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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

August 2021

From Communications of the ACM

Optimal Auctions Through Deep Learning

Optimal Auctions Through Deep Learning

We overview recent research results that show how tools from deep learning are shaping up to become a powerful tool for the automated design of near-optimal auctions.

From Communications of the ACM

eBP: An Ear-Worn Device for Frequent and Comfortable Blood Pressure Monitoring


We developed eBP to measure blood pressure from inside a user's ear aiming to minimize the measurement's impact on normal activities while maximizing its comfort level.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: eBP Rides the Third Wave of Mobile Health

Technical Perspective: eBP Rides the Third Wave of Mobile Health

The automated blood pressure wearable system described in "eBP," by Nam Bui et al., is a sterling example of the third wave of mobile health tech to fill the preventative care gap.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: The Quest for Optimal Multi-Item Auctions

Technical Perspective: The Quest for Optimal Multi-Item Auctions

"Optimal Auctions Through Deep Learning," by Paul Dütting et al., contributes a very interesting and forward-looking new take on the optimal multi-item mechanism computational challenge, initiating the use of deep learning for…