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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2022

From ACM News

The 'Viral' Secure Programming Language That's Taking Over Tech

The 'Viral' Secure Programming Language That's Taking Over Tech

Rust makes it impossible to introduce some of the most common security vulnerabilities. And its adoption can't come soon enough.

From ACM TechNews

Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Wants Us to 'Ignore' Web3

Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Wants Us to 'Ignore' Web3

ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient Tim Berners-Lee, credited with inventing the World Wide Web, considers Web3 nonviable for building the next iteration of the Internet.

From ACM TechNews

Billions Spent in Metaverse 'Land' Grab

Billions Spent in Metaverse 'Land' Grab

Research by DappRadar indicates that over the past year, people and companies have spent $1.93 billion in cryptocurrency to purchase virtual “real estate” in the metaverse.

From ACM TechNews

Unpiloted Military Helicopter Flies 134 km in Simulated Mission

Unpiloted Military Helicopter Flies 134 km in Simulated Mission

The U.S. Army flew an autonomous Black Hawk Helicopter 134 kilometers (83 miles) to deliver 230 kilograms (507 lbs.) of simulated and real blood.

From ACM News

Russia Reactivates Its Trolls, Bots Ahead of Tuesday's Midterms

Russia Reactivates Its Trolls, Bots Ahead of Tuesday's Midterms

Researchers have identified a series of Russian information operations to influence American elections and, perhaps, erode support for Ukraine.

From ACM News

100 Times Longer Than Previous Benchmarks – A Quantum Breakthrough

100 Times Longer Than Previous Benchmarks – A Quantum Breakthrough

Quantum computing engineers have set a new standard for silicon chip performance.

From ACM News

A Cheating Scandal Has Rocked the Chess World. The 'Chess Detective' Is on the Case

A Cheating Scandal Has Rocked the Chess World. The 'Chess Detective' Is on the Case

As computers have surpassed human players, chess cheaters have increasingly relied on engines to gain an edge, both online and during in-person play.

From ACM News

U.S. Government to Crack Down on 'Bossware' That Spies On Employees' Computers

U.S. Government to Crack Down on 'Bossware' That Spies On Employees' Computers

"Close, constant surveillance and management through electronic means threaten employees' basic ability to exercise their rights."

From ACM News

Twitter May Have Lost More than a Million Users Since Musk Took Over

Twitter May Have Lost More than a Million Users Since Musk Took Over

Estimates from Bot Sentinel suggest more than 875,000 users deactivated their accounts between October 27 and November 1, while a half-million more were suspended.

From ACM News

Worries Grow That TikTok Is New Home for Manipulated Video and Photos

Worries Grow That TikTok Is New Home for Manipulated Video and Photos

Misleading edits, fake news stories and deepfake images of politicians are starting to warp reality on the popular video platform.

From ACM News

The Sci-Fi Dream of a 'Molecular Computer' Is Getting More Real

The Sci-Fi Dream of a 'Molecular Computer' Is Getting More Real

Chemists have long conceptualized tiny machines that could fabricate drugs, plastics, and other polymers that are hard to build with bigger tools.

From ACM TechNews

Study Urges Caution When Comparing Neural Networks to the Brain

Study Urges Caution When Comparing Neural Networks to the Brain

A study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers revealed the difficulty of comparing neural networks to the brain.

From ACM TechNews

Robot Dog Contributes to AI Research

Robot Dog Contributes to AI Research

The University of Buffalo's (UB) Yubie robot dog is used as both for research and as an educational tool.

From ACM TechNews

Trust in Online Content Moderation Depends on Moderator

Trust in Online Content Moderation Depends on Moderator

New research found an individual's trust in online content moderation systems depends on whether the moderator is human or artificial intelligence, and the type of harassing content.

From ACM TechNews

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression

Researchers analyzed Facebook posts to differentiate language associated with depression and with loneliness.

From ACM News

Samsung Breach Slams Consumers

Samsung Breach Slams Consumers

Including this writer.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Use Lasers to Trick Autonomous Cars

Researchers Use Lasers to Trick Autonomous Cars

Researchers used a laser to trick autonomous vehicles' LiDAR systems to remove obstacles and pedestrians from view.

From ACM TechNews

Female Politicians Disadvantaged by Online Prejudices, Stereotypes

Female Politicians Disadvantaged by Online Prejudices, Stereotypes

Scientists at Denmark's University of Copenhagen (KU) has found widespread online gender bias to be a disadvantage for female politicians.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer QuEra Joins Amazon's Cloud for Public Access

Quantum Computer QuEra Joins Amazon's Cloud for Public Access

Quantum computer startup QuEra announced the public accessibility of its 256-quantum bit (qubit) Aquila computer through cloud's Braket quantum computer service.

From ACM News

Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot

Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot

"Who's at fault, man or machine?"

From ACM News

Elon Musk's Twitter Faces Exodus of Advertisers and Executives

Elon Musk's Twitter Faces Exodus of Advertisers and Executives

At least five Twitter executives have left in recent days, as one of the world's largest ad companies said clients should pause spending on the social media platform.

From ACM News

F.T.C. Accuses Ed Tech Firm Chegg of 'Careless' Data Security

F.T.C. Accuses Ed Tech Firm Chegg of 'Careless' Data Security

Chegg, a homework help app, exposed the data of 40 million users, including details about some students' sexual orientation and religion, regulators said in a legal complaint.

From ACM News

Musk Defends Controversial $20 Blue Checkmark Twitter Plan to Stephen King

Musk Defends Controversial $20 Blue Checkmark Twitter Plan to Stephen King

The new Twitter owner has fired back at the author, whose horrified "f*** that" reaction to a plan to charge for a verification went viral: "We need to pay the bills somehow! ... How about $8?"

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons

Experiments conducted by scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore may strengthen quantum computing with liquid-like electrons called parafermions.

From ACM TechNews

Researcher Combines AI, Microelectronics to Create Neural Implants that Fight Brain Disorders

Researcher Combines AI, Microelectronics to Create Neural Implants that Fight Brain Disorders

Researchers at Canada's University of Toronto are leveraging microelectronics and artificial intelligence to make neural implants smarter and safer.

From ACM TechNews

A 1990s Relic, Floppy Disks Get Second Life at California Warehouse

A 1990s Relic, Floppy Disks Get Second Life at California Warehouse sells around 500 floppy disks per day.

From ACM News

Small Sensors for Big Challenges

Small Sensors for Big Challenges

Shwetak Patel hopes to build something that could impact the lives of a billion people.

From Communications of the ACM

Go Backward, Save Energy

Go Backward, Save Energy

Reversible computing principles point a way toward more efficient computers.

From Communications of the ACM

The Impact of Virtual Meetings

The Impact of Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have mixed effects on employee productivity, creativity, and relationships.

From Communications of the ACM

Applying the Metaverse

Applying the Metaverse

Business, entertainment, and fashion companies already are staking their claims in this enhanced virtual world.

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