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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2018

From ACM TechNews

Hyundai Develops Fingerprint Tech to Unlock and Start Cars

Hyundai Develops Fingerprint Tech to Unlock and Start Cars

Hyundai Motor has developed a system that will allow drivers to unlock and start their vehicles using only their fingerprints.

From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Technique Reveals 'Invisible' Objects in the Dark

Deep Learning Technique Reveals 'Invisible' Objects in the Dark

Engineers used a deep neural network to train a computer to reconstruct transparent objects from images captured in almost total darkness.

From ACM TechNews

Students Win High-Performance Computing Competition

Students Win High-Performance Computing Competition

A team of students from the University of Cape Town in South Africa took first place in the Student Cluster Competition.

From ACM TechNews

Synthesizing Natural Products With a Computational Step Saver

Synthesizing Natural Products With a Computational Step Saver

Yale University researchers have reduced the number of steps needed to synthesize two natural anticancer products, using a strategy for computational analysis in organic chemistry.

From ACM News

Consumer Rating Algorithms Score Big with Businesses, Governments

Consumer Rating Algorithms Score Big with Businesses, Governments

Businesses, universities, and governments increasingly are turning to algorithms to make crucial decisions about how to treat customers and citizens.

From ACM News

Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch for Zero-day Flaw in the IE Browser

Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch for Zero-day Flaw in the IE Browser

CVE-2018-8653 must be patched manually for now.

From ACM News

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu

Last week at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the science team of NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission presented their first findings from the asteroid, Bennu. As expected, the spacecraft had uncovered evidence of…

From ACM TechNews

Israel's Tech Sector Faces Shortage of Workers

Israel's Tech Sector Faces Shortage of Workers

Israel is struggling to recruit workers to its technology sector.

From ACM TechNews

Sydney Motorists ­sing Mobile Phones Will Be Snapped in Camera Trial

Sydney Motorists ­sing Mobile Phones Will Be Snapped in Camera Trial

Drivers who illegally use mobile phones while driving will have their pictures taken along several motorways in Sydney, Australia, in a pilot of new high-tech cameras.

From ACM TechNews

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime

A new study found that people with low self-control are more susceptible to malware attacks.

From ACM TechNews

Nurse Robot Moxi Gets Schooled by Texas Nurses

Nurse Robot Moxi Gets Schooled by Texas Nurses

A robot designed to test collaborative automation integration in a working medical facility recently concluded its first real-world trial in a Texas hospital.

From ACM TechNews

Brazil Could Save More Species at Half the Cost With New Forest Restoration Plan

Brazil Could Save More Species at Half the Cost With New Forest Restoration Plan

An international research team developed customized software to determine the best strategy for Brazilian reforestation efforts.

From ACM TechNews

Computers Determine States of Consciousness

Computers Determine States of Consciousness

A new algorithm can distinguish between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and a minimally conscious state through the use of  electroencephalographic brainwave recordings.

From ACM TechNews

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why

Indiana University researchers estimated that half of all people pursuing STEM careers at higher-education institutions leave the field after only five years.


From ACM TechNews

AI Has Some Explaining to Do

AI Has Some Explaining to Do

Software makers offer more transparent machine-learning tools—but there's a trade-off.

From ACM TechNews

This Graduate School Helped Make New York Appealing to Amazon

This Graduate School Helped Make New York Appealing to Amazon

Cornell Tech's reputation for producing skilled technology graduates played a decisive role in Amazon's decision to build its new headquarters in New York City.

From ACM News

Taking the Reins of AI

Taking the Reins of AI

A new report calls for the U.S. government to watch, encourage, and regulate (where necessary) artificial intelligence.


From ACM News

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale

MIT researchers have invented a way to fabricate nanoscale 3-D objects of nearly any shape. They can also pattern the objects with a variety of useful materials, including metals, quantum dots, and DNA.

From ACM News

Stewart Brand Announced as 2019 Paradigm Award Winner

Stewart Brand Announced as 2019 Paradigm Award Winner

The "Original Ecomodernist" to accept the award at the Breakthrough Dialogue event in June in Sausalito, CA.

From ACM News

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America

There's a meme on Instagram, circulated by a group called "Born Liberal." A fist holds a cluster of strings, reaching down into people with television sets for heads. The text declares: "The People Believe What the Media Tells…

From ACM News

NASA's Juno Mission Halfway to Jupiter Science

NASA's Juno Mission Halfway to Jupiter Science

On Dec. 21, at 8:49:48 a.m. PST (11:49:48 a.m. EST) NASA's Juno spacecraft will be 3,140 miles (5,053 kilometers) above Jupiter's cloud tops and hurtling by at a healthy clip of 128,802 mph (207,287 kilometers per hour).

From ACM News

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI

What's the best type of device from which to build a neural network? Of course, it should be fast, small, consume little power, have the ability to reliably store many bits-worth of information.

From ACM TechNews

STEM Toys Promise to Turn Kids Into Tech Geniuses. Grown-Up Coders Are Skeptical

STEM Toys Promise to Turn Kids Into Tech Geniuses. Grown-Up Coders Are Skeptical

Some programmers are doubtful that toys promising to imbue young minds with science, technology, engineering, and math skills can deliver on that promise.

From ACM TechNews

Taiwan's Rice Farmers ­se Big Data to Cope With Climate Change

Taiwan's Rice Farmers ­se Big Data to Cope With Climate Change

Taiwanese rice growers are using big data as a part of a pilot project to ensure the resilience of crop production in the face of climate change.

From ACM TechNews

Data ­se Draining Your Battery? Tiny Device to Speed up Memory While Also Saving Power

Data ­se Draining Your Battery? Tiny Device to Speed up Memory While Also Saving Power

A memory cell with multiple layers of two-dimensional material stacks has the potential to be faster and more reliable than other materials.

From ACM TechNews

Ingestible Capsule Can Be Controlled Wirelessly

Ingestible Capsule Can Be Controlled Wirelessly

A new ingestible capsule can be customized to dispatch drugs, sense environmental conditions, or both, and can remain in the stomach for at least a month.

From ACM TechNews

How Sony's 'Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse' ­ses AR to Put a New Spin on a Beloved Superhero

How Sony's 'Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse' ­ses AR to Put a New Spin on a Beloved Superhero

Sony has enhanced the new animated film "Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse" to break new ground with augmented reality technology.

From ACM TechNews

This Artist Is ­sing AI to Paint With His Mind

This Artist Is ­sing AI to Paint With His Mind

Roboticist Alexander Reben uses artificial intelligence to create works of art.

From ACM News

The Yoda of Silicon Valley

The Yoda of Silicon Valley

Donald Knuth, recipient of the ACM A.M. Turing Award for 1974, reflects on 50 years of his opus-in-progress, "The Art of Computer Programming."

From ACM News

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry

Amazon has casually unveiled what could turn into a fundamentally different way to build software.