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News Archive


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July 2016

From ACM News

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built

It's been a long time since anyone tried landing on Venus,

From ACM News

Nasa Rover's Sand-Dune Studies Yield Surprise

Nasa Rover's Sand-Dune Studies Yield Surprise

Some of the wind-sculpted sand ripples on Mars are a type not seen on Earth, and their relationship to the thin Martian atmosphere today provides new clues about the atmosphere's history.

From ACM TechNews

This Robot Follows You Around and Blasts You With Air Conditioning

This Robot Follows You Around and Blasts You With Air Conditioning

More efficient air conditioning via a mobile robot is a goal of researchers at the University of Maryland's Center for Environmental Energy Engineering.

From ACM TechNews

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior

Binghamton University researchers have developed a framework that can predict future terrorist attacks by recognizing patterns in past attacks.

From ACM TechNews

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research

The past 15 years of human brain research could be invalidated by a recently discovered bug in functional magnetic resonance imaging software.

From ACM TechNews

Grade-School Students Teach a Robot to Help Themselves Learn Geometry

Grade-School Students Teach a Robot to Help Themselves Learn Geometry

Researchers say they have developed educational technology, incorporating teachable agent framing coupled with a physical robotic agent, that could better engage students.

From ACM TechNews

The Fully Self-Driving Car Is Still Years Away

The Fully Self-Driving Car Is Still Years Away

The arrival of fully autonomous automobiles is complicated by the debate over how much self-supervision should be allowed.

From ACM TechNews

Tackling Intractable Computing Problems

Tackling Intractable Computing Problems

Princeton University researchers used a $10-million U.S. National Science Foundation Expeditions in Computing award to find the sources of intractability.

From ACM News

Iot Transforming Taiwan's Tech Sector

Iot Transforming Taiwan's Tech Sector

As desktop and laptop computer sales recede, hardware-proud Taiwan searches for new directions in the Internet of Things.

From ACM News

The Juno Spacecraft Reaches Jupiter

The Juno Spacecraft Reaches Jupiter

NASA has a habit of scheduling high-stakes maneuvers to coincide with patriotic holidays.

From ACM News

­se Your Eyes, Voice—and Thoughts—to Replace Passwords

­se Your Eyes, Voice—and Thoughts—to Replace Passwords

I'm sitting in an office at the University of California, Berkeley with an electrode strapped to my head. A black headband holds a connector to my forehead and presses another to my earlobe, beaming my brain's electric signals…

From ACM TechNews

Engineers to ­se Cyborg Insects as Biorobotic Sensing Machines

Engineers to ­se Cyborg Insects as Biorobotic Sensing Machines

Scientists at Washington University in St. Louis are developing a method to detect the smell of chemicals used in explosives.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Method to Map Cancer Progression

Researchers Develop Method to Map Cancer Progression

Researchers at New York University have developed a computational method to map cancer progression.

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Plus Common Sense

Artificial Intelligence Plus Common Sense

Austrian researchers are working to advance the development of artificial intelligence and equip robots with common sense.

From ACM News

How China Took Center Stage in Bitcoin's Civil War

How China Took Center Stage in Bitcoin's Civil War

A delegation of American executives flew to Beijing in April for a secret meeting just blocks from Tiananmen Square.

From ACM News

At Stanford, Experts Explore Artificial Intelligence's Social Benefits

At Stanford, Experts Explore Artificial Intelligence's Social Benefits

A four-hour-long discussion at Stanford University recently focused on "The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Topics and Societal Benefit."

From Communications of the ACM

Legal Advice on the Smartphone

Legal Advice on the Smartphone

New apps help individuals contest traffic, parking tickets.

From Communications of the ACM

Graph Matching in Theory and Practice

Graph Matching in Theory and Practice

A theoretical breakthrough in graph isomorphism excites complexity experts, but will it lead to any practical improvements?

From Communications of the ACM

Accelerating Search

Accelerating Search

The latest in machine learning helps high-energy physicists handle the enormous amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider.

From Communications of the ACM

Booming Enrollments

Booming Enrollments

The Computing Research Association works to quantify the extent, and causes, of a jump in undergraduate computer science enrollments.

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