The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Most robots are programmed using one of two methods: learning from demonstration, in which they watch a task being done and then replicate it, or via motion-planning techniques such as optimization or sampling, which require …
Nigerian health officials won't have to rely on flawed, decade-old census data when they plan deliveries of the measles vaccine next year.
A new ultra-low-power system of sensors can transmit data to a central receiver by reflecting the ambient radio waves already in office environments.
CAPTIVE is an inexpensive controller for manipulating virtual objects in a computer program in three dimensions.
A new partnership aims to address the shortage of computer science teachers by developing a training program for pre-service math and science educators.
Onboard sensors often tell a luminaire to change settings, but sometimes the instructions come from entirely different sources, like IBM's Watson.
The award recognizes faculty members from non-profit institutions who distinguish themselves with outstanding research and excellent graduate mentoring, as well as those who recruit, encourage, and promote women and minorities…
To improve the performance of one of the world's biggest supercomputers, NASA is crowdsourcing some new ideas about an old coding language. And there are cash prizes to be had, totaling up to $55,000.
As spring turns to summer along the east coast of the United States, thoughts turn to holidays, beaches, picnics—and mosquitoes.
As it drives uphill from a band of rippled sand dunes, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is toting a fistful of dark sand for onboard analysis that will complete the rover's investigation of those dunes.
Huskey's work included building innovative hardware and novel software, and educating computer scientists worldwide.
Researchers are using PowerPoint slides to generate self-folding three-dimensional origami structures from photocurable liquid polymers.
Researchers have developed an identity input method which could replace smartphone passwords with patterns drawn by the user on the device's touchscreen.
FlowLight is a desk light that automatically switches from green to red when a user should not be disturbed by co-workers.
Cito is a prototype smartwatch face that moves in five directions.
New research questions the validity of the community-detection algorithm testing model.
NVIDIA researchers have developed a neural network for autonomous driving that emphasizes what areas it is focusing on in a video image.
Most researchers think of planetariums, if they think of them at all, as a place to take schoolchildren for whizzy trips through the stars, with nothing to offer serious scientists.
Researchers in Germany have developed a holographic imaging process that depicts the radiation of a Wi-Fi transmitter to generate three-dimensional images of the surrounding environment.
Researchers are developing a new generation of prosthetic limbs that will enable the wearer to automatically reach for objects without thinking.
The Planar Elliptical Runner is a two-legged robot that will help explore how mechanical design can be used to enable sophisticated legged locomotion.
A study led by the Illinois Institute of Technology suggests artificial intelligence can outperform legal scholars in the prediction of U.S. Supreme Court rulings.
Rapidly aging populations will drive growth in home-based robotics, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Rodney Brooks.
Six times a day, Katrin pauses whatever she's doing, removes a small magnet from her pocket and touches it to a raised patch of skin just below her collar bone.
We don't know how quickly machines will displace people's jobs, or how many they'll take, but we know it's happening—not just to factory workers but also to money managers, dermatologists and retail workers.
The Face Recognition Prize Challenge is designed to improve core face-recognition accuracy.
Researchers are studying ways to use artificial intelligence techniques to analyze video shot by a drone for signs of damage to cell towers.
Customizable technology wields a sizable influence on accelerating political polarization in the U.S.
Researchers will use a $3.1-million grant to develop software that brings statistical rigor to interactive data exploration.
The drive to make electronic devices more situationally, contextually aware of their environments.