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News Archive


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October 2012

From ACM TechNews

The Real Tron: It Security as a Shoot 'em Up

The Real Tron: It Security as a Shoot 'em Up

MIT researchers have developed an approach that allows IT security professionals to patrol their assigned environments as if they were playing a first-person shooter video game.  

From ACM TechNews

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand

There are more than 42,000 public and private high schools in the United States, but just 2,100 of them offered the Advanced Placement test in computer science last year, a 25 percent drop over the past five years, according…

From ACM News

Nasa's Infrared Observatory Measures Expansion of Universe

Nasa's Infrared Observatory Measures Expansion of Universe

Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have announced the most precise measurement yet of the Hubble constant, or the rate at which our universe is stretching apart.

From ACM News

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p

Alert to a sudden threat, you race down a virtual corridor of servers, hot on the tail of malicious software.

From ACM News

Information Nation: Digital Social Experiment to Put a Human Face on Big Data

Information Nation: Digital Social Experiment to Put a Human Face on Big Data

Imagine seeing life through one eyeball but then being given the ability to view the world through two or even three eyeballs at once.

From ACM Careers

Sites That Pay the Shopper For Being a Seller

Sites That Pay the Shopper For Being a Seller

Julie Medeiros thinks her taste in fashion is worth something. Turns out it is: about $50 a month.

From ACM News

Controlling Curiosity: How Do You Drive a Mars Rover?

Controlling Curiosity: How Do You Drive a Mars Rover?

Engineers at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, have the ultimate iPhone app.

From ACM News

The Cosmological Supercomputer

The Cosmological Supercomputer

When it comes to reconstructing the past, you might think that astrophysicists have it easy. After all, the sky is awash with evidence,

From ACM TechNews

Beyond Software: Programmers Hope to Change Macon

Beyond Software: Programmers Hope to Change Macon

Three fellows with Code for America have spent nearly a year in Bibb County, Ga., writing software for various organizations.  

From ACM TechNews

Digital Agenda: EU-Funded Research to Make the 'Cloud' Greener

Digital Agenda: EU-Funded Research to Make the 'Cloud' Greener

The Eurocloud project aims to develop a 3D microchip that can drastically cut the electricity and the installation costs of servers in cloud computing data centers.  

From ACM TechNews

Uc Davis Team's Piano System Animates Hands to Do-Re-Mi

Uc Davis Team's Piano System Animates Hands to Do-Re-Mi

University of California, Davis researchers have developed an algorithm that creates computer-generated animations of piano playing, showing finger placement and wrist movement.  

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Demonstrate 3d Spy Trojan For Mobile Phones

Researchers Demonstrate 3d Spy Trojan For Mobile Phones

Researchers at Indiana University Bloomington and the Naval Surface Warfare Center have developed PlaceRaider, a program that uses a phone's camera to take pictures of its surroundings and construct a 3D model of the environment…

From ACM TechNews

A Smartphone in Your Glasses

A Smartphone in Your Glasses

EPFL researchers are developing a prototype of a pair of augmented glasses that allow the wearer to read messages, look at an itinerary, and receive a variety of information directly on the lenses. 

From ACM News

Megadroid: 300,000 Androids Clustered Together to Study Network Havoc

Megadroid: 300,000 Androids Clustered Together to Study Network Havoc

Anyone who builds an Android app knows that testing on real devices is important. But what if instead of testing on one device at a time, you could test 300,000?

From ACM News

New Android Malware App Turns Phone Into Surveillance Device

New Android Malware App Turns Phone Into Surveillance Device

Mobile malware has largely been limited to Trojans buried inside a malicious app targeting sensitive data stored on the phone such as email, contact information, and SMS messages.

From ACM News

Cyber Attackers Disrupt Internet in Iran: Official

Cyber Attackers Disrupt Internet in Iran: Official

Cyber attackers have targeted Iranian infrastructure and communications companies, disrupting the Internet across the country, a state official was quoted as saying on Wednesday.

From ACM News

U.s. Bank Website Hackers Used Advanced Botnets, Diverse Tools

U.s. Bank Website Hackers Used Advanced Botnets, Diverse Tools

The hackers behind the cyber attacks on major U.S. banks have repeatedly disrupted online banking by using sophisticated and diverse tools that point to a carefully coordinated campaign, according to security researchers.

From ACM News

Leonard Kleinrock, the Tx-2 and the Seeds of the Internet

Leonard Kleinrock, the Tx-2 and the Seeds of the Internet

It was 4:00 in the morning, and Leonard Kleinrock was sitting inside MIT's Lincoln Laboratory on the outskirts of Boston, hunched in front of a massive computer system known as the TX-2.

From ACM News

Mimicry Beats Consciousness in Gaming's Turing Test

Mimicry Beats Consciousness in Gaming's Turing Test

The Turing test might still be too hard for software to crack—but two programs have already aced video gaming's answer to this famous evaluation of machine intelligence.

From ACM News

Proposed Space Boat Could Explore Lakes on Saturn's Moon Titan

Proposed Space Boat Could Explore Lakes on Saturn's Moon Titan

While rovers are ideal for exploring Mars, a boat is best for Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

From ACM Careers

Online Education Grows Up, and For Now, It's Free

Online Education Grows Up, and For Now, It's Free

Online education isn't particularly new. It has been around in some form since the 1990s, but what is new is the speed and scale in which online learning is growing.

From ACM News

More Mobile News Consumers Choosing Web Over Apps

More Mobile News Consumers Choosing Web Over Apps

Mobile apps were supposed to be the reset button for the news industry.

From ACM TechNews

Dear Everyone Teaching Programming: You're Doing It Wrong

Dear Everyone Teaching Programming: You're Doing It Wrong

Do-it-yourself programming sites are mostly useless because of their opaque interfaces and because programming itself is broken, according to Bret Victor, a former interface designer for Apple.  

From ACM TechNews

W3c Outlines Plan to Finalize Html5

W3c Outlines Plan to Finalize Html5

The W3C announced that it will finalize HTML5 by 2014 and HTML 5.1 by 2016.  

From ACM News

Commander: Iranian Cyber Forces Easily Access Enemies' Highly Classified Info

Commander: Iranian Cyber Forces Easily Access Enemies' Highly Classified Info

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi stressed the high capability of the country's cyberwar experts, and said the Iranian cyber forces have easily infiltrated enemies' data systems and…

From ACM TechNews

Students Explore Virtual Reality in HIVE

Students Explore Virtual Reality in HIVE

Students at Miami University are using the Huge Immersive Virtual Environment to explore a wide range of topics, from virtual environments to cognitive research.  

From ACM TechNews

Project Aims to Crowdsource What Makes a Happy City

Project Aims to Crowdsource What Makes a Happy City

Cambridge University researchers will use crowdsourcing to rank the most peaceful and happy places in London.  

From ACM News

Google Leapfrogs Microsoft in Market Value

Google Leapfrogs Microsoft in Market Value

For Microsoft, it was bad enough when Apple's stock market value surpassed its own in 2010. Now Google, a company that didn't even exist 15 years ago, just did the same thing.

From ACM News

U.s. Law Enforcement Is Tracking Who Calls, Texts, and Emails Whom More Often Than Ever Before

U.s. Law Enforcement Is Tracking Who Calls, Texts, and Emails Whom More Often Than Ever Before

Law enforcement isn't just interested in what Americans are saying on the phone or on the Internet.

From ACM News

Apple Designs the Future

Apple Designs the Future

It’s impossible to look anywhere these days without noticing how profoundly Apple has influenced design and computing interfaces.