ACM News

Beyond CMOS Lies Hope

 Beyond CMOS Lies Hope

Seeking a successor to complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology.

From ACM News

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side

A Chinese probe has made a historic touch-down on the far side of the Moon, according to the country's state-run media. It is the first time a probe has visited the region, 60 years after an orbiter gave humans their first look…

From ACM News

Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines

Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines

A pioneer of computer science for work combining statistics and linguistics, and an advocate for women in the field.

From ACM News

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule

Ultima Thule, an icy world 4 billion miles from the sun, looks like a big snowman.

From ACM TechNews

E­ to Fund Bug Bounty Programs for 14 Open Source Projects

E­ to Fund Bug Bounty Programs for 14 Open Source Projects

The European Union will cover the costs of bug bounty programs for 14 open source projects.

From ACM TechNews

Ohio Eyes New Connected Vehicle Test

Ohio Eyes New Connected Vehicle Test

The Ohio Department of Transportation, in collaboration with Honda, is planning a connected vehicle project in the city of Marysville.

From ACM TechNews

Hybrid Qubits Solve Key Hurdle to Quantum Computing

Hybrid Qubits Solve Key Hurdle to Quantum Computing

An international team of researchers has built a hybrid device from two different types of quantum bits to facilitate rapid initialization and readout.

From ACM TechNews

Schools in China Track Students With GPS-Enabled 'Smart' ­niforms

Schools in China Track Students With GPS-Enabled 'Smart' ­niforms

Students at 11 schools in the Chinese province of Guizhou are wearing "smart uniforms" incorporating computer chips to ensure they attend classes and behave properly.

From ACM TechNews

'Virtual Tumor' New Way to See Cancer

'Virtual Tumor' New Way to See Cancer

Researchers have constructed a three-dimensional virtual reality model of tumor samples, with each individual cell mapped.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Putting Fish Into AR Tanks

Researchers Putting Fish Into AR Tanks

New Jersey Institute of Technology researchers have created an augmented reality system to run experiments on the glass knifefish.