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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2023

From ACM TechNews

Celebrating Those Who Advance Computing as a Science, Profession

Celebrating Those Who Advance Computing as a Science, Profession

ACM has recognized four people with its 2022 Service Awards for expanding its mission of "Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession."

From ACM TechNews

3D-Knitted Robots

3D-Knitted Robots

Researchers printed soft robots using three-dimensional (3D) knitting technology.

From ACM TechNews

Finding 'Hot Spots' Where Compounding Environmental, Economic Risks Converge

Finding 'Hot Spots' Where Compounding Environmental, Economic Risks Converge

A new computational tool can pinpoint U.S. counties prone to economic strain from switching to low-carbon energy sources from fossil fuels.

From ACM News

How Content Creators Cope with Discriminatory Algorithms

How Content Creators Cope with Discriminatory Algorithms

"AI has embedded our cultural biases and threatens to perpetuate discriminatory human behavior."

From ACM TechNews

3D-Printed Heads Talk, Swivel, Listen to Improve Audio Devices

3D-Printed Heads Talk, Swivel, Listen to Improve Audio Devices

A team of researchers three-dimensionally-printed acoustic head simulators to help measure the absorption and processing of sound.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Turn Goldfish into Cyborg

Researchers Turn Goldfish into Cyborg

Researchers equipped goldfish with cybernetic headgear to probe their underlying navigational brain mechanisms.

From ACM TechNews

Seals Provided Inspiration for Waddling Robot

Seals Provided Inspiration for Waddling Robot

Seals and other pinnipeds inspired researchers to develop a waddling soft robot that reportedly features "improved degrees of freedom, gait trajectory diversity, limb dexterity, and payload capabilities."

From ACM News

A Pioneer in Participatory Design Turns 80

A Pioneer in Participatory Design Turns 80

Christiane Floyd continues to consider the philosophical and ethical concerns of computer science.

From ACM News

'De-Americanize': How China Is Remaking Its Chip Business

'De-Americanize': How China Is Remaking Its Chip Business

Seven months after Washington unveiled tough curbs, Chinese companies are doubling down on homegrown supply chains and drawing billions in cash from Beijing and investors.

From ACM TechNews

U.S. Universities Building New Semiconductor Workforce

U.S. Universities Building New Semiconductor Workforce

U.S. universities are training next-generation semiconductor engineers and technicians to fill the jobs needed for the CHIPS Act, signed by President Biden in August 2022, to succeed.

From ACM TechNews

Parashar Receives 2023 HPDC Achievement Award

Parashar Receives 2023 HPDC Achievement Award

The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing named Manish Parashar to receive the 2023 Achievement Award in High-Performance Distributed Computing.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Robot Capable of Cleaning Your Room, Doing Your Laundry

Researchers Create Robot Capable of Cleaning Your Room, Doing Your Laundry

An international team of researchers has created the TidyBot robot, which can be commanded to clear spaces of objects.

From ACM TechNews

Google's Project Gameface Lets You Control Video Games with Blinks, Smiles

Google's Project Gameface Lets You Control Video Games with Blinks, Smiles

Google's Project Gameface platform allows gamers to play videogames using head movements and facial gestures.

From ACM TechNews

U.S. Focuses on Invigorating 'Chiplets' to Stay Cutting-Edge in Tech

U.S. Focuses on Invigorating 'Chiplets' to Stay Cutting-Edge in Tech

To stay at the forefront of semiconductor technology, the U.S. has turned its attention to "chiplets."

From ACM TechNews

Centipede Robots with More Legs Better at Walking Over Bumps

Centipede Robots with More Legs Better at Walking Over Bumps

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that multi-legged robots with more legs were better at navigating rough terrain than those with fewer legs.

From ACM TechNews

Jellybeans: A Sweet Solution for Overcrowded Circuitry in Quantum Computer Chips

Jellybeans: A Sweet Solution for Overcrowded Circuitry in Quantum Computer Chips

Engineers designed "jellybean" quantum dots to enhance quantum processing by physically spreading apart quantum bits without breaking communication between them.

From ACM News

Twitter Taps NBC Ad Chief to Take Over as CEO From Musk

Twitter Taps NBC Ad Chief to Take Over as CEO From Musk

Yaccarino will have her hands full from day one on an operational side, but also in dealing with the mercurial Elon Musk.

From ACM News

Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI

Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI

This could change everything.

From ACM News

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

Europe's parliament is struggling to agree on new rules to govern AI—showing how policymakers everywhere have a lot to learn about the technology.

From ACM News

Your Job Is (Probably) Safe from Artificial Intelligence

Your Job Is (Probably) Safe from Artificial Intelligence

Why predictions of an imminent economic revolution are overstated.

From ACM News

A Focus on X-Ray Vision

A Focus on X-Ray Vision

Seeing past the distractions to what is inside.

From ACM TechNews

Dongarra Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Dongarra Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Jack Dongarra at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of his pioneering contributions to computing.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Tackles Airport Problem

Quantum Computer Tackles Airport Problem

An international team of researchers is developing and testing algorithms for problems involving quantum circuits.

From ACM TechNews

Germany's Plan to Tackle Rapidly Aging Workforce: Recruit Robots

Germany's Plan to Tackle Rapidly Aging Workforce: Recruit Robots

Germany is looking to digitalization to help solve a labor shortage crisis due to its aging population.

From ACM TechNews

Robot Fish Makes Splash with Motion Breakthrough

Robot Fish Makes Splash with Motion Breakthrough

A robot fish created by scientists at the U.K.'s University of Bristol could open up underwater exploration.

From ACM News

Coding Instructors Are Adding AI to Their Lessons – Before AI Replaces Them

Coding Instructors Are Adding AI to Their Lessons – Before AI Replaces Them

Coding schools like General Assembly are preparing engineers and data analysts to use ChatGPT.

From ACM News

Businesses Not Embracing AI Could Fall Behind, Warns Tech Executive

Businesses Not Embracing AI Could Fall Behind, Warns Tech Executive

AI could be used to name products or review legal documents, said Airtable CFO Ambereen Toubassy.

From ACM News

TV's War With the Robots Is Already Here

TV's War With the Robots Is Already Here

A.I. screenwriting, a point of contention in the Writers Guild strike, may not yet be ready for prime time. But streaming algorithms and derivative programming have prepared the way for it.

From ACM News

Rust Never Sleeps

Rust Never Sleeps

How Rust went from a side project to the world's most-loved programming language.

From ACM News

How To Delete Your Data From ChatGPT

How To Delete Your Data From ChatGPT

OpenAI has new tools that give you more control over your information—although they may not go far enough.