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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2010

From ACM News

Juicing Up Laptops and Cell Phones with Soda Pop or Vegetable Oil?

Scientists report the development of the first fuel cell designed to produce electricity with biochemical technology borrowed from the biological powerhouses that energize humans and other animals.

From ACM News

Hi-Tech Rechargeable Batteries Developed For Military

MIT scientists reported progress in using a common virus to develop improved materials for high-performance, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that could be woven into clothing to power portable electronic devices.

From ACM News

Online Gambling Poses Hacking Risk, Experts Say

Online Gambling Poses Hacking Risk, Experts Say

Online gambling experts are warning Canadian provinces to brace themselves for hackers, cheats and criminal gangs that target gaming sites. The warning comes after British Columbia's online gambling site was marred by a series…

From ACM News

Malware Implicated in Fatal Spanair Plane Crash

Malware Implicated in Fatal Spanair Plane Crash

Authorities investigating the 2008 crash of Spanair flight 5022 have discovered a central computer system used to monitor technical problems in the aircraft was infected with malware.

From ACM News

The MIT Roots of Google

The MIT Roots of Google

Google’s App Inventor, which lets people with no previous programming experience build applications for mobile phones, draws on decades of MIT research.

From ACM News

How to Create a 'super Password'

Say goodbye to those wimpy, eight-letter passwords. The 12-character era of online security is upon us, according to a report published this week by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Holds Closed Door Talks on Open Internet

Tech Industry Holds Closed Door Talks on Open Internet

The Information Technology Industry Council, representing leading technology industry firms, recently held a closed-door meeting to discuss the future of the open Internet.

From ACM TechNews

Nist Is Nearly Ready to Pick the Next Hash Algorithm

Developers of the 14 semifinalist algorithms for the new SHA-3 Secure Hash Algorithm standard will defend their work at a U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conference. NIST's final selection of a new…

From ACM TechNews

Adaptive Software

Adaptive Software

Researchers have developed a prototype platform that promises to support adaptive software capable of automatic contextual reconfiguration. Middleware developed by the project combines dozens of factors to make an educated guess…

From ACM TechNews

Web Could Be Stylized By New W3c Font Platform

Web Could Be Stylized By New W3c Font Platform

The World Wide Web Consortium's Web Fonts Working Group has launched version 1.0 of the Web Open File Format (WOFF), compression technology that will provide a platform for providers to make their fonts easily available across…

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality You Can Touch

Virtual Reality You Can Touch

Looking to develop new methods for virtual haptic interaction, ETH Zurich researchers have developed a way to produce virtual copies of real objects, which can be "touched" and sent over the Internet. 

From ACM TechNews

Toshiba Claims Data Storage Breakthrough

Toshiba says it has achieved a breakthrough in data storage technology that could lead to hard drives with much higher capacities than are currently available. 

From ACM News

Flawed Proof ­shers In Era of Wikimath

His prospects of answering one of the biggest questions in mathematics may be fading, but Vinay Deolalikar of Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto, California, may still have made his mark. His proposed proof of the "P versus…

From ACM News

­.s. Takes Aim at China Cyber Threat

The U.S. for the first time is publicly warning about the Chinese military's use of civilian computer experts in clandestine cyber attacks aimed at American companies and government agencies.

From ACM News

Virtual Reality Tackles Tough Questions

Virtual Reality Tackles Tough Questions

Virtual reality is allowing scientists to ask difficult questions about human behaviour that were previously not possible or were thought too unethical.

From ACM News

Extreme and Green: What Science Needs from Computing

Four participants in the upcoming Kavli Futures Symposium discuss what science needs from computing, how current computing advances are impacting research, and how the future of computing is looking extreme and green.

From ACM News

Google Offers Cloud-Based Learning Engine

Google Offers Cloud-Based Learning Engine

Providing developers with machine learning on tap could unleash a flood of smarter apps.

From ACM News

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards

Three new $10 million awards continue the NSF's Expeditions program pursuing ambitious, fundamental research agendas that promise to define the future of computing and information science.

From ACM News

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware

Intel Corp. agreed to buy security-software specialist McAfee Inc. Thursday for $7.68 billion, a surprise transaction that underscores the company's determination to expand beyond its stronghold in chips that power most of…

From ACM News

Daniel Spielman Wins 2010 Rolf Nevanlinna Prize

Daniel Spielman Wins 2010 Rolf Nevanlinna Prize

Daniel Spielman of Yale University, New Haven, CT, has been chosen for the 2010 Rolf Nevanlinna Prize "for smoothed analysis of Linear Programming, algorithms for graph-based codes and applications of graph theory to numerical…

From ACM TechNews

The Future of Interfaces Is Mobile, Screen-Less and Invisible

The Future of Interfaces Is Mobile, Screen-Less and Invisible

Google's Android developer advocate Reto Meier recently described where computer interfaces are headed, predicting that in five years there will be widely available flexible displays and built-in high definition projectors. 

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Used to Study Haiti, Baja Earthquakes

Virtual Reality Used to Study Haiti, Baja Earthquakes

University of California, Davis researchers are using the virtual reality equipment to study earthquake damage and predict whether faults are likely to move again in the near future. 

From ACM News

Wikileaks Encryption ­se Offers 'legal Challenge'

A novel use of encryption by whistle-blowing website Wikileaks could "challenge the legal system for years to come," according to an influential observer of the hacking community.

From ACM News

Computer Model Advances Climate Change Research

Computer Model Advances Climate Change Research

Scientists can now study climate change in far more detail with powerful new computer software. The Community Earth System Model will be one of the primary climate models used for the next integovernmental regional climate change…

From ACM News

Nsf Awards $10m to Develop Computing Techniques For Assessing Child Behavior

Nsf Awards $10m to Develop Computing Techniques For Assessing Child Behavior

A team led by the Georgia Institute of Technology has received a $10 million award from the U.S. National Science Foundation to apply computer science to the analysis of autism and other childhood behaviors.

From ACM News

Dual-Core Smartphones on the Horizon

Smartphones with dual-core Arm processors could add faster processing, video capabilities.

From ACM News

A Surfboard Gets an Onboard Computer

A Surfboard Gets an Onboard Computer

Computers are everywhere these days—even on surfboards. University of California, San Diego mechanical engineering undergraduates outfitted a surfboard with a computer and accompanying sensors.

From ACM News

Atom Images Raise Quantum Computer Hopes

Atom Images Raise Quantum Computer Hopes

Fast quantum computers made of atoms trapped by beams of light could be a step closer, thanks to the first images of the individual atoms in such a grid.

From ACM News

What Does 'p vs. Np' Mean For the Rest of Us?

What Does 'p vs. Np' Mean For the Rest of Us?

A proposed "proof" is probably a bust—but even failed attempts can advance computer science.

From ACM News

New Facebook Location Feature Sparks Privacy Concerns

Moments after Facebook introduced a new feature called Facebook Places on Wednesday that allows its users to share their location and find their friends, advocates raised flags over online privacy.