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News Archive


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October 2020

From ACM TechNews

What If Underwater Robots Could Autonomously Dock Mid-Mission to Recharge, Transfer Data?

What If Underwater Robots Could Autonomously Dock Mid-Mission to Recharge, Transfer Data?

A new mobile docking system for autonomous underwater vehicles extends their performance without human intervention.

From ACM TechNews

Augmented Reality Offers Promise of Incision-Free Autopsies

Augmented Reality Offers Promise of Incision-Free Autopsies

Forensic and digital healthcare experts envision the incorporation of virtual/augmented reality into forensic science.

From ACM TechNews

An Open Source Bionic Leg

An Open Source Bionic Leg

University of Michigan researchers have released details online of the design of an open source bionic leg, and the results of its clinical tests.

From ACM TechNews

Smartwatches Could Predict Your Marathon Time With Increased Accuracy

Smartwatches Could Predict Your Marathon Time With Increased Accuracy

Researchers at the French National Center for Scientific Research have developed a mathematical model for more accurately predicting race times from the data assembled by smartwatches.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Use Eye Tracking to Discover How Mobile Apps Grab Our Attention--With Surprising Results

Researchers Use Eye Tracking to Discover How Mobile Apps Grab Our Attention--With Surprising Results

An international study has yielded insights into how mobile applications capture attention.

From ACM TechNews

This 'Squidbot' Jets Around, Takes Pics of Coral, Fish

This 'Squidbot' Jets Around, Takes Pics of Coral, Fish

Engineers at the University of California, San Diego have constructed a self-powered squid-like robot that can swim via water-jet propulsion and record data on coral and fish with a camera or other sensor.

From ACM Careers

Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers

Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers

The Trump administration has announced stricter rules for the H-1B visa program, which U.S. tech companies have long valued.

From ACM TechNews

The Cyber-Avengers Protecting Hospitals From Ransomware

The Cyber-Avengers Protecting Hospitals From Ransomware

The Cyber Threat Intelligence League aims to protect hospitals and health systems around the world from cyberattacks as they deal with Covid-19 cases.

From ACM TechNews

Contact Tracing: England's Long-Awaited App Hits 10 Million Downloads

Contact Tracing: England's Long-Awaited App Hits 10 Million Downloads

The U.K. National Health Service's Covid-19 contact tracing app hit 10 million downloads just four days after its release.

From ACM TechNews

Digital Identity Checks to Be Expanded Under A$800M Technology Budget Package

Digital Identity Checks to Be Expanded Under A$800M Technology Budget Package

Australia's government will broaden the use of digital identity checks when businesses and individuals access services online.

From ACM News

The Future of the Supply Chain

The Future of the Supply Chain

Experts agree supplies increasingly will be near-sourced.

From ACM News

CMU Scientists Solve 90-Year-Old Geometry Problem

CMU Scientists Solve 90-Year-Old Geometry Problem

The math puzzle was resolved by translating it into satisfiability problem.

From ACM TechNews

Flawed Algorithm Used to Determine U.K. Welfare Payments Is 'Pushing People Into Poverty'

Flawed Algorithm Used to Determine U.K. Welfare Payments Is 'Pushing People Into Poverty'

Human Rights Watch warns a flawed algorithm for calculating monthly social security benefits in Britain is causing hunger, debt, and psychological distress.

From ACM TechNews

GitHub Launches Code Scanning to Unearth Vulnerabilities Early

GitHub Launches Code Scanning to Unearth Vulnerabilities Early

GitHub last week launched a code-scanning tool to help developers identify flaws in code prior to its public rollout.

From ACM TechNews

AI Helping Scientists Discover Fresh Craters on Mars

AI Helping Scientists Discover Fresh Craters on Mars

A machine learning tool is helping to identify newly made craters on the surface of Mars.

From ACM TechNews

Australia's Report on Agtech Confirms Technology Can Lead to Fertile Future

Australia's Report on Agtech Confirms Technology Can Lead to Fertile Future

A new report says emerging technologies could enhance the productivity, diversity, and profitability of Australia's agricultural sector.

From ACM TechNews

Critical Flaws Discovered in Popular Industrial Remote Access Systems

Critical Flaws Discovered in Popular Industrial Remote Access Systems

Researchers found critical defects in two popular industrial remote access systems that attackers could exploit.

From ACM TechNews

AI Can Detect Covid-19 in the Lungs Like a Virtual Physician, Study Shows

AI Can Detect Covid-19 in the Lungs Like a Virtual Physician, Study Shows

Researchers developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that is almost as accurate as a physician in diagnosing Covid-19 in the lungs and distinguishing Covid-19 cases from influenza.

From ACM TechNews

Clinical Trials Hit by Ransomware Attack on Health Tech Firm

Clinical Trials Hit by Ransomware Attack on Health Tech Firm

Philadelphia-based software provider eResearch Technology was hit two weeks ago by a ransomware attack that has slowed clinical trials.

From ACM TechNews

Report Shows It Could Take 12 Years to Reach Equal Representation of Women in Tech

Report Shows It Could Take 12 Years to Reach Equal Representation of Women in Tech

Women technologists account for 28.8% of the technology workforce this year, up from 25.9% in 2018 and 26.2% in 2019, according to's 10th annual "Top Companies for Women Technologists" report.

From ACM TechNews

Engineers Link Brains to Computers Using 3D Printed Implants

Engineers Link Brains to Computers Using 3D Printed Implants

Engineers have developed a prototype three-dimensionally-printed implant that can be used to create brain-computer interfaces.

From ACM TechNews

Hacker Releases Information on Las Vegas-Area Students After Officials Don't Pay Ransom

Hacker Releases Information on Las Vegas-Area Students After Officials Don't Pay Ransom

A hacker who locked computer servers in Las Vegas' Clark County School District with ransomware released documents with stolen private data after officials refused to pay the ransom.

From ACM TechNews

IBM to Open-Source Space Junk Collision Avoidance

IBM to Open-Source Space Junk Collision Avoidance

Researchers are working on an open source project to determine and predict the orbits of anthropogenic space objects (ASOs)—man-made space debris—in order to avoid collisions.

From ACM TechNews

Take-Off for U.K.-Built Supercomputer Nanosatellites

Take-Off for U.K.-Built Supercomputer Nanosatellites

The U.K. this week launched four shoebox-sized "nanosatellites" into low Earth orbit.

From ACM Careers

America's Innovation Edge Now in Peril, Report Says

America's Innovation Edge Now in Peril, Report Says

A sweeping report from Baker Institute and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences urges significant policy and funding action to ensure the United States does not lose its preeminent position in discovery and innovation.

From ACM News

Pentagon Is Clinging to Aging Technologies, House Panel Warns

Pentagon Is Clinging to Aging Technologies, House Panel Warns

Despite the Pentagon's talk of embracing quantum computing and artificial intelligence, the politics of killing off old weapons systems is so forbidding that the efforts often falter.

From ACM TechNews

One of This Year's Most Severe Windows Bugs Is Now Under Active Exploit

One of This Year's Most Severe Windows Bugs Is Now Under Active Exploit

Microsoft warns a high-impact vulnerability that allows hackers to instantly take control of Windows' Active Directory is being actively exploited by malicious hackers.

From ACM TechNews

In Facial Recognition Challenge, Top-Ranking Algorithms Show Bias Against Black Women

In Facial Recognition Challenge, Top-Ranking Algorithms Show Bias Against Black Women

Facial recognition algorithms have higher false-positive and lower false-negative rates for Black women, eyeglass wearers, and young children.

From ACM TechNews

IST Researchers Exploit Vulnerabilities of AI-Powered Game Bots

IST Researchers Exploit Vulnerabilities of AI-Powered Game Bots

A new algorithm trains an adversarial bot to automatically identify and exploit the weaknesses of master game bots trained by deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

From ACM TechNews

Astronomers Model, Determine How Disk Galaxies Evolve So Smoothly

Astronomers Model, Determine How Disk Galaxies Evolve So Smoothly

New computer models demonstrate how massive clumps of interstellar gas scatter some stars from their orbits and create galaxy disks with bright centers that fade to dark edges.