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News Archive


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June 2018

From ACM TechNews

Novel Transmitter Protects Wireless Data From Hackers

Novel Transmitter Protects Wireless Data From Hackers

A new transmitter can hack-proof wireless data by frequency hopping each individual 1 or 0 bit of a data packet, every microsecond.

From ACM TechNews

ISTE's ­pdated Computer Science Standards Will Reflect a 'New Era' of the Discipline

ISTE's ­pdated Computer Science Standards Will Reflect a 'New Era' of the Discipline

The International Society for Technology and Education is developing new computer science education standards.

From ACM TechNews

New Algorithm Fuses Quality, Quantity in Satellite Imagery

New Algorithm Fuses Quality, Quantity in Satellite Imagery

University of Illinois researchers have developed an algorithm that combines high-resolution and high-frequency satellite data into one integrated product.

From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn by Checking in on Team Members

Robots Learn by Checking in on Team Members

Engineers have enabled teamwork between unmanned aerial vehicles.

From ACM News

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover

Massive Martian Dust Storm Endangers NASA Rover

An enormous dust storm is blanketing much of Mars, blocking the sunlight that NASA's 15-year-old Opportunity rover needs to survive.

From ACM News

In Newark, Police Cameras, and the Internet, Watch You

In Newark, Police Cameras, and the Internet, Watch You

The camera perched above the bus stop sends back a continuous feed from the corner of 16th Avenue and South 18th Street in Newark's West Ward.

From ACM News

Cosmic Ray Showers Crash Supercomputers. Here's What to Do About It

Cosmic Ray Showers Crash Supercomputers. Here's What to Do About It

The Cray-1 supercomputer, the world's fastest back in the 1970s, does not look like a supercomputer.

From ACM TechNews

London's Roadmap to Becoming the World's Smartest City

London's Roadmap to Becoming the World's Smartest City

London, U.K., mayor Sadiq Khan has released details of his plan to make his city the world's smartest.

From ACM TechNews

Boys' Interest in STEM Is Decreasing, New Study Says

Boys' Interest in STEM Is Decreasing, New Study Says

Only 24% of boys are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), compared to 36% in 2017, according to a recent survey.

From ACM TechNews

Squashing Cyberbullying: New Approach Is Fast, Accurate

Squashing Cyberbullying: New Approach Is Fast, Accurate

University of Colorado, Boulder researchers have developed a cyberbullying identification technique that blends multiple computing tools.

From ACM TechNews

Watch Real Football Matches in Miniature Played on Your Desk

Watch Real Football Matches in Miniature Played on Your Desk

Researchers have taught a machine learning neural network algorithm to render two-dimensional video clips posted on YouTube as three-dimensional  images.

From ACM TechNews

Medical Imaging AI Software Is Vulnerable to Covert Attacks

Medical Imaging AI Software Is Vulnerable to Covert Attacks

Deep learning neural network systems for analyzing medical images can be exploited by cyberattackers in ways that humans cannot detect, according to a new study.

From ACM News

The ­niverse Is Not a Simulation, but We Can Now Simulate It

The ­niverse Is Not a Simulation, but We Can Now Simulate It

In the early 2000s, a small community of coder-cosmologists set out to simulate the 14-billion-year history of the universe on a supercomputer.

From ACM News

AI Could Get 100 Times More Energy-Efficient with IBM's New Artificial Synapses

AI Could Get 100 Times More Energy-Efficient with IBM's New Artificial Synapses

Neural networks are the crown jewel of the AI boom. They gorge on data and do things like transcribe speech or describe images with near-perfect accuracy (see "10 breakthrough technologies 2013: Deep learning").

From ACM News

ZTE's Near-Collapse May Be China's Sputnik Moment

ZTE's Near-Collapse May Be China's Sputnik Moment

Once derided as a technology backwater and copycat, China is justifiably proud of its technology boom.

From ACM News

Opportunity Hunkers Down During Dust Storm

Opportunity Hunkers Down During Dust Storm

NASA engineers received a transmission from Opportunity on Sunday morning, a positive sign despite the worsening dust storm.

From ACM TechNews

Memristors Key to Nano-Scale Analog/Digital Adaptive Hardware

Memristors Key to Nano-Scale Analog/Digital Adaptive Hardware

The University of Southampton in the U.K. is advancing memristors and charge-based processing to make analog and digital technologies adaptable in the nanoscale era.

From ACM TechNews

New Machine Learning Approach Could Accelerate Bioengineering

New Machine Learning Approach Could Accelerate Bioengineering

A team at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has developed a predictive machine learning method to speed the design of biofuel-generating microbes.

From ACM News

Exploring Cyber Resilience for Electricity

Exploring Cyber Resilience for Electricity

Challenges face the use of microgrids, but they hold the potential for increased grid security.

From ACM Opinion

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth

From ACM TechNews

This Yale Technology Could Fix Blockchain's Security Issues

This Yale Technology Could Fix Blockchain's Security Issues

Yale University researchers have developed a new blockchain security system.

From ACM TechNews

Keeping Data Fresh for Wireless Networks

Keeping Data Fresh for Wireless Networks

A new algorithm developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers can refresh data within a simple wireless communication system.

From ACM TechNews

Firefighting Robot Snake Flies on Jets of Water

Firefighting Robot Snake Flies on Jets of Water

Researchers in Japan have developed a firefighting snake-like robot with the body of a fire hose.

From ACM TechNews

Forecasting the Evolution of Cancer

Forecasting the Evolution of Cancer

Researchers have created a computer model that predicts how tumors will develop.

From ACM TechNews

China's Schools Are Quietly ­sing AI to Mark Students' Essays ... but Do the Robots Make the Grade?

China's Schools Are Quietly ­sing AI to Mark Students' Essays ... but Do the Robots Make the Grade?

A quarter of schools in China are testing a device that uses artificial intelligence to grade students' essays.

From ACM TechNews

Digital Economy Promotion Agency Eyes Coding Thailand Sea Change

Digital Economy Promotion Agency Eyes Coding Thailand Sea Change

Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency is seeking to encourage the cultivation of computational thinking skills among young Thais.

From ACM News

Move Over, China: ­.S. Is Again Home to World's Speediest Supercomputer

Move Over, China: ­.S. Is Again Home to World's Speediest Supercomputer

The United States just won bragging rights in the race to build the world's speediest supercomputer.

From ACM News

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut

Six decades after the U-2 flew its first mission, the military is trying to harness artificial-intelligence technology to enhance the venerable spy plane's combat reconnaissance capabilities.

From ACM News

Why Emergency Braking Systems Sometimes Hit Parked Cars and Lane Dividers

Why Emergency Braking Systems Sometimes Hit Parked Cars and Lane Dividers

The National Transportation Safety Board on Thursday provided new details about a March crash in Mountain View, California, that claimed the life of engineer Walter Huang.

From ACM TechNews

AI Beats Doctors at Cancer Diagnoses

AI Beats Doctors at Cancer Diagnoses

Researchers have demonstrated that a deep learning convolutional neural network can outperform experienced dermatologists at detecting skin cancer.