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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2009

From ACM TechNews

It Built Into Your Jewelery

Henry Tirri, Nokia's head of research, says the economic downturn will lead to more investments in collaboration tools, broadband, video, and mobile technology to eliminate the need for travel. Over the next few years, people…

From ACM TechNews

Humans No Match For Go Bot Overlords

Humans No Match For Go Bot Overlords

Computer programs that play the game of Go have advanced to the point where they can beat professional human players, as demonstrated by recent victories at the Taiwan Open and a Chicago exhibition. These programs employ variations…

From ACM TechNews

Scratch Lowers Resistance to Programming

Scratch, created by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, is a programming environment for creating interactive animations, annotated stories, slideshows, prototypes, and games…

From ACM TechNews

IBM Looks to Secure Internet Banking With Usb Stick

A USB memory stick that can guarantee secure banking transactions even if a PC is tainted by malware has been developed by IBM's Zurich research laboratory.

From ACM TechNews

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Bourne Shell, or Sh

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Bourne Shell, or Sh

Steve Bourne, creator of the Bourne shell or sh programming language, says in an interview that the language aimed to remedy the problem of designing the shell to be a fully programmable scripting language that also could function…

From ACM TechNews

Information Architect Alex Wright Talks About the Lessons of It History

New York Times information architect Alex Wright says in an interview that there is a tendency to concentrate on information technology's future at the expense of its past. He points out, for example, that many promising concepts…

From ACM TechNews

Bathrooms Become Smarter With Touch Screens

Researchers at Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems have developed a touch screen mirror that can remind people when to take their medicine, wash their hands, or brush their teeth. Developers…

From ACM TechNews

Digital Software Revolutionizes Our Relationship With Music

Digital Software Revolutionizes Our Relationship With Music

Sonic Visualiser, developed at the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary, University of London, is a free program that produces a visual representation of music audio files. The software, which enables users to visually examine…

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Seeks Energy Savings

New energy-saving technology from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has established a standard for resource-responsible high-performance computing (HPC) research. ORNL runs the Jaguar, a Cray XT supercomputer with a maximum…

From ACM TechNews

The Grill: Jeannette M. Wing on the Hot Seat

The Grill: Jeannette M. Wing on the Hot Seat

Carnegie Mellon University professor Jeannette M. Wing is an expert on computational thinking, the discipline of applying computer science's problem-solving methods to other fields. "Scientists and engineers [who are not computer…

From ACM News

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of Influential Innovations in Computer Software Design

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of Influential Innovations in Computer Software Design

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has named Barbara Liskov of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) the winner of the 2008 ACM A.M. Turing Award. The award cites Liskov for her foundational innovations to…

From ACM News

Ireland Announces Major Investment in R&d Centers

The Irish government has decided funding of 45.7 million euros for three 'Center for Science, Engineering and technology.' These research centers are hosted by universities and aim to develop collaborations between public research…

From ACM News

They're Taking Their Brains and Going Home

The United States has always been the country to which the world's best and brightest have flocked in pursuit of education and to seek their fortunes. But burgeoning new economies abroad and flagging prospects in the United States…

From ICT Results

Web Cubed The Network of Everything

The future Internet promises to link electronics, clothing, cars and pretty much everything in between. The upshot will be a network that can accompany and support users in any situation, dynamically adapting not only to the…

From ACM TechNews

Fight Over Internet Filtering Has a Test Run in Europe

Europe's influence over technology regulation has led U.S. companies to send lobbyists to try and influence European lawmakers as they debate Internet access policy. "The U.S. companies see the outcome of the fight in Europe…

From ACM TechNews

Digital Revolutionaries Discuss Past, Future of Technology

Digital Revolutionaries Discuss Past, Future of Technology

Microsoft technical fellow Butler Lampson, Google chief Internet evangelist Vinton Cerf, and Qualcomm chairman Irwin Jacobs discussed the past, present, and potential shape of digital technologies at a symposium sponsored byView…

From ACM TechNews

Powernap Plan Could Save 75 Percent of Data Center Energy

The University of Michigan plans to save up to 75 percent of the energy that computer data centers consume by putting servers into sleep mode when they are not being used. Michigan professor Thomas Wenisch and his students analyzed…

From ACM TechNews

Swedish Research Can Make Super Mario More Realistic

Thomas Larsson, a researcher at Sweden's Malardalen University, has developed a new approach for calculating collisions involving animated objects in computer games. Special measures have to be taken to keep animated figures…

From ACM TechNews

Geeks May Be Chic, But Negative Nerd Stereotype Still Exists, Professor Says

Geeks May Be Chic, But Negative Nerd Stereotype Still Exists, Professor Says

Despite technology's growing impact on society, academic geeks, or nerds, still suffer from negative stereotypes in popular culture, which may explain why women and minorities are avoiding careers in information technology, says…

From ICT Results

Serious Games for Serious Health Problems

Gamers caught a very early glimpse of the future of serious games aimed at the health sector during the PlayMancer project’s demos at the latest Vienna Science Fair.

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Device Simulates All Five Senses

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research CouncilScientists at the University of Warwick and York University are developing virtual reality devices that are capable of stimulating all five senses with a high degree of realism.…

From ACM TechNews

Half of Americans See Another Country Emerging as World's Technological Leader

Half of Americans See Another Country Emerging as World's Technological Leader

Half of all U.S. residents expect that another country will become the world leader in addressing technological challenges this century, reveals a new Duke University survey. Only 34 percent of those surveyed gave themselvesView…

From ACM TechNews

Theseus Tool Enables Semantic Technologies For Next-Generation Internet

Fraunhofer-GesellschaftThe Fraunhofer Institute's THESEUS Project aims to improve the use and exploitation of digital knowledge through the use of semantic technologies that will be able to recognize the meaning of information…

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Mine Millions of Metaphors Through Computer-Based Techniques

San Jose Mercury News (CA)A digital humanities project that started at Stanford University is teaching computers how to analyze text and extract metaphors to build a searchable database, which will enable users to browse historic…

From ACM TechNews

New 'Smart' Homes For Dementia Sufferers

University of BathA sensing system that assists people who suffer from dementia will be among the smart home technologies on display at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council's Pioneers 09 showcase event in London…

From ACM TechNews

Google Launches Google Code Labs

eWeekGoogle has created a new Web site that will give outside developers an opportunity to contribute to the development of the company's products. Google Code Labs already offers more than 60 application programming interfaces…

From ACM TechNews

More Science, Less Drama: IT Pros Defend Engineering Careers

Network WorldMany information technology (IT) professionals believe that parents could be doing their children a disservice by not encouraging them to pursue advanced studies in math and science. A survey by the American Society…

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Strive to Improve Online Education

ASU NewsArizona State University's (ASU's) New American University project aims to enroll 100,000 students in online courses by 2012, which will require finding more effective ways of providing instruction online. "LearningView…

From ICT Results

Disruptive Technology Foretells Post-4g Communications

European researchers are working on millimetre-wave photonics technology able to deliver data wirelessly up to 12.5 Gbits/second for commercial applications not just  in telecommunications but also in instrumentation, radar,…

From ACM TechNews

Tech Companies Pledge to Deal With Shortage of Women Workers

IDG News ServiceMicrosoft has joined Alcatel-Lucent, IMEC, Orange-France, and Motorola in signing the Code of Best Practices for Women and ICT, which seeks to attract more European women to careers in information technology (IT)…