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News Archive


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August 2013

From ACM TechNews

Networked Cars Are Coming, but Their Hacks Are Already Here

Networked Cars Are Coming, but Their Hacks Are Already Here

Concurrent with a new push for connected-vehicle technology to facilitate collision avoidance is an emphasis on its potential security vulnerabilities. 

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Boost For Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Boost For Artificial Intelligence

Quantum computers that encode data in fuzzy quantum states might help advance artificial intelligence significantly.

From ACM TechNews

Military Considers Sharing Radar Frequencies With Wireless Networks

Military Considers Sharing Radar Frequencies With Wireless Networks

U.S. Navy researchers want to share rarely used wireless military frequencies so that new services can be developed. 

From ACM TechNews

20 Great Years of Linux and Supercomputers

20 Great Years of Linux and Supercomputers

Linux is now the operating system used on 95.2 percent of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers, according to the most recent Top500 supercomputer rankings. 

From ACM News

Genetic 'adam' and 'eve' ­ncovered

Genetic 'adam' and 'eve' ­ncovered

Almost every man alive can trace his origins to one man who lived about 135,000 years ago, new research suggests. And that ancient man likely shared the planet with the mother of all women.

From ACM News

Google's Data-Trove Dance

Google's Data-Trove Dance

In 2011, Google Inc. Chief Executive and co-founder Larry Page asked executives to develop a new, simplified privacy tool that would act as a kind of sliding scale, allowing users to designate whether they wanted minimal, medium…

From ACM Careers

NSA Announces Winner of Its First Annual 'Science of Security Competition'

NSA Announces Winner of Its First Annual 'Science of Security Competition'

A research paper that was highlighted last year at an international symposium is the winner of the National Security Agency's first annual Science of Security (SoS) Competition that recognizes the best scientific papers about…

From ACM News

As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like US

As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like US

The brain performs its canonical task—learning—by tweaking its myriad connections according to a secret set of rules.

From ACM TechNews

The 'internet of Things' Will Mean Really, Really Big Data

The 'internet of Things' Will Mean Really, Really Big Data

The Internet of things could benefit business in a broad range of areas. 

From ACM TechNews

Nato ­rges Military to Recruit White Hat Hacker Army to Boost Defenses

Nato ­rges Military to Recruit White Hat Hacker Army to Boost Defenses

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has called for the military and private industry to recruit more ethical hackers.

From ACM TechNews

Guided Growth of Nanowires Leads to Self-Integrated Circuits

Guided Growth of Nanowires Leads to Self-Integrated Circuits

Researchers say they have created self-integrating nanowires whose position, length, and direction can be fully controlled. 

From ACM TechNews

A Step Towards Energy-Efficient Voltage Control of Magnetic Devices

A Step Towards Energy-Efficient Voltage Control of Magnetic Devices

A new method creates simultaneous images of both the magnetic and the electric domain structures in ferromagnetic/ferroelectric multilayer materials. 

From ACM News

Sharing Resources in Condo Computing

Sharing Resources in Condo Computing

Condominium computing offers researchers the ability to own computing resources while sharing infrastructure costs.

From ACM Opinion

They Know Much More Than You Think

They Know Much More Than You Think

In mid-May, Edward Snowden, an American in his late twenties, walked through the onyx entrance of the Mira Hotel on Nathan Road in Hong Kong and checked in.

From Communications of the ACM

A New Approach to Information Storage

A New Approach to Information Storage

Disk drives and solid-state drives have long served as the foundation for computer storage, but breakthroughs in molecular and DNA science could revolutionize the field.

From Communications of the ACM

Software Aims to Ensure Fairness in Crowdsourcing Projects

Software Aims to Ensure Fairness in Crowdsourcing Projects

The debate rages on about whether crowdsourcing is a win-win for workers, as well as for employers.

From Communications of the ACM

Patient, Heal Thyself

Patient, Heal Thyself

New handheld medical diagnostic tools promise more efficient, lower-cost healthcare — but at what price?

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