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News Archive


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October 2012

From ACM TechNews

Making a Layer Cake With Atomic Precision

Making a Layer Cake With Atomic Precision

University of Manchester researchers have shown that graphene and other one-atom-thick crystals could be used in a wide range of new materials and electronic devices by stacking individual atomic layers on top of each other.…

From ACM TechNews

'Invisibility' Could Be a Key to Better Electronics

'Invisibility' Could Be a Key to Better Electronics

MIT researchers have applied the concept of harnessing cloaking mechanisms developed to conceal objects from view to the movement of electrons, which could lead to more efficient thermoelectric devices and new kinds of electronics…

From ACM Careers

Genome Hunters Go After Martian Dna

Genome Hunters Go After Martian Dna

Two high-profile entrepreneurs say they want to put a DNA sequencing machine on the surface of Mars in a bid to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life.

From ACM TechNews

Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace

Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace

Bowdoin College professor Daniela Oliveira has developed a model to make the Internet safer by leveraging user input.  

From ACM TechNews

USC Develops Software to Facilitate Large-Scale Biological Inquiry

USC Develops Software to Facilitate Large-Scale Biological Inquiry

USC researchers have developed the ProteoWizard Toolkit, a cross-platform set of libraries and applications designed to facilitate the sharing of raw data and its analysis. 

From ACM TechNews

Advanced Computer Simulator Aids in Emergency Service Management

Advanced Computer Simulator Aids in Emergency Service Management

Researchers in the Autonomous University of Barcelona's High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications and Simulation group have devised a computer simulator that could enhance the operations management of emergency service…

From ACM News

Report Sees Decline in Voting Glitches ... but Vote-By-Mail Sparks Concern

Report Sees Decline in Voting Glitches ... but Vote-By-Mail Sparks Concern

The good news about voting technologyis that the upgrades put into place since the controversial 2000 presidential election have made ballot tallies twice as accurate as they were—but the bad news is that the rise of early vote…

From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms

Craig Venter imagines a future where you can download software, print a vaccine, inject it, and presto! Contagion averted.

From ACM News

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments

The familiar whistle of a smartphone notification told me that Paco was hungry.

From ACM TechNews

But How Do You Really Feel? Someday the Computer May Know

But How Do You Really Feel? Someday the Computer May Know

Affective computing is an emerging technology that aims to give computers the ability to read users' emotions.  

From ACM TechNews

Squeeze Your Phone, and Send a Loved One a Hug

Squeeze Your Phone, and Send a Loved One a Hug

Researchers at the Helsinki Institute of Information Technology and Nokia have developed the ForcePhone, a device that can send vibrations back and forth to users who are having a conversation.  

From ACM TechNews

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning

Although online learning has great potential to enhance the education process, Princeton University president emeritus William Bowen cites three obstructions to deployment--little hard data, a lack of shared software platforms…

From ACM TechNews

Next-Gen Touchpads Respond to Pressure

Next-Gen Touchpads Respond to Pressure

Researchers presenting at the recent User Interface Software Technology conference demonstrated projects that took advantage of Synaptics' new pressure-sensitive "forcepad."  

From ACM TechNews

Notre Dame Researcher Helps Make Sudoku Puzzles Less Puzzling

Notre Dame Researcher Helps Make Sudoku Puzzles Less Puzzling

University of Notre Dame researchers have determined why some Sudoku puzzles are harder than others and developed an algorithm that solves them very quickly.  

From ACM News

What's Baking on Titan?

What's Baking on Titan?

Radar images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft reveal some new curiosities on the surface of Saturn's mysterious moon Titan, including a nearly circular feature that resembles a giant hot cross bun and shorelines of ancient seas…

From ACM News

Paging Dr. Watson: Artificial Intelligence As a Prescription For Health Care

Paging Dr. Watson: Artificial Intelligence As a Prescription For Health Care

Everyone agrees health care in the United States is a colossal mess, and IBM is betting that artificially intelligent supercomputers are just what the doctor ordered. But some health professionals say robodoctors are just flashy…

From ACM News

The Future, as Imagined by Google

The Future, as Imagined by Google

In Eric E. Schmidt's future, his life will be a lot easier.

From ACM News

Chips That Melt in Your Body, Not in Your Hands

Chips That Melt in Your Body, Not in Your Hands

Welcome to the brave new world of transient electonics. 

From ACM Opinion

Why Is This Man Running For President of the Internet?

Why Is This Man Running For President of the Internet?

It's an unseasonably cold early October evening in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian is giving his elevator pitch to a flustered but rapt woman behind the counter of a fast-food joint, Runza, where he's…

From ACM TechNews

Using Cell Phone Data to Curb the Spread of Malaria

Using Cell Phone Data to Curb the Spread of Malaria

Researchers at HSPH and seven other institutions used cell phone data in Kenya to investigate how people's travel patterns contribute to the spread of malaria.  

From ACM TechNews

New Web-Based Model For Sharing Research Datasets Could Have Huge Benefits

New Web-Based Model For Sharing Research Datasets Could Have Huge Benefits

Ohio State University researchers recently proposed creating a Web-based data network to help researchers and policymakers use existing knowledge to develop real-world applications and technologies to improve science and innovation…

From ACM TechNews

New Software Tool Helps Utilities Monitor For Network Security

New Software Tool Helps Utilities Monitor For Network Security

The Sophia software tool created at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory can help network operators spot anomalies that might signal cybersecurity threats or other hazards in time to prevent harm to the system…

From ACM TechNews

Making Crowdsourcing More Reliable

Making Crowdsourcing More Reliable

One of the major obstacles in crowdsourcing information gathering is the reliability of collected reports, but researchers at the University of Southampton and the University of California, San Diego say they have developed methods…

From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied to U.S. citizens thanks to the granting of a sweeping patent…

From ACM News

Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?

Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?

The idea of a network of malware-infected zombie computers rigged to do the bidding of criminals conjures up a frightening image on its own. A new visualization of the so-called ZeroAcess botnet shows how alarmingly widespread…

From ACM News

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote

Strategists affiliated with the Obama and Romney campaigns say they have access to information about the personal lives of voters at a scale never before imagined.

From ACM Opinion

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs

In the age of freely available modeling software, laser cutters and 3D printers, shapes that must stay secret for security's sake don't stay secret for long. Especially, it turns out, when a reporter wielding an iPhone camera…

From ACM News

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.

In the years to come, a top group of military scientists believe, the Pentagon may be able to use genomics and bio-markers to spot when a soldier is about to snap.

From ACM News

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed

While Joe Biden and Paul Ryan were duking it out last Thursday night over U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was warning of another war—in cyberspace. 

From ACM News

Precision Espionage Miniflame Malware Tied to Flame, Gauss

Precision Espionage Miniflame Malware Tied to Flame, Gauss

One of three previously unseen pieces of malware discovered during forensic analysis of the Flame malware command-and-control servers has been identified as a secondary surveillance tool deployed against specially identified…