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News Archive


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November 2018

From ACM TechNews

NASA Astronauts Will Get to Use This Extraterrestrial Supercomputer

NASA Astronauts Will Get to Use This Extraterrestrial Supercomputer

A standard Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Apollo 4000-series business computer is being used to conduct science experiments on the International Space Station.

From ACM News

Tech Giants May Have to be Broken Up, says Tim Berners-Lee

Tech Giants May Have to be Broken Up, says Tim Berners-Lee

The World Wide Web inventor says Silicon Valley firms have too much clout and 'optimism has cracked'.

From ACM News

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events

Last week, as thousands of Central American migrants made their way northward through Mexico, walking a treacherous route toward the US border, talk of "the caravan," as it's become known, took over Twitter.

From ACM News

NASA's Dawn Mission to Asteroid Belt Comes to End

NASA's Dawn Mission to Asteroid Belt Comes to End

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has gone silent, ending a historic mission that studied time capsules from the solar system's earliest chapter.

From ACM TechNews

Christie’s First to Sell Art Made by AI

Christie’s First to Sell Art Made by AI

A painted portrait produced by a machine learning algorithm was auctioned for $432,000 by Christie's auction house in New York.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Combine Technologies for New Digital Stethoscope

Researchers Combine Technologies for New Digital Stethoscope

A prototype digital stethoscope for grading heart ailments and heart-pump performance incorporates precision sensors, electrocardiogram technology, and machine learning.

From ACM TechNews

Search Engine for CCTV Lets You Find People From Their Description

Search Engine for CCTV Lets You Find People From Their Description

A new system uses machine learning to automatically match individuals in videos with their descriptions.

From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning

What if you stopped learning after graduation? It sounds stultifying, but that is how most machine-learning systems are trained.

From Communications of the ACM

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

The EU data regulation will affect computer, Internet, and technology usage within and outside the EU; how it will play out remains to be seen.

From Communications of the ACM

AI, Explain Yourself

AI, Explain Yourself

It is increasingly important to understand how artificial intelligence comes to a decision.

From Communications of the ACM

A New Movement in Seismology

A New Movement in Seismology

Unused telecom fiber might be used to detect earthquakes, uncover other secrets in the soil.

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