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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

January 2019

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Attacking Cryptographic Key Exchange with Precomputation

"Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice," by David Adrian et al., illustrates the importance of taking preprocessing attacks into account when choosing cryptographic parameters.

From Communications of the ACM

Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice

Imperfect Forward Secrecy

We investigate the security of Diffie-Hellman key exchange as used in popular Internet protocols and find it to be less secure than widely believed.

From Communications of the ACM

Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos


Face2Face is an approach for real-time facial reenactment of a monocular target video sequence (e.g., Youtube video). Our goal is to animate the facial expressions of the target video by a source actor and re-render the manipulated…

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Photorealistic Facial Digitization and Manipulation

If facial performance capture is possible for conventional RGB videos in real time, then believable facial expressions can be transferred effortlessly from one person to another in a live-action scenario. This capability is demonstrated…