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News Archive


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July 2017

From ACM TechNews

Du Physicists Put New Spin on Computer Technology

Du Physicists Put New Spin on Computer Technology

Researchers at the University of Denver have demonstrated spin transport through a synthetic material that is amorphous, or non-ordered, both magnetically and structurally.

From ACM TechNews

­c Santa Cruz Launches New Data Science Research Center

­c Santa Cruz Launches New Data Science Research Center

The University of California, Santa Cruz has launched a new data science research center that provides a platform for collaboration between industry and academia in the data science space.

From ACM TechNews

AI Will Prepare Robots For the ­nknown

AI Will Prepare Robots For the ­nknown

Researchers suggest artificial intelligence could greatly benefit robotic exploratory spacecraft by giving them autonomy.

From ACM TechNews

Study Finds Hackers Could ­se Brainwaves to Steal Passwords

Study Finds Hackers Could ­se Brainwaves to Steal Passwords

A recent study suggests brainwave-sensing electroencephalograph headsets need better security.

From ACM News

How Video Games Helped Give ­S the Self-Driving Car

How Video Games Helped Give ­S the Self-Driving Car

Self-driving cars. They're the future of transportation—and they're getting smarter all the time.

From ACM News

Conference Organizers Say ­.s. Travel Ban Not A Disaster – Yet

Conference Organizers Say ­.s. Travel Ban Not A Disaster – Yet

Travel restrictions appear to have had minimal impact on conference attendance so far.

From ACM News

Darpa's Ex-Leader's Speculative Dream of Mind-Melding Empathy

Darpa's Ex-Leader's Speculative Dream of Mind-Melding Empathy

The former head of DARPA, Arati Prabhakar, has a dream. It's a civilian utopian neuroscience dream that's kind of the inverse of the scenarios that the far-out research wing of the military normally develops.

From ACM News

Juno Shatters Scientists' Jupiter Theories in Just 365 Days

Juno Shatters Scientists' Jupiter Theories in Just 365 Days

Last July 4th, NASA's Juno spacecraft slowed its record breaking pace just enough to get caught in the pull of Jupiter's gravity.

From ACM TechNews

How Building Baseline Video Analytics via Crowdsourcing Can Lead to Safer Streets

How Building Baseline Video Analytics via Crowdsourcing Can Lead to Safer Streets

The city of Bellevue, WA, is collaborating with Microsoft, the University of Washington, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers on the Video Analytics Towards Vision Zero project.

From ACM TechNews

Artificially Intelligent Painters Invent New Styles of Art

Artificially Intelligent Painters Invent New Styles of Art

Researchers have modified a generative adversarial network to create an artificial intelligence program that produces images in unconventional styles.

From ACM TechNews

A New Method Could Enable More Stable and Scalable Quantum Computing, Penn Physicists Report

A New Method Could Enable More Stable and Scalable Quantum Computing, Penn Physicists Report

Researchers have discovered a new topological material that may enable more stable and scalable quantum computing.

From ACM TechNews

By Teaching Computers to Track Asteroids, ­w Scientists May Save the Earth

By Teaching Computers to Track Asteroids, ­w Scientists May Save the Earth

Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) are participating in a project to track asteroids so collisions with Earth can be predicted and averted.

From ACM TechNews

This Cellphone Can Make Calls Even Without a Battery

This Cellphone Can Make Calls Even Without a Battery

Researchers have developed a prototype cellphone that functions without a battery, drawing power from the surrounding environment.

From ACM TechNews

Hey Siri, an Ancient Algorithm May Help You Grasp Metaphors

Hey Siri, an Ancient Algorithm May Help You Grasp Metaphors

Researchers have found digital assistants could one day learn the algorithms humans have used for centuries to create and understand metaphorical language.

From ACM News

Single-Cell Sequencing Made Simple

Single-Cell Sequencing Made Simple

Single-cell biology is a hot topic these days. And at the cutting edge of the field is single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq).

From ACM News

Researchers Crack 1024-Bit Rsa Encryption in Gnupg Crypto Library

Researchers Crack 1024-Bit Rsa Encryption in Gnupg Crypto Library

A team of researchers found that the "left-to-right sliding window" method used by the libgcrypt library for carrying out the mathematics of cryptography leaks significantly more information about exponent bits than for right…

From Communications of the ACM

Cracking the Code on DNA Storage

Cracking the Code on DNA Storage

Researchers are tapping DNA to create a new and different type of storage media. The technology could prove revolutionary.

From Communications of the ACM

Jean E. Sammet 1928-2017

Jean E. Sammet 1928-2017

Jean E. Sammet, an American computer scientist who served as the first female president of ACM, passed away on May 21 at the age of 89.

From Communications of the ACM

Building a Brain May Mean Going Analog

Building a Brain May Mean Going Analog

Analog circuits consume less power per operation than CMOS technologies, and so should prove more efficient.

From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Intelligence Poised to Ride a New Wave

Artificial Intelligence Poised to Ride a New Wave

Flush with recent successes, and pushed by even newer technology, AI systems could get much smarter.

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